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Discussion - Very slow zoning on Test (1 Viewer)

Aug 18, 2020
Hi All,

Anyone else encountering real slow zoning times on Test ?

When my team enters a new zone it can take very long (10+ mins) to zone. I've restarted my laptop and tried with MQNext and / or AV not running. I'm mainly trying TBL and RoS zones.

I seem to have better luck if I zone one toon at a time but I'm having to reboot and restart everything as sometimes my laptop hits 100% CPU and really slows down.
sounds related to the dx11 incredibly high memory usage

might be worth trying to zone 1 at a time
Update from my perspective. Running Restless Assault on Test. I loaded my toons and started the grind. Left to use the washroom and take care of elf on the shelf because everyone is asleep, and I drew the short straw. My SK loaded but everyone else was stuck in limbo. After over 2o minutes I came back, and they all were stuck loading. no progress. I was able to get them all to load by activating (clicking on) each perspective window...
Noticed this and can add my experience. I have only zoned in the new expansion, seems worst going into the Pal'Lomen mission. Zoning into that mission will create a bug where it looks like my group has disbanded, and won't let me reinvite until I disband one of them. It seems worst with the full 6 box, and seems only just a little slow with just one character. Another thing to note is that while they are loading any webpages I load will take longer to load, any other online games will stutter and when I was streaming twitch it crashed, watching youtube it just stops buffering.
Thanks @woobs , I've switched off my laptop's nvidia gpu (RTX 3050 TI) so that EQ now uses the onboard Ryzen 5 gpu. Zoning times are much better and I can actually use port the entire group and not have to wait 10+ mins for zoning to complete.

update.... the ryzen gpu runs at 100% when running 6 eq clients so performance is bareable but could be better. Will have a play with tweaking graphic settings
I tried to do some raiding today- but it was impossible. I gave up.
Trying to zone anymore than 6 toons was taking an hour to zone.

Hopefully they can fix it soon. They cant push it to live like this.......or can they?
Others are reporting that it may NOT be only NVIDIA. But at least the Devs are aware and working on it.

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Discussion - Very slow zoning on Test

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