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Guide - Using MQ2AutoLogin's Modern Secure Profiles With ISBoxer (1 Viewer)

Oct 4, 2019
drwhomphd submitted a new resource:

Using MQ2AutoLogin's Modern Secure Profiles With ISBoxer - A guide to explain how to setup autologin's modern profile system with ISBoxer

NOTE: @r1pt1de originated this process -- I'm just documenting for posterity

Following these two guides prior to this one:
  1. https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/multiboxing-everquest-the-red-guide-videos.1603/
  2. https://isboxer.com/wiki/EQ1:Quick_Start_Guide
By this point you should have a basic EQ setup that will autologin via MQ2 and at least start via ISBoxer. ISBoxer at this point...

Read more about this resource...
there is a mystery here i cannot solve. launching via MQ i can get into my stuff no issues. launching via ISBOXer with profiles for the toon setup per docs. i can't figure out how to get ISBOXER to use the MQ2 profiles. my /login:whatgoeshere:tooname doesn't do anything but screw up and add random shit to the username. any suggestions?
there is a mystery here i cannot solve. launching via MQ i can get into my stuff no issues. launching via ISBOXer with profiles for the toon setup per docs. i can't figure out how to get ISBOXER to use the MQ2 profiles. my /login:whatgoeshere:tooname doesn't do anything but screw up and add random shit to the username. any suggestions?
this is a forever pain in the ass with isboxer ---

2 things
1st - in your mq2autologin.ini you need to make sure usemq2login is0 and usestationnamesinsteadofsessions is 1
2nd - I've had the information just straight get borked, and i've had to re-add the login to mq2autologin

# Must be disabled.
# NOTE: The following line is optional, as it defaults to off.  However, it cannot be set to 1 to use sessions.
there is a mystery here i cannot solve. launching via MQ i can get into my stuff no issues. launching via ISBOXer with profiles for the toon setup per docs. i can't figure out how to get ISBOXER to use the MQ2 profiles. my /login:whatgoeshere:tooname doesn't do anything but screw up and add random shit to the username. any suggestions?

You can follow @Sic's approach as well (be clear it's not compatible or the same method as my guide). This will not work if you have multiple characters on the same account but isn't as tedious to setup.

My guess is the parameters typed in for your isboxer profile config are incorrect as the whole process is really touchy about the exact format in the guide and no typos. Toss me a screenshot similar to the ones in the guide for isboxer sometime and happy to help debug that way (so you can anonymize).
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in isboxer, can you possible help me understand the "main executuable paremeters: i have : patchme /login:live_servername:toonname.... what is the live_servername refer to?
'live' should be replaced with the profile name in your autologin config
'servername' should be replaced with the shortname of your server that in your autologin config
'toonname' needs to be replaced with the character name associated with that isboxer profile. You then create an isboxer profile for each character.

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Yes, i believe it is, but i am missing something basic.

how does
MQ2Autologon Profile:

relate to the profile in ISBoxer
Thanks so much for putting this together for posterity. It's great to be able to combine the features of Innerspace (mainly virtualized files) with the security of passwords that aren't stored in plaintext.

If you want to save yourself some time and effort clicking you can bypass steps 1-5 by opening C:\Innerspace\GameConfiguration.XML and looking for this codeblock:

            <Set Name="EverQuest Default Profile" GUID="XXXXXXXXX">
                <Setting Name="Game">EverQuest</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Executable">eqgame.exe</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Parameters">patchme</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Path">C:\Games\EverQuest</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Kill Before Launch">NULL</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Preload Executable" />
                <Setting Name="Preload Parameters" />
                <Setting Name="Preload Path" />
                <Setting Name="Force Monitor">Application Controlled</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Loader">-1</Setting>
                <Set Name="Pre-Startup Sequence" GUID="XXXXXXXXX">

Paste the following as many times as you need it directly below the above section :
            <Set Name="Character">
                <Setting Name="Executable">eqgame.exe</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Parameters">patchme /login:charsetname_server:</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Path">C:\Games\EverQuest</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Loader">-1</Setting>

The GUID will self populate the next time you open Innerspace.
For example, if your character set is named MainGroup, you're playing on Emerald Dream, and your character name is Notaddictedredguides, you would paste this:
            <Set Name="Notaddictedredguides">
                <Setting Name="Executable">eqgame.exe</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Parameters">patchme /login:maingroup_emeralddream:notaddictedredguides</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Path">C:\Games\EverQuest</Setting>
                <Setting Name="Loader">-1</Setting>

If your characters are already imported into ISBoxer you can open ISBoxerToolkitProfile.XML, Ctrl+F for <GameProfile> and replace EverQuest Default Profile with the appropriate character name for each entry. Character names seem to always be two rows above this line. It was fairly easy to complete and much less frustrating than interacting with the either the Innerspace console or the ISBoxer Toolkit to achieve the same end result.

Should you need assistance with any of the above please feel free to find me on Discord. I'm always happy to help empower others because we're all learning together. United we stand.
New guy here -- getting my feet wet. If you have a character in multiple profiles, then does it require multiple ISBoxer profiles? It kind of sounds like it, so it would be helpful to include profile, server name when naming these things.
Im setup like Landon's but when the games launch it says autologin status, autologin is inactive and I have to select the profile. Anyone else have this issue?
This stopped working today after the patch. Auto-login is fine if you do it from MQ or manually start EQ on your own. I will try again tomorrow and see what happens. Very odd.
This stopped working today after the patch. Auto-login is fine if you do it from MQ or manually start EQ on your own. I will try again tomorrow and see what happens. Very odd.
i use isboxer and mq2autologin with great success.

got like 24 toons in without any hiccups

are you sure you updated mq and eq?
i use isboxer and mq2autologin with great success.

got like 24 toons in without any hiccups

are you sure you updated mq and eq?
Yea, it was working great for months.. for whatever reason is stopped after everything, including MQ, was updated. Inner Space randomly causes issues for me. There were automated crash reports sent a few weeks back for something.

I saw a 2nd MQ update was pushed out about 10 hours ago. Loaded it and rebooted the computer. So far everything is working with Inner Space. 🍻
Can someone explain how to get the profile section to work? When I click the dropdown for Everquest it opens up the game configuration window it doesn't allow me to create a game profile under everquest so when I go into IS boxer it doesn't show up as a profile I can attach to my character.

I really want to use is boxer but man this fucking program requires a degree in rocket appliances to figure out.

I am retarded. I figured it out. If anyone else reads this and is having issues there are two drop down menus. The top one sets the EQ profile and then you can setup character specific profiles with the second dropdown.
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Guide - Using MQ2AutoLogin's Modern Secure Profiles With ISBoxer

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