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Strategy - Useful Hotkey Ideas (1 Viewer)

Jul 1, 2015
Hey Guys,

I was wondering what useful hotkeys you guys use for running your groups. I like to drive my warrior and I want to spend less time swapping between windows to press buttons and I want more ideas!

I have the normal hotkeys like follow me, chase on, chase off, a hotkey to turn everyones kiss or auto whatever on from my warrior. An invite everyone button and a move to me and mqp all / end all.

But i've also started to make hotkeys like

Invis group which is /bct castername //alt act 1210
Lev group /bct castername //alt act 1666
Teleport bind /bct castername //alt act 456
teleport guild hall anchor /bct castername //alt act 839
move to me /bcg //moveto loc ${Me.Y} ${Me.X}

Any ideas would help me tons!
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OMG i like the //makemevisible thats great

Here's a new one for me today

Click fellowship for whole group (is there a wayto do this without opening my bags like can you just /fellowshipport or somehting)
/bcga //keypress OPEN_INV_BAGS
/bcga //shift /itemnotify $\{FindItem[=Fellowship Registration Insignia].InvSlot} rightmouseup

Another question, is there alias support to make aliases for our own commands?
OMG i like the //makemevisible thats great

Here's a new one for me today

Click fellowship for whole group (is there a wayto do this without opening my bags like can you just /fellowshipport or somehting)
/bcga //keypress OPEN_INV_BAGS
/bcga //shift /itemnotify $\{FindItem[=Fellowship Registration Insignia].InvSlot} rightmouseup

Another question, is there alias support to make aliases for our own commands?

/itemnotify "${FindItem[=Fellowship Registration Insignia]}" rightmouseup

the \ to escape $ in ${Finditem does not work with /bcga

you can create alias's in macroquest.ini then /bcga //aliasname


Rich (BB code):
/clickfellowship=/itemnotify "${FindItem[=Fellowship Registration Insignia]}" rightmouseup

/bcga //clickfellowship
oh but the escape did work in my bcga, that hot button had my whole group use their clicky.

I'm out of thanks's though but that alias will be super helpful! I need to make one for my tbm mirror
you could also cast it as an item, as in

Rich (BB code):
/bcaa //casting "Fellowship Registration Insignia" item

or put in a sub in your macro like

Rich (BB code):
		/if (${ChatText.Find[go to campfire]}) /call GoToCampfire
		/if (${ChatText.Find[campfire click]}) /call GoToCampfire

Sub GoToCampfire
	/if (!${RDPause} && !${Me.Invis}) /call Cast "Fellowship Registration Insignia" item
	/call AnnounceMessage "${ChatChannel}"  1 g "Clicking campfire port!"
You might find some use out of an ingame macro (hotbutton) like

Rich (BB code):
/pause 010, /bcaa //doortarget
/bcaa //click left door

for those times when AdvPath just doesn't want to click the door right, or you manually ran the group to one
For invis group you should do invis to undead as well in the same hotkey. Most of the time both hit at the same time making you invisible to both. Just two lines. I'm playing TLP right now so I forget who gets group invis to undead, but I think it's cleric, SK and necro?
For invis group you should do invis to undead as well in the same hotkey. Most of the time both hit at the same time making you invisible to both. Just two lines. I'm playing TLP right now so I forget who gets group invis to undead, but I think it's cleric, SK and necro?
all of the casters get it too I think I checked chanters and wizzies

IVu for cleric yes... shaman/dru no.

group IVU the same for AA, different for spells.

Invis is different spell and AA (druid/ranger use group camo, shaman is group silent presence, ect ect.)
You don't have to open the bags to click an item. I noticed your hot button opening the bag the item was in. I have my hot button setup for //casting "Fellowship of blah blah" and it works like a charm on every character.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
is there a way to get a group to click yes to the port stone in the guild hall? ive been looking around for awhile tonight and havent seen that, seen a mac for it but no hotkey
is there a way to get a group to click yes to the port stone in the guild hall? ive been looking around for awhile tonight and havent seen that, seen a mac for it but no hotkey
/nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
for quest window stuff
/nomodkey /notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
for the guildhall portal type ones
Just looking around for the Guild Hall Teleport window sending to all toons. Worked great using an extra /
/bcaa //notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
Using EQBCS I find these commands helpful.

Make all toons keypress the - key , use for the gate or throne hokey
/bca //makemevisible /pause 5 /bcaa //keypress-
Door click
/bcaa //doortarget /pause 3 /bcaa //click left door
Pause toons and stick to follow
/bca //mqp on /pause 1 /bca //tar toon_to_follow /pause 1 /bca //stick 10
Resume and stop following stick off
/bca //stick off /pause 1 /bca //mqp off
All toons to accept guild teleport
/bcaa //notify largedialogwindow LDW_YesButton leftmouseup
All toons to accept adventure
/bcaa //notify AdventureRequestWnd AdvRqst_RequestButton leftmouseup
All toons camp out
/bcaa //end /pause 5 /bcaa //camp
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Does anyone have any hotkeys that they use when multi-boxing massive number of toons?

I recently started boxing a third group - Using KA on some, MQ2WAR, MQ2ROGUE,MQ2BERZERKER on others and honestly sometimes it is like herding cats.

I would love to see a "Raid Helper" plugin that put all of these fantastic hotkeys and raid event triggers onto one window (Sort of like a SHOW Window in @CWTN 's plugin)
Does anyone have any hotkeys that they use when multi-boxing massive number of toons?

I recently started boxing a third group - Using KA on some, MQ2WAR, MQ2ROGUE,MQ2BERZERKER on others and honestly sometimes it is like herding cats.

I would love to see a "Raid Helper" plugin that put all of these fantastic hotkeys and raid event triggers onto one window (Sort of like a SHOW Window in @CWTN 's plugin)
I have a resource where i keep some of my keys - you can see my camp on camp off and pause unpause hotkeys there >> Sic's Hotkeys <<

Hotkeys I use with my CWTN/Kiss team
Campoff Key
/bcga //returntocamp 0
/noparse /bcga //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} mode 0
/noparse /bcga //if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[CLR]}) /dismount

CampOn Key (this one you will want to edit for your "driver toon" as you can see either war mode 7 or shd mode 7 is normally what i have, as well as a resetcamp for the driver as well. this will ensure when i hit my CampOn button that my driver resets their camp (since resetting your mode while in your mode doesn't, unless you cycle to 0 and then back).
/bcga //camphere on
/war mode 7 or /shd mode 7
/noparse /bcg //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} mode 1
/war resetcamp or /shd resetcamp

Burn Now Key
/bcga //burn
/noparse /bcaa /docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} burnnow

Chase Key
/noparse /bcg //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} mode 2
/bcg //chaseon

/noparse /bcg //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} switchwithma on

/bcga //mqp on
/noparse /bcga //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} pause on

bcga //mqp off
/bcga //stick off
/noparse /bcga //docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} pause off
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Strategy - Useful Hotkey Ideas

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