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Problem - Unreachable Collectable (Ground) Spawns (1 Viewer)

Jun 13, 2016
Inevitably this's been discussed ad nauseam but didn't see a specific thread.

I'm blocked in Timorous Falls by a bad, unreachable ground spawn spot.

Have seen this in the past but normally just wait for a patch and try again.
Is that the only options here; wait for a pick or patch?

I haven't seen TF with enough pop to generate a /pick yet.
How 'unreachable'? It's close-by but you just can't target it? I have a key-bind that I use for the shinies so I don't have to actually target them (but you still need to be near them):

/invoke ${Ground.Search[Glowing Globe].Grab}
How 'unreachable'? It's close-by but you just can't target it? I have a key-bind that I use for the shinies so I don't have to actually target them (but you still need to be near them):

/invoke ${Ground.Search[Glowing Globe].Grab}
"Hah" - not even close in this case:

Known bug, DBG will get to it when they get to it. Good times. These are spawning under the world.
Thanks. Assumed there was no options but making sure. Don't like to complain but really seems easy for the devs/designers to check spawn spots for "In world" or not.
The latest update said they fixed unreachable collectables in this zone specifically so I think its fixed but I haven't gone to check yet.
Problem - Unreachable Collectable (Ground) Spawns

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