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Question - Transfer chat out put (1 Viewer)

Dec 13, 2022
After the patch and much fiddling around, I'm crash free, have the ImGuis working and setup nicely, the UIs on my toons all placed where I want them, and am running smoothly.

Except one thing. The chat out puts seem to have reset which leads me to a question; is there a way without using /copylayout or the copy layout in the options menu to copy the chat out puts from one character to another? I have the same number of chat windows on each toon but different hotkey layouts and slightly different positions. So would like to arrange the chat output on one toon then copy that to the rest somehow. Since the new UI scaling seems broken the scroll menu for the chat filter is WAY too small for my geriatric eyes to see so it takes quite a bit of effort to get it set on just one toon. LOL

I've lookd in the UI_charactername_server. ini and the CharacterName_class_server.ini and I'm guessing what to copy / past is in there but ended up getting lost looking. Google led me down a rabbit hole of years old Redditt posts with no success.

Anyways, thanks in advance guys.

Just posting in case anyone else is curious-

i messed up when adjusting chat colors as I found those are saved in the eqclient.ini and I was trying to change those settings with more than one toon logged in. So just had to log in a single toon and set the chat colors to what I wanted.

As far as the chat output that’s in the UI_Charactername_Servername.ini under ChatManager and Chat #1 etc.

Was able to set all output on my driver toon then copy from 1st .ini to other .inis.

Doubt anyone will ever read this or need this info but here it is if yah are looking for it.

Question - Transfer chat out put

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