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Top WoW Mistakes (2 Viewers)

Feb 23, 2006
What do you think the biggest mistakes are that World of Warcraft has made in its 2+ year tenure in online gaming?

I'll start:

1) Making a PvP system that only rewards people who ignore their families and quit their jobs in order to get sub-par gear, and then changing it to so a 4 year old with ADD can be as decked as a Hardcore player in a matter of days.
I agree with Gaston, but, since I also want to add to this thread:

3) Making NPCs from your own faction, and other significant NPCs un-attackable. Auctioneers should die when I feel like they should :ohyeah:
7) Introducing pretty much nothing new that wasn't raid content for the first 2 years of the game -- coupled with:

8) Horrible, practically exponential, gear scaling at level 60, making a game that was marketed "for casuals" to be practically unplayable unless you were a raider willing to join a 60+ member guild.
2 - 6 are all legit.

the original #1, however, I see as such an amazing and beautiful generator of nerdrage that it might just lead up my list of things they did RIGHT.

i hereby replace it with the one truly unforgivable sin of wow.

1) Skinny Trolls. trolls are FAT dammit. the fatter the better. AND UGLY. ogod WHY IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE AN UGLIER DWARF GURL THAN TROLLETTE??!? rage spit grr.

of course, fixing #2 might help #1 as well, so maybe that would be the right place to start...
Communication between factions is definitely my greatest pet peeve. However:

9. Epic gear sets that you need to raid over and over to get and generally make everything besides those pieces obsolete... plus, they begin to make everyone look the same... which is when they add a higher set.
12*) only being able to spend 61 talent points! gief ghost points! ROFLMFAO

12) Removing LFG-channel and introducing the LFG-system.

*fake :doh:
13) Not firing the people that figured Horde and Alliance should be as balanced as possible thus making both lose their typical plusses and minusses by giving Horde paladins and Alliance shaman.

14) Not firing the people that came up with the Blood Elves as a Horde race. (Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet, again)
13) Not firing the people that figured Horde and Alliance should be as balanced as possible thus making both lose their typical plusses and minusses by giving Horde paladins and Alliance shaman.

14) Not firing the people that came up with the Blood Elves as a Horde race. (Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet, again)

QQ more IMO
15) Not fixing an armory and allowing the game to inform us that a level numbering 9 has been reached all the while permitting the armory to report for weeks that a level of 2 is all we are in possession of.
Making warlocks too weak.

OK, just kidding.

I would have to say the pathetic attempts at "world pvp"
oooooo im sitting in a tower getting honorz lol
Getting focus fired first means you're too STRONG to be left alive, not weak ;) And the only class that can really survive a focus fire of 5 on 1 is pally. So it's not really a survivability issue either. Especially when stam is a more viable stat for locks than any other casting class...

/hijack off

Not that it's something wrong with *the game*, but the south park WoW episode was probably the shittiest SP episode ever. And I blame Blizzard. It's more than obvious that in whatever deal they made with Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they forbade them to make the episode too negative against MMOs in exchange for using the game engine to make half the episode. I mean seriously... think about how over the top SP always goes. Then think about how fucked up some people are with MMOs... losing marriages, quitting jobs, killing people over items, playing so long you die of exhaustions... etc, etc. All they did in that episode was go "if you play a lot of WoW, you'll get pimply and fat." and that was the sole joke. Very lame. And again, I blame Blizz. And I blame Trey and Matt for selling out for that episode.
Myself and most my friends thought the episode was fucking hilarious.

All my friends thought it was pure shit... my South Park afficianado friends that is... Many of my guildmates thought it was hilarious, but those of us who have seen every ep of the show (and play WoW) thought it was crap. They just pulled ALL of their punches. There were SO many roads to go down to really say something meaningful, to make you think about what MMOs actually do to some people, and they didn't at all. It was kind of a letdown in our opinion. It'd be like if they did the ep where Cartman enters the special olympics and Jimmy takes steroids -- without having the baseball players come out at the end. Or the Butters episode where his Mom kills him and then they have OJ, the Benet-Ramsey parents and Garry Condit bitching about "some Puerto Rican guy" in there. It'd still be kinda funny... But without the real kick behind it that makes it South Park, and that's what they left out in the WoW ep.

They were like... "Oh, some people take games too seriously!" Ha-hah! and "When you sit in front of a computer all day, you get fat and greasy!" Ho-HO! Seriously. Anyone could come up with that drivel. South Park is so above that. They obviously sold out on the social commentary in order to get to use the game engine.

And no Lesson, not anymore. I quit about a month back. If you're looking to make a point about my knowledge of the game though, you should probably actually make it instead of just posing a semi-rhetorical question. At least give me a chance to elaborate or defend myself.

http://www.worldofming.com/?p=405 (link posted for the stats, not because I respect all of Ming's opinions all that much, cause I don't really)

I know, it sucks to get focus fired first all the time, I've played a healing/key support class in several MMOs, and healers are usually first to die. It happens. It can suck. But that's how it goes. And locks are obviously not underplayed in 5v5s, and if you have a good holy pally who's on top of his BoP, you should be alright anyways. Sad that you almost have to have a pally in every 5v5 team to really excel when there are 9 classes, but Pally's always have been overpowered PvP healers. 10 sec immunity > focus fire, and no other classes get it. And locks are one of the strongest 2v2 classes, so while it's unfortunate to have to make tradeoffs like that, at least they get to really shine somewhere.
I love it, keep em comin'.

5) Not allowing for communication with the opposite faction.

fyi, if i'm horde (and oh boy am i), and i type:

101 101 L t A A F (the spaces are important!)

alliance in the zone see

[Isobelle] yells: Zug Zug N l G G A

oh man, i'm going straight to hell... the I is actually a lowercase L, i think that's my favorite part.

now the font is some weird color... ugh... wtf

"WoW violation number Iso" will be revealed on wednesday. wait for it. it's good.
Removing LFG-channel and introducing the LFG-system.

Wha?! That's one of my real ones :P Global spam ftw.

But I'd have to say the biggest mistake made in wow was to restructure the game with tbc so much that in trying to make it hardcore they forced the entire guild structures to reform, therefore making getting started with endgame something only for the hardcore ...
Not that it's something wrong with *the game*, but the south park WoW episode was probably the shittiest SP episode ever. And I blame Blizzard. It's more than obvious that in whatever deal they made with Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they forbade them to make the episode too negative against MMOs in exchange for using the game engine to make half the episode. I mean seriously... think about how over the top SP always goes. Then think about how fucked up some people are with MMOs... losing marriages, quitting jobs, killing people over items, playing so long you die of exhaustions... etc, etc. All they did in that episode was go "if you play a lot of WoW, you'll get pimply and fat." and that was the sole joke. Very lame. And again, I blame Blizz. And I blame Trey and Matt for selling out for that episode.

Some of that is good and some it is bad. i thought that SP episode was rely funny to WoW fans but to regular SP fans who have never played WoW it was messed up. I still have people i know whove iv told i play WoW ask me all these weird questions about the sword of a thousand truths and the cartman thing with his mom(you know if you saw it)
fyi, if i'm horde (and oh boy am i), and i type:

101 101 L t A A F (the spaces are important!)

alliance in the zone see

[Isobelle] yells: Zug Zug N l G G A

oh man, i'm going straight to hell... the I is actually a lowercase L, i think that's my favorite part.

now the font is some weird color... ugh... wtf

"WoW violation number Iso" will be revealed on wednesday. wait for it. it's good.

Um is this real? I thought i heard this before, but then that it is false. If it is true, I might just start playing again.
Since most others have been mentioned:

Body types for different classes. My preist should not look like he can tear someone's head off bare handed.
My first MMO was SWG, followed by FFXI, and now WoW, so I really want some PvP with item loot and such like i hear of in EQ, but don't want to play EQ because it is old and dumb.
17) Making undead's unit-type humanoid.

18) LOLore

19) For a game as fundamentally simple as WoW, the content patches came (and still come) too slowly to maintain interest. As much money as this game was (is?) making, I don't see why they can't have a few teams working in parallel, so as to get a content patch produced every month. It wouldn't even be a loss, it's investing in your product.
WoW needs a Buddy/Sidekick system. Would be nice to get a friend to start playing and not have to wait on them to level up.

I still like the line "WoW is an MMO on training wheels"... very accurate.

There really isn't much of a way WoW could incorporate that in their system though.

I really liked the way SWG did it. Percent of damage done = percent of xp you get from the mob's total xp value. You could take a swarm of people out hunting the big baddies, and even with a noob or three thrown in, it didn't really hurt them much, and it didn't hurt the group. That was probably the best community-focused game I'll ever play in my life.

Too bad it had so many other shortcomings and then of course SOE royally fucked over the community when they wiped the slate without warning.
I really liked the way SWG did it. Percent of damage done = percent of xp you get from the mob's total xp value. You could take a swarm of people out hunting the big baddies, and even with a noob or three thrown in, it didn't really hurt them much, and it didn't hurt the group. That was probably the best community-focused game I'll ever play in my life.

Too bad it had so many other shortcomings and then of course SOE royally fucked over the community when they wiped the slate without warning.

I endorse this post and everything in it.
Top WoW Mistakes

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