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Discussion - The death of MQ2? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006

Hail, Fellow Norrathians!

We’d like to talk to you about how we’re delivering new adventures and new features into your worlds in both EQ and EQII.

We’ve listened to you on the forums, across social media, and face-to-face at our many events. There have been some common topics that come up about the things you like and don’t like with what we’ve been doing, and we’re using that information to customize our new direction.

Our approach so far:

· Up until now, we’ve been focusing on major content releases all year round in both games.
o Essentially we have planned four big updates a year, with one of those updates being super-sized as the expansion.
o Plus, bunches of little updates scattered throughout the year.

Your reaction to that approach:

· Mostly “meh”. The quarterly updates were high quality and cool, but not big enough to really feel expansion-ish. Plus, casual players often fell behind and felt disconnected from their friends.
· Generally negative on the consequence that had on expansion sizes. Because we were releasing large chunks of content quarterly, the expansion got compressed into a shorter time schedule, which meant that its features had to fit within a shorter cycle also. We were often able to create many, many hours of gameplay in those expansions, but that didn’t really substitute for the feeling of sheer zone quantity. (And zones take a loooong time to make, so they were a natural victim of the shorter expansion schedule.)
o NOTE: This was a “good intentions” change. Lots of content spread around the year seemed like a really good idea. It even seemed that it was at first as players got excited with the big pushes. The negatives didn’t start to show until we’d been doing it for a year or so.

So how are we fixing that? Basically, we’ve decided to release regular improvements every week, then every month we’ll push something cool to you. Beyond that, we’re focusing the rest of our efforts into making great expansions!

Here’s a bit more detail:

· What sorts of things will come out weekly?
o These will be things like straight-up feature refinements, holiday events, short adventures, or pretty much anything that doesn’t merit being in the expansion or being a big monthly highlight. But something of this sort comes every week.
· What sorts of things will you deliver monthly?
o Each month, we’re going to do something interesting and fun, like aging a cool existing dungeon up to end-game levels and itemization, or adding a series of quests for players to find and explore. Maybe even a new zone sweeper or random world event, or that sort of thing. Something new and fun to experience with friends and guildies.
· How will this impact the quality of the expansion?
o We’re putting a huge emphasis on how important the expansion pack is to you. The feedback on that has been almost universal. “Make Our Expansion Matter.” So that’s what we intend to do.
· Is SOE locked into this schedule? Do we mean EVERY week and EVERY month?
o Answer: Yes, we mean it. We’re going to work hard to make it happen regularly and dependably.

We like this new strategy as a whole. The EQ and EQII team Producers (Thom and Holly) have created detailed schedules of how the rhythm of this stuff will play out across the coming months. And my reaction, as a player of these games, is that it all sounds pretty fantastic.

Again, this doesn’t reduce the amount of content we’re delivering to you. The EQ and EQII dev teams are robust in size and are constantly overhauling tools so that higher quality content can be created in even less time, so we can deliver even more. They work tirelessly throughout the year making our Norraths better because we (the dev teams and SOE) all love these worlds.

But what do you think? Does this sound like fun to you too?

· Weekly and monthly improvements and adventures
· Major focus on the annual expansion content and story

Let us know! Thanks!

Dave Georgeson
Director of Development
EverQuest Franchise
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They probably won't be changing the executable that often, and if they do, it will be pretty minor. I imagine this would mean more of us would start stepping up and helping the actual MQ2 find structs on the weekly minor patch days (since a lot of us know how to do it -- for minor changes -- and are just lazy as hell ... and eqmule is FREAKING AWESOME!). I don't think this spells any kind of major catastrophe for the future of MQ2, though, and seems like we will get a lot more content to happily box away!
great a 5 hour patch every week .
i hate having one every month

Small price to pay to keep players entertained, really. The more stagnant the game(s) become, the less likely players want to play and/or stay Gold status. I for one think this could be an awesome change. Only time will tell though.
There will not be a 5 hr patch every week guys. The fact is they almost never really have to update the exe they can patch anything inside the exe basically without recompiling it something they switched to years ago. You ever notice how these hot fixes to fix raids, quest, etc do not update the exe ? In fact to change a zone all they need to do is bring it down and repop all the NPCs.

Perfect example is yesterday

*** Hotfix ***

• In the Heroic Adventure "Royal Access,” the bookcase within the parlor should now disappear when clicked.
• The ornate chest within the Heroic Adventure "Royal Access" should now contain either a key or a note when opened.
• The Heroic Adventure "Life After Death" will no longer become gated if you give Brother Estle more than 3 items of Bear Bile, Saplin Resin, or Sapling Charcoal.
• Player corpses in the Dead Hills raid "The Legacy of Bayle" should now collect near Adana Baxter if Bayle's troops regroup.

No new EXE.
right, but it could be 5 hours downtime without an exe change. Content patches almost never need exe changes, but anything with a mechanics modification will cause the exe to change. (or UI stuff, etc) So if we assume these will mostly be content patches, then mq2 will carry through patches without modification. However, that doesn't mean they won't take the servers down for 5 hours to do a content-only patch, if it's large or something stupid.
There will not be a 5 hr patch every week guys. The fact is they almost never really have to update the exe they can patch anything inside the exe basically without recompiling it something they switched to years ago. You ever notice how these hot fixes to fix raids, quest, etc do not update the exe ? In fact to change a zone all they need to do is bring it down and repop all the NPCs.

Perfect example is yesterday

No new EXE.

If there's no new exe we'd be fine, but until SOE says "no weekly patches" this is terrible for our community.
We are already working on solutions for worst case scenarios.

"Hope for the best plan for the worst."
Well, I for one would be happy to set up patchday again, I already have IDA installed on all my relevant computers. We should be able to get offsets pretty quickly, but if they change the structs every time, that would obviously take a bit longer...

I'll start archiving my exe's.
If there's no new exe we'd be fine, but until SOE says "no weekly patches" this is terrible for our community.

It would not be financially viable for them to do weekly patches.

Think about it for a minute. Every patch goes to QA before test server then its on the test server for a week before live if all goes well. For them to do this they would spend more time patching the game then actually working on content and bugs.

The process alone tells us weekly patches is not viable they lack the development team to pull it off let alone the QA team which by the way is the same team that test every SOE game so when they submit something to that team it can take them up to a week to get to it.

This is the very reason they streamlined the code to be able to add/remove/update content inside the game without a patch.
EQ2 does mostly weekly patches. There is one guy that does the primary updating for the base "hack" that most all other bots rely on. MQ2 with it's abundance of people who are coders, etc can probably have new DLL's out far, far faster than this guy. Basically if they change the exe on Tuesday, he works PST and you don't get a new download until well after midnight EST. MQ2 gets the DLL's out within ~3 hours of a patch.
Discussion - The death of MQ2?

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