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News - The Broken Mirror Expansion (1 Viewer)

Sounds like a 15 bucks expansion, not a 35 bucks one. And it sure does have the most expensive mount ever I think at 50 bucks for the mega edition.
I was a bit sad after watching the live stream, that it is really not 4 new zones... its 2 zones then you click a mirror to jump into the alternate version of the zone... hence the 4 new zones. Also Plane of Hate / Fear are the old versions that have been re-tuned. I guess that was too be expected with the limited resources... ***hands over money***

I'm still not about to quit EQ... I will go down with the ship!
Wow... I can't see myself evening buying the expansion. Maybe if I played on the TLP servers, I would consider buying the TLP pack, just for the 40 slot bag, but even then... It's just not worth it. The lack of content is just startling.
shrugs amount of content is fine with me. We don't know how much stuff is in the zones or how many missions/heroics yet. Even so it is $5 cheaper and all you do by not buying it is make the next expansion smaller.
There's people that complain about content that didn't even finish TDS, I've met lots of people in game that have not done all of the missions in COTF, people that didn't finish the main progression in tier 1 ROF. In the new expansion i'm sure I'll get more than 40 hours of content before I have all of the quests and this and that done. I pay more for AAA titles all the time with less content then even a small Everquest expansion.

They could go make 5 tiers of everything and put in a bunch of kill 50 of x to get y reward but people will just skip to the top tier and claim there wasn't lots of content either.
^^ Agree with the post above me. There is so much content out there and everyone skips and powerlevels till highest teir
There's people that complain about content that didn't even finish TDS, I've met lots of people in game that have not done all of the missions in COTF, people that didn't finish the main progression in tier 1 ROF. In the new expansion i'm sure I'll get more than 40 hours of content before I have all of the quests and this and that done. I pay more for AAA titles all the time with less content then even a small Everquest expansion.

They could go make 5 tiers of everything and put in a bunch of kill 50 of x to get y reward but people will just skip to the top tier and claim there wasn't lots of content either.

I think you're right... People care more about getting levels than getting progression done. Did anyone see if TBM will be progression like TDS? There is good and bad about that...

Good: Noobs don't get to the higher end zones so you're free to play with people who have painstakingly done the progression

Bad: I'm having to re-do progression with guildmates because they need help getting it done. Most of the time I have to choose between helping a mate, or doing my own achievements. Then I'm up in T3 zones letting amazing loot rot while I finish my hunter list, and the guild is just dreaming of the day they can get there. Plus... I hate Degmar. I don't want to help with that! haha

I'm not rushing to buy TBM even though I've done everything in TDS. But I think I'll preorder it on one account.
I don't mind it locked behind tiers I do mind they don't make it more boxer friendly like bad zone pathing, and I hate a group quest you have to loot a item on everytoon making it a 6 hr kill session for one mob waiting on it to respawn or whatever
not looking forwars to the new expansion ......... 2 reason .. just does not seem much for content..... and i have not even finished tds yet ..
News - The Broken Mirror Expansion

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