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Question - /stick and /face (1 Viewer)

One Cool Trick

Seasoned veteran member
Oct 12, 2015
/wave Community,

I am considering getting MQ2, but ONLY for the purposes of /face and/or /stick... from what I've read these still exist and my question is... can I macro ONLY /face without them having to /stick?

Then my follow up question would be, does /stick use /face from mob to mob or my tank (driver) while on the move... more importantly, does /stick use /face FIRST in the sequence of following my driver (tank) AFTER the group gets teleported, to avoid the "circle of death"? (i.e. Labs Mission mechanic)

I hope these two questions are clear.

Thanks in advance for any help in my decision to use MQ2 for my 6-box group!


TYVM! I really don't mind paying for the program since someone took the time to create it. That said, I have been using ISBoxer for years and I love the control it gives me over boxing 6 toons; HOWEVER, it (as far as I'm aware) doesn't allow me to /stick nor /face (which after reading Kaen01's URL, isn't supported as a macro line... so I will play with the /stick functions to see if I can manipulate the /face that I'm hoping to get from this program!

Kind regards,


Thanks! Honestly, I was looking for that explanation somewhere and never stumbled on it! TYVM!


While I appreciate the gifting, I am searching for the MQ2 download with your gifting and am having trouble locating it with search.

TYVM! I got it DL'd, last question to get me started... with the Very Vanilla DL, is there anything I need to do to make sure /face works appropriately without conflicting with other addons/macros/plugins?

Like I said, just experimenting with the very basic here to help facilitate smoother boxing...

Thanks in advance,


So I've been messing around with mq2, so far the things I am using, and truly wanted from it, are there... /stick /rootme (awesome!)... however, I am using ISBoxer as well because I enjoy the 'control' over my toons as well... that said, I have researched forums and 'google' to try and find an answer to this question (below)...

How do I cure my 'driver' 'tank' 'manual character' from 'stopping movement' randomly; for example, I am pressing and holding the W key to move forward and suddenly my 'manually played character, my tank, my driver' will just stop dead in his tracks. Unfortunately, this has happened enough to notice it and I don't have a remedy to fix it. Was hoping you guys have had some experience dealing with this because the material I have found to address the issue is not working.

Thanks in advance,

hmm i think this is an old bug with having flashon tells in the macroquest.ini

1. Find and open macroquest.ini.
2. Find these two lines in the [Default] Section
3. Set "BeepOnTells=1" if you want it to beep when you get a tell, else set it to 0
4. Set "FlashOnTells=1" to "FlashOnTells=0" to avoid it losing focus when running.
5. Save the file, and unload mq2 from any active clients
6. Reload mq2 on any active clients, and it should now be fixed.

TYVM! I really don't mind paying for the program since someone took the time to create it. That said, I have been using ISBoxer for years and I love the control it gives me over boxing 6 toons; HOWEVER, it (as far as I'm aware) doesn't allow me to /stick nor /face (which after reading Kaen01's URL, isn't supported as a macro line... so I will play with the /stick functions to see if I can manipulate the /face that I'm hoping to get from this program!

Kind regards,

Is boxer was the first program I used but honestly fell in love with MQ2 and haven’t looked back. I find it easier to control and edit to get to what I want plus learned a lot about classes I never used from using others .ini files and a lot from ihcmerc!
Question - /stick and /face

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