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Fabulous - Some EQ art to enjoy. (1 Viewer)

Nov 29, 2017
Was fooling around and did some AI stuff thats hopefully more In game look than a lot of the AI stuff normally does. Add if you wish. Love to see it, point is to try to make it look like EQ as much as possible though. I tried a few that could not or would not make a DarkElf with blue skin...just kept making pink toned. Grr... Got one to give me a nice Inky girl that 'looks' like EQ version. I like Vallejo style va-va-voom hot battle babes... but in-game EQ thats not how we look.....unless a nakey run... mmm.



Postleaf had an interesting image recently and made we want to try out Dall E. I have been trying to learn some Lua, so it was a nice break to try these out. Dall E was easy but not as configurable, or I did not use it as well, but anyways here you go. 2 versions.

Lord Nagafen,​

A great battle for a scale of the great Dragon bound and punished in human lands. But here, they are in HIS lair.


Thought I posted this before, I don;t see it in the thread, ah well. Here is an inkie.

A Wizard's Mission,​

An upset wizard and her mercenary companion embark on a journey to help friends in need..
Stopped working on this one awhile back. here it is. Not happy with the bridge.


Ever in search of his two brothers, they terrorize the Karanas.
I like to think about scenes that may be off the beaten path. Like maybe meeting this guy in a bar in kaladim. Imagine the stories!
he knows things.jpg

Or maybe just imagine the quest where that guy is drinking with this guy!

Designer (17).png
Post, are those Dall E? You've turned me onto a new tool. I like in general what it does, but am finding its faults and seeing where its best use is. My old way was not with Dall E and included Photoshop. Hope to do another soon. Like Doc said above, I would so enjoy a new engine with the original storytelling in place. I wonder if we ever get our wish, that would be a detraction from the charm of the 99 graphics or even the Luclin upgrade.
Post, are those Dall E? You've turned me onto a new tool. I like in general what it does, but am finding its faults and seeing where its best use is. My old way was not with Dall E and included Photoshop. Hope to do another soon. Like Doc said above, I would so enjoy a new engine with the original storytelling in place. I wonder if we ever get our wish, that would be a detraction from the charm of the 99 graphics or even the Luclin upgrade.
It's from Microsoft copilot, which uses dall e3 I believe.

It definitely has some limitations. For every 'decent' picture I'm able to get, I have 20+ abominations :xd:

I usually end up with a prompt that's about 40 words long to get what I want from it.

Fippy DarkPaw,​

The ever vigilant Fippy of clan DarkPaw, awaits his triumph over the people of Lord Bayle. His defeats make him a wiser , more dangerous opponent.
My work, and my inspiration.
Fabulous - Some EQ art to enjoy.

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