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so how many of you play wow? (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 15, 2006
i'm honestly fed up with farming Karazhan, and getting into SSC / TK only for the guild to fall apart over such gayness as "OMFG THEY REMOVED THE ATTUNEMENT FOR BT FUCK THIS GAME I QUIT GG BLIZZ MOM CAN YOU HEAT ME UP SOME MILK I NEED A NAP"

i'm considering making an honest to god <NotAddicted> guild somehwere. my tank is geared enough to MT gruul, and my rogue is equally geared. i also have a trashtastic resto druid that's stuck somewhere between "yeah i got some tier 4" and "yeah, that's a quest reward trinket i got when i dinged 61".

moving all my characters runs about 100$ each time i do it (which is getting to be frightfully often). i finally up and moved to an oceanic server to play in my timezone, but shit.... i'd really have no issues rerolling or whatever, or maybe just xferring one toon somewhere.

besides being a fruitcake fuck-stick on the website here, i have a really sexy raid leader voice, and am known to impress the ladies with insightful parallels drawn between michael jackson and foodstuffs (what do he and caviar have in common? they both come on little crackers!).plus each time one of us got banned, it would make an article unto itself!

any takers? anyone at all?
This sounds like a good idea when you think about it, but really the only person in your timezone on these forums is RJ
It doesn't matter -- you don't play with Ripperjack, Ripperjack plays with you.

It doesn't matter -- you don't play with Ripperjack, Ripperjack plays with you.


Hummm... TASTY!!

...and when I'm done with you I go and play with myself! :yeahok::

In all seriousness though I do have an active WoW account... that is running out in like 4 days, which I'm not going to renew, as the guild I'm with are too busy wanking over their level 70's to bother helping a lowbie like me ( 28th level blue goat girl virtual girlfriend... er, I mean shaman ).

So, as Runned would be relieved to hear, I'm going back to single player games where I can play with myself until my hands drop off and I'm blue in the face, and you all never have to deal with me again... aside from my rants about hating women who hate me, and kept me a virgin all these years.
Ok maybe I would play with him, only because listening him reassures me that even with all the shit going on in my life it could be much worse.

:ralph: :ripperjack: :freddy:
Ok maybe I would play with him, only because listening him reassures me that even with all the shit going on in my life it could be much worse.

Looks like I've found my calling in life... to serve as a warning to others.

Maybe I should approach Checkmate condoms to be their new poster boy. I can see the slogan now, "Use condoms like this, to avoid babies that grow up like him!"
What you should do is become acquainted with something called "elitism" and "little kids who like pvp".

I play on Gorefiend and it seems all our top PVPers are prepubescent or part of the fairly-new-to-having-dropped-testicals crowd.

I mean you like kids right? Teach them some English.

gogo 2k rating and everyone inspecting you in awe.

edit: Plus you have a druid, spec him resto get some pvp gear and if you play him right you can probably get 1850 on a 2s or 3s really easily.
I find it odd when people think players who excel in pvp and some times have the "lulz I pawn you" attitude are little kids. I'm one of those types and pushing 30, have a full time job, social life and a 6month old son :)

It has more to do with being anonymous and using the game as a release from real like pressure. As soon as I enter the game my maturity drops sharply.
i'm pretty much an asshole to anyone not on vent with me as well... my tolerance for the fellow player is pretty much lacking. depends on the mood i guess. i have very little patience for retards in trade demanding to be told aything that can be looked up on your own, for example... dunno... i probably come off as pretty lowbrow, for those that have't bothered to get to know me.
so yeah, i got in another SSC / TK guild this weekend, and have spent the last few days wondering why that was important before. i honestly think it would be more fun to have a guild full of retards that ran Onyxia with a naked tank, or trying to do Rag with rogues wearing plus healing leather and bandaging the raid.

there's so much of the game i never een got around to... naxx is being re-released in Lich King, but AQ40 and even the tail end of BWL are mysteries to me.

clearing alar, loot reaver, and solarion felt pretty anti-climactic last night... and even tanking the new 5 man on the PTR is just rehashes of "aready been done" strats... the first boss is another version of the final boss from SV, the next is a mini curator, followed by a 5mannable moroes... ugh.

i'd sell the account, but how do you determine the value of 8 zillion hours wasted on purple pixels? no matter how much i got, it wouldn't feel like enough, and then how would i come up with charming new things to complain about here at NA?

rock, meet hard place.
hmmm... the more i think on it, the naked tanking Ony thing would be fun. we could come up with new challenges each week... tank nef with a level 65 moonkin wearing only "of the healer" greens etc... that could actually be a pretty fun exercise, and would drum up publicity.
Why not, I would gladely join such a guild with my warlock.
SSC and TK is only reaction check on people, if you are good at listening and following your role in encounter, boss is easy. Maybe except Lady Vashj and Kael I guess, they are tricky.

But there is a catch, instead of going TK and SSC now mostly guilds are just farming kara / ZA / heroics for badges, to buy some nice gear with new patch and go BT / MH.
and then how would i come up with charming new things to complain about here at NA?

I don't seam to have that problem.

Anyway, it's time to call it...

Time of Death of my Warcraft account, full of 30 something characters with shitty greens... 26th February 2008.

So I'm out, and I an't ever coming back... for real this time... and I mean it! I know this because unlike the last 4 times I tried to quit ( gawd, this is sounding like I am trying to quit smoking or something ) I didn't have that gut wrenching knot of nausea I have now when I think about the grind that is ahead of me from my current level of 28'ish to 60+, where apparently everything is happy and gay.

Gay! I know what is gay... blizzard thinking I'm going to shell out another $15 per month, for what amounts to a single player game because the elitist bunch of fucktards, that is my guild, can't be bothered to throw me a bone now and then with my leveling because I'm not an uber l337 level 70 with tier [insert the latest carrot on a stick level here] gear.

So fuck it! Fuck all MMO's.. well until Conan is released anyway. ;) I was going to say Warhammer, but I know Isobelladona is still calming down from his last rant about Warhammer, so I won't go there. Besides, Put-It-In-A-Flaming-Blender-And-Throw-It-Off-The-White-Cliffs-Of-Doverhammer doesn't have the promise nudity and unbridled erect eNipple cybering action like Conan does, and even then I got to get the European version for that, because apparently America has a problem with uncovered ePussies. I guess its the Mormons again, who knows. :rolleyes:

Anywho, all that matters is that I'm out. I'm now playing The Witcher and enjoying computer gaming all over again. Rather than the mindless grind of kill creature to get faction/gold/phat lewt, I am actually now following a concept alien to MMO games... a, wait for it... STORY LINE!!! :eek: After that I might potter around with Oblivion or go through my "extended full featured demo" disk image collection and catch up on all those games that I never got to finish, as I was to busy playing that soul sucking, money pit called WoW on the false and foolish premise that I might be someone of importance on day in a proper raiding guild. :rolleyes:

Then come what May... well May 20 to be exact, it's time to strap on those erect loin cloths, grease up those eNipples, sharpen those noob ganking daggers and log into Conans World! CROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!
oooookay..... *backs away from Ripper* ...you go ahead and do that.... no, no need to come any closer..... I'll be right over..... *runs far away*

i think i may dig up the dowload details and just give my beta account to jack, because that would be an awesome month or so worth of posts.
i think i may dig up the dowload details and just give my beta account to jack, because that would be an awesome month or so worth of posts.

Well you can if you like, however I don't think that is necessary. My beta buddy, who forsake me to WoW when he got his Clone-O-Darkelf-Slutty-SourcererHammer beta key, has been showing me quite a lot of beta and to be honest, I can sum up my first impressions with the Groove Armada song, "If Everbody Looked the Same"... because they freaking do. I don't know what the FUCK those knob jockeys at Mythic were thinking with their so called "silhouetting" system, but it makes every look the freaking same!! That's one of the main things that pissed me off with WoW, is that no matter how hard you tried to look different, you always ended up looking like #123,236,084,323 night elf hunter running around in her undies, dancing on the Iron Forge mail box.

That's one thing I have to give City of Heroes/Villains. No matter how minding bendly, eye bleeding boring the grind was, you could ALWAYS make a character that looked unlike NOTHING ELSE ON THE SERVER! You were unique, so unless someone actively tried to copy you, or you are in your supergroup colours cybering your head... er, I mean... roleplaying the latest story arcs, you can be confident that your look is yours and nobody else.

Now, if blob-oh-dev Matt Miller can fuck off that stupid "outleveling" contacts thing and put in some real NEW content, not rehashing old missions ad-nauseam with the current "flashback" system :rolleyes:, then I might go back and play my nekkid, bone winged dominatrix bitch from hell... oh how I love that character. She makes me gooey on the inside, and in my pants when I get really excited :D... OK, OK I know, too much information. Geeze.
I picked up WoW again. I think my warrior is up to a badass level 38. I still can't bring myself to level my rogue past 60. Besides a bwl/aq40/naxx geared rogue might be fun in AV where 60 is the cap and everyone else is pimpin blue trash. It might be so much fun that I have been playing almost the entire incredibly long month of febtober and I haven't tried it once.

I can't really seem to get into WoW this round. It really just isn't as fun as it once was. I had more fun with my 2 month stint in EQ at least up to the point where I got sick of doing ultra-boring WoW-esque tasks for exciting augments. EQ is certainly not the game it used to be. It just seems like a craptastic version of WoW with a few minor annoyances now. I also hate the armor dying in EQ and every other game you can do it in. I liked the days when someone walked into a room and you knew they were sporting the John Holmes model of the epeen just because of the way their armor and weapons looked. EQ has been on the decline since luclin imo.

So the last few days, after acquiring a new job since my last job where I could play MMOs at work decided it was more important for the ownership to pick up a lil green by selling off the company and firing us poor innocent slobs, I haven't really been playing much of anything besides a lil ET:QW w/ RL buddies. I think the problem is I hate white people.
Sadly mven, most of the green items added in BC around the levels of 58-60 are equivalent to some BWL items.

So you won't be rocking hard due to 60 twinks running around in AV.
Well what do you call it if you hate people, but love computers? A computerist?

Now, now... don't go and say "Oh, your not going to loose your virginity with that attitude". Once upon a time I would have agreed with you, that is until I saw this...

Experts predict humans will have robot lovers by 2050

SCREW YOU FRIGID BI-ACHES!! I don't need YOU any more, now that I can get my over IRL Cyber lover! :D Women may have had declared that men are obsolete, well us men have just replaced YOU!
There is a huge difference between sticking your dangle in a flesh light and feeling the warm embrace of an animatronic woman.
when posting a youtube you should only use the unique id the movie have:

(here shown with red font)

So you should make it:

Rich (BB code):
[ yt]EjAoBKagWQA[ /yt]
(without spaces)

Rich (BB code):
[ yt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjAoBKagWQA[ /yt]

Like this:

Björk hates Denmark so I guess I have to hate her ?

- decker
I don't think 58-60 greens will really top my gear but I could be wrong. I have 6 pieces of tier 2, tier 2.5 chest, tier 3 gloves, helm and pants both have zg enchants (which I am sure I could improve upon), maexxna's fang, gm dirk, kiss of the spider, firemaw cloak, a few random gay necks, nozdormu(however you spell that) ring, dragonslayers signet, and a few other things I can swap in and out for good times. Not top of the line pre-expansion shit but decent. I just need to redo some enchants. Why would anyone take the time to farm better gear than that just to do AV? I'm sure there will be a few people who I have trouble with but for the most part I think the average person in AV will be cannon-fodder in 51-60.

Either way I think I am sticking with warrior for main. It's my 3rd warrior so far to get past 30ish (have a 55 human war and a 60 orc chick war who is so hot with her booty clapping) and they are probably my favorite class to play in a group. I liked my rogue a lot but a good war pretty much makes a group. That and for some reason though the census says otherwise there always seem to be like 1893278127321X as many rogues and hunters as there are warriors. Maybe all warriors are just lazy and solo a lot I dunno. Or maybe all of them just suck. After dealing with massive noobage on my EQ cleric I just want to get back to a class that can actually move a group along.
Iso, I'd totally join you, but alas, I've recently given up on WoW as I'm just bored from hours in SSC and TK. I still have my account running and I hop online to say hi to folk. I'm currently toying around with Tabula Rasa. It seems to pass the time.
so how many of you play wow?

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