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Question - SK/Pal/Mage (1 Viewer)

Jan 12, 2024
I'm thinking about going into a weird direction for one of my teams. I have this SK 112 that I really want to do something with, and now I have a Pally persona, boosted to 85, and I'm working up a young mage as well.

Are any of you using SK and Pally in same group and if so, what's your strategy. Would you do Mq2easkay set to tank, and MQ2Paladin set to assist tank? I would then work on getting the Mage to a groupable level, and then maybe add something else down the road, maybe a shaman too. The SK and Pally would be gold, anything else would be simply F2p accounts.

Love your thoughts on the unconventiall but maybe interesting SK/PAL
I’d go for it. Play the classes you enjoy and don’t worry about mix/max. Pally will be decent dps while ur lvling in tov/cov undead areas while sk can tank it. I’d def add a shaman for buffs n heals and a bard for cc.

Keep the mage if you really want to for the 5th and then prolly add a ranger or rogue for the last spot sooner or later.
SK, PAL, DRU, BST, MAG, BRD is a pretty fun group to do if you are trying new teams out. I ran this 2nd half of TOL exp.

You can pretty much have 4 tanks with this group lol
I'm thinking about going into a weird direction for one of my teams. I have this SK 112 that I really want to do something with, and now I have a Pally persona, boosted to 85, and I'm working up a young mage as well.

Are any of you using SK and Pally in same group and if so, what's your strategy. Would you do Mq2easkay set to tank, and MQ2Paladin set to assist tank? I would then work on getting the Mage to a groupable level, and then maybe add something else down the road, maybe a shaman too. The SK and Pally would be gold, anything else would be simply F2p accounts.

Love your thoughts on the unconventiall but maybe interesting SK/PAL
Hey, you have 2 tank class. I would pick pally or SK. Shaman or Cleric and then a bard or enchanter for CC. Rest u can full any dps class, for example u alrdy mage.
Not too big a deal to have 2 tanks. As long as they arent set as the a main tank in your eq group window, with cwtn they wont use most agro abilities. Your definitely missing out on some dps with the extra tank but not the end of the world.
Question - SK/Pal/Mage

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