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Simple bard-kite macro... (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 17, 2010
use this in addition to /twist (run songs, chants, heal song) and "/circle XX on" commands to achieve an AFK Kite-bot thingy...

Rich (BB code):
|| Make a hotkey placed in the 4 slot (hotkey number 4) and assign it to do "/target npc X" using the npc flag make sure you dont target a corpse... 
||for instance "/tar npc nop" in postorms kites the frogs all day long with "/circle 80 on" just make sure your circle is a clean one and you don't hit things.

Sub Main
   /if (${Target.Name.Equal[${Me.Name}]}) {
      /delay 10s
      /goto :startpoint
   /if (!${Target.ID}) /keypress "4"
   /if (${Target.Distance}>100) /keypress "4"
   /if (!${Target.LineOfSight}) /target clear
   /if (${Target.ID}) /delay 10s

   /if (${Me.PctHPs}<80) /call MedBreak
   /goto :startpoint

Sub MedBreak
   /delay 15s
   /if (${Me.PctHPs}<90 || ${Me.PctMana}<90) /goto :medloop
very good macro but tiny suggestion, on the med, use
Rich (BB code):
/circle pause
/sit on
then when it is done medding use
Rich (BB code):
/stand on
/circle resume
unless you can find some way to keep running and get mana at the same time (not sure how bards exactly work so i could be just over thinking this)
are you using just the dots, or are you using the nukes as well? personally, i would just keep it circling with the dots instead of any nukes, so you never have to med.

atleast thats how i did it with my bard
I am not using nukes, the reason for the med break and it NOT sitting or pausing circle is because on initial pull you might take some damage... for safety purposes you do not want to stop or sit down if this is triggered on pull... however; if at the end of the kite, you are still low on HP, it will not re-target a mob until you are above 90%... I called it a med loop cause that's what I am used to calling those... I would like some advice on how (if you miss a note, or are stunned/interrupted during the selo's cast) to re-sing it to make sure you do not loose run speed. This is the only bug I have so far... other then that it seems to be quite simple and I have not had any issues. (other then the run-song thing)

perhaps it should me renamed to "healing loop"
look up events and how to make them (not sure if you are aware of these but they are super usefull in your case)
then make a event that looks for the interupt line (not sure what this would be)
then set that event to recast the song if the event happens... VERY simple and works great...

on the other note, when naming functions and stuff... make sure the function is clear to everyone... also you have "|| ${Me.PctMana}<90" in there... thats why i thought you were trying to regen mana
the pctmana is in there for a later project... i intend to expand it to stop the DOTs if your too far below health and to let them wear off then use Fading memories AA ( the mana would be needed for that). I should have removed it, my fault again... doesn't hurt anything.
for those set a seperate trigger that will set ${UseFade} to false or any other varialble bool you use for dots and such. very good macro over all. i just got my compile for eqemu working finaly, but once i've got my compile complete i'll be sure to add your macro to my compile (if its done by then). if not, then throw me a pm when it is and i'll add it in... NA community loves macros... lol and bards are one of the hardest macros to do in my opionion... i don't see very many bard macros out...

i did try this macro out on my private server, using a bard that i quick leveled up, it was perfect for using in HoHonora and dulak, wasn't able to use it anywhere else since i didn't have time but with a few tweeks i'm pretty sure this would be a perfect macro for eqemu (your able to mass kite with eqemu btw just have to keep the distance close).
Simple bard-kite macro...

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