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Question - Rooted Mob for Archery/Throwing Skillups? (1 Viewer)

Colonel - USMC Retired

Well-known member
Jan 26, 2019
Anyone know any good places for a 120 to go to finish skilling up Archery and/or Throwing with a Mob that doesn't move? I know there are a few at lower levels, but wondered if anyone knows where I can go to finish up these skills on my toon.

duel someone in guild hall, have them stand in the regen pool and before duel starts just put on regens and heal over times and all sorts of stuff so they stay full health
This may sound dumb but I went to a zone that was easy for any char to tank set a tank (any tank) and just used ranged on the chars that needed skill ups. It doesnt take very long... and you will find monks and rangers and rogues all 'tank' lower level stuff pretty well.
Anyone know any good places for a 120 to go to finish skilling up Archery and/or Throwing with a Mob that doesn't move? I know there are a few at lower levels, but wondered if anyone knows where I can go to finish up these skills on my toon.

Not sure about good for leveling skill ups, but the dark magic tethers in 24th anniversary mission reetuk are permarooted.
You can skill up on other dummys besides your merc

I shot about 600 arrows at the dummy's with no skill-ups (/autofire). Maybe just poor luck, but at 120, I didn't get anything.
Question - Rooted Mob for Archery/Throwing Skillups?

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