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rofl got to see this (1 Viewer)


Feb 21, 2005
I was dickin around othernight when the head GM Buglex poped up in front of me see link for what happen

then not even 30 mins later i got this


I regret to inform you that your account has been suspended for using third party software to modify the EverQuest client. Your account will be inactive for 7 to 10 days pending review for banning.

Please be aware that repeated or serious violations of our rules can result in disciplinary action. If your account is unsuspended, further violations of our rules and/or policies may result in the banning of your account.

We always regret when this type of action is necessary. We ask that you please review our game policies, which are posted at http://help.station.sony.com/cgi-bin/soe.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=16204

If you have any questions about this action, please contact EQ Account Status at [email protected].


Jim Leko

GM Buglex

EverQuest Game Master

Sony Online Entertainment

[email protected]

Looking for answers? Try our online Knowledge Base! http://www.station.sony.com/kb

:) :D
send the jpg to sony as proof that you weren't running mq2?
edit: suspended, nevermind. didn't read it word for word.
siddin said:
send the jpg to sony as proof that you weren't running mq2?
edit: suspended, nevermind. didn't read it word for word.
just going to sit back 7 to 10 days then if thy dont give me the acounts back i will send the pic to them
I'm not sure I get this. How did he end up dying?

I presume you were at the keyboard. How did he know you were running MQ2 ?
datadog said:
I'm not sure I get this. How did he end up dying?

I presume you were at the keyboard. How did he know you were running MQ2 ?
wasnt running anything he just like to jump and pull his suspending stick out last time he baned my guild said someone was CoTh pepole at a raid witch we where whit a mag but he had to eat his words unbaned everyone for a free mo out of it Just from time to time he gets pms or he needs to get laid
Think only reason was he felt like a dumbass for talking shit then getting owned
stop bumping...no need for that...and even if you do think you should bump....wait at least a day
use this

lmao thats the same ass who was harassing me in ST about how i warped to the hall before FA and in fact that day i did not have MQ loaded cus my mage had warped down there a month in head of time =P and i just CoTH'd myself.
Acigaretteandsex said:
lmao thats the same ass who was harassing me in ST about how i warped to the hall before FA and in fact that day i did not have MQ loaded cus my mage had warped down there a month in head of time =P and i just CoTH'd myself.
You can selos train down just as easy lol :P
Bloodcell said:
These are not exactly forums about where to exp... =p
In other words, this is a cheat site. A site where you get MQ. At least that's what I understood that as.
Hotter said:
In other words, this is a cheat site. A site where you get MQ. At least that's what I understood that as.

well look at my 1st post. It shows you can get fucked by playing with out hacks . Shows how you can get called a hacker ect ect even if your not useing mq2 or anything . shows how pepole who dont have a clue how to use mq2 can draw attion to the matter. Do i use it? i did do i now? no

i was asking what the fuck to the exp part
Basically your name in a pic ... on a cheat site... would invite un due attention to yourself .. in the Game by GM's ...

they do come to this site... and check out the latest and greatest cracks hacks and exploits

thats what they were referring too


ps you will rarely if ever see anyone give their toons name on this site or any cheating site

I remember on SZ Jamlamin was PK'd by our raid in Ssra on Cursed. He removed GM invuln and attacked some people and got fucking destroyed. After that he summoned one of our cleric's corpses (with all of her gear on it) to random zones and whenever she would summon it he would move it to another zone. Just goes to show how GM's respond to sucking at life.
Me thinks they should make a week or so of Players Vs GM's. Gm's cannot use any Gm tools while getting attcked.

Uh ya right like that would ever happen...
What's to say that the MQ window isn't hiding behind that GIANT main chat window? and that main chat looks like it was cleared recently? Just a thought.
Hotter said:
In other words, this is a cheat site. A site where you get MQ. At least that's what I understood that as.
Lol. Someone has anger issues. My 2nd redcent:
back at ya dumb ass get a fucking clue before oping your mouth fag ass cum eating dick sucking asshole
Chill pill omg!
I still dont understand exactly what happened. Was this a duel? How did Buglex die? And why was he so pissed with you?
presto102 said:
wasnt running anything he just like to jump and pull his suspending stick out last time he baned my guild said someone was CoTh pepole at a raid witch we where whit a mag but he had to eat his words unbaned everyone for a free mo out of it Just from time to time he gets pms or he needs to get laid
Think only reason was he felt like a dumbass for talking shit then getting owned

See, I get that, but you didn't say anything at all about what happened in this particular situation.
PetahGriffin said:
I still dont understand exactly what happened. Was this a duel? How did Buglex die? And why was he so pissed with you?

Its a PvP area... and GM's have shit hp. Unless they are using NPC char buffs, which are rarely active when they are running on their GM form and never on for a non quest guide.

The only protection is the 2min DI ring.
rofl got to see this

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