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Problem - Ranger bug? (1 Viewer)

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Oct 27, 2018
Just went to fire up my ranger today and KISS assist would not start.

Error: spams WARNING: Undefined Variable CWTN used on line [email protected] /varset FileName1 ${IniFileName}

Macro Paused.

If I unpause it, I get this:

WARNING: Undefined Variable CWTN used on line [email protected] /call Loadini General IRCOn int 0


(I don't mess with kissassist or anything else. I only modify the config file for my ranger directly, but I haven't changed anything even in her config file in weeks so not sure what is up?)
its because of your boxhud, go read the section about the issue with cwtn, it has info on fixing it, but for now oyu need to reload the client with the ranger.
Problem - Ranger bug?
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