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Question - Posting new lua script, public or private? (2 Viewers)


Jan 16, 2014
As someone wanting to share a new script, what's the difference in posting it as a resource in public vs private for me? Are certain scripts just deemed too good to be public and moved to private (behind the level 2 wall)? Does it make a difference in how this 'RedCents' currency is earned?
It's just a personal preference. Public means more users will have access, private means less users but it helps support RedGuides.
I'm reading the resource rules guide at https://www.redguides.com/community/help/resourcerules/, and I'm a bit confused about how I should package this script for release here.

The resourcerules page tells me that a Lua script should be named 'init.Lua' and placed in a subdirectory. If the release of my script (which doesn't include images or the README.md file from my repo) is just a single Lua file, am I not allowed to just upload it as scriptname.Lua instead?
I'm reading the resource rules guide at https://www.redguides.com/community/help/resourcerules/, and I'm a bit confused about how I should package this script for release here.

The resourcerules page tells me that a Lua script should be named 'init.Lua' and placed in a subdirectory. If the release of my script (which doesn't include images or the README.md file from my repo) is just a single Lua file, am I not allowed to just upload it as scriptname.Lua instead?
In the guidelines linked I found "If your script packages more than 3 files, it must utilize a subfolder." which implies for me, that a single file ressource may be named scriptname.Lua as you wish.
Right, it's just the 'Lua Directory Structure' section immediately after that which caused confusion as to what the correct method was.

Thanks for the response. I'll release it as just the Lua script named as the script name itself instead of dealing with the whole subdirectory and init thing.
I post 99% of my stuff in private forums, this helps support the forum by getting people to sign up and contribute to the forum. Just my personal take on it. You have the choice to do it either way.

As for the folder, Personally I would name a folder the name of your script and make the script name init.Lua then zip the folder for upload. This is something easy and it helps keep the Lua folder organized better. Just another two cents here. lol
Question - Posting new lua script, public or private?

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