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Possible Account Bannings PLEASE READ (1 Viewer)

yeah man! feel my pain i lost my mains /sniffle lol
Both 1.5 epicd the hard way lol plenty of AA hehe
codecaster said:
Curb stomp.... ROFL!


Yeah.. you know...


That's the limit of my l33t art ski11z. But that should give the general idea.

:) :D :) :D :)
Yes I know exactly what it is... I just thought using it in this context was quite humorous. :D

codecaster said:
Yes I know exactly what it is... I just thought using it in this context was quite humorous. :D


It wasn't really a reply to you personally, wasn't sayin you were "ignernt" or anything. I just thought it was a killer opening for a crude representation.

I think it's time to form a curb stompin posse. :eek: :D
Well I'm on Legends atm and while my accounts were not banned, all of my transferred items via shared bank have been deleted.

I'll take that and walk away...
I was suspended today.

Regular suspension.

I did use the shared slot. I transferred a crappy earring from VT, and a solstice earring. I deleted my char later on though - all the junk on him was there so I wouldn't delete it anyways, needed for bankspace.

I've sent an email requesting the reasoning, they say 3rd party software. If they blame warping, I use wireless that lags out alot.

I haven't /zoned or /gated since dodh, and i haven't warped either. So, it's definately shared. If you got red msg, you're fucked, straight up.
About 2 weeks ago maybe?

I'm still in game, btw. I wasn't worldkicked. It's almost like they waited for when my EQ subscription was about to run out to suspend me. Works for me, I couldn't drop the bones on EQ for 2 weeks anyways. :p

They aren't doing character scans, because I deleted the character. They aren't doing backlog scans, because I'd be perma-banned for having a lvl1 iksar war who was CoA flagged... so one of three things happened.

1) The obvious - they log shared bank nodropmsgs. if you get red msg, it flags it, and mails them the items. They decide if you're doing bad things.

2) The not-so-obvious - My wireless sucks, and it could have been for warping.

3) The crazy - a very avid MQ user friend of mine paid for my account to use it while i was playing WoW. I heard SoE is banning by credit-cards... so... maybe they just traced it back to me and punished me for his wrongs?

I'll get my reply from the email shortly enough and have my answers. It is definately one of those three, though. Unequivically.
well fu^& least u just got suspended lol, I got totally banned 5 years no nothing on my account always paid in advance hehe. They cant be tracing CCards or my bard would be banned too hehe. Gotta be the shared im almost positive about it only thing I did that could have gotten me caught. Bard has gotten another 100 AA since my other toons got banned hehe.
F-ing sucks not being able to rez him when he dies. bleh
RipSki said:
omg that is such BS move me to legends and jsut delete my shit too!

Wow no shit.. Don't get me wrong, I am happy that you just got the stuff deleted and you weren't banned.. but damn. I guess money talks. Like we didn't know that already I guess.

Interesting info though. Guess we should all move to Legends.

OMgz0rz. That was their plan all along. Ban some accounts and force the mq2 community to step right up to legends. oh the whore-or. :eek:
have to agree on it being shared only.
I havent done a single shared transfer since the serverside messages started popping up (thanks whoever posted that when it first started happening), but I still /warp /gate /fade regularly and daily. Both of my accounts are fine.
Ive even gone so far as to /warp with a gm_admin in zone with no notice---I think the key with /warp stuff really is a little discretion and common sense.
Any of you pdople that got banned recieved a personal email yet?..instead the 'canned" auto reply for third party software.

Im asking as i still didnt get in touch with a person,the email's i recieved are the auto replys so far signed by eqaccountstatus.
africh75 said:
have to agree on it being shared only.
I havent done a single shared transfer since the serverside messages started popping up (thanks whoever posted that when it first started happening), but I still /warp /gate /fade regularly and daily. Both of my accounts are fine.
Ive even gone so far as to /warp with a gm_admin in zone with no notice---I think the key with /warp stuff really is a little discretion and common sense.

I must be really really lucky then. I used the shared bank slot crack once on 2 different accounts. I got the message about there being a no drop item in the shared bank slot both times (but the item wasn't even in there for 3 minutes...

By some miricle, I have not been banned on either account. It is my hope that A) Sony missed me completely and won't go back to double check, B) Sony saw it and forgave me (on both accounts) because I only did it once, or C) the crack version of the Shared bank slot somehow disabled or bypassed what ever flags Sony used to keep track of what was done (there's 2 different ways to do the shared bank slot crack out there).

On a more realistic note, it is more likely that my account has the flag for using the crack, and it's only a matter of time before a GM sees it on my account and bans me later. I think the information stays with your character forever, so if someone petitioned me or I petitioned for help at some point, the GM would see it then, and it would be game over for me (I hope I am wrong about that).

In a month or so I might try submitting a petition for something and see what happens. I am hoping that if I never use the shared bank crack again, that I will escape the ban stick. *crosses fingers*
Other Options...
D) SOE doesn't want to make a bunch of credit card refunds, so they're waiting to ban you until your next billing date as they "trickle" out the last of the bans.
E) Perhaps they are doing it on a per server basis, and just haven't gotten to yours yet.
F) They've decided only to ban a number of accounts to scare the rest back into line(aka, The RNG was kind to you, or you were on the "little fish" list, or they're only banning accounts that were marked as suspicious before all this started)
G) They're watching you now, to see what else they may be able to catch.

Welcome to "Conspiracy Theory 101."

Eat, drink, and make merry,
Kill, quest, and macro merrily, because tomorrow they banneth.
Well, they've already hit Bertox and I haven't been banned yet. A friend used MQ for 1 day and warped a few times, primary account banned. He hadn't touched it before the server patch. I've been using MQ myself for a while now and have yet to get banned doing the same stuff he did, probably a little more careful about it yet. I check my EQ account every hour or two at work to make sure I haven't been banned yet.
I have stopped using MQ though as of three days ago just for safety, may resume once the ban stick has broken for a bit.
im positive i'm pushing my luck here...

while trying to use piggyzone i get a red message telling me my homezone is unavailable and im being thrown out to character selection screen. no more mq2 plugin shit for me until I know what we have is safe again =)
F) They've decided only to ban a number of accounts to scare the rest back into line(aka, The RNG was kind to you, or you were on the "little fish" list, or they're only banning accounts that were marked as suspicious before all this started)

Would be my best guess. I've not used shared since the patch, but I used it in spite of the red message several times within the last month before the patch and my accounts are still a-ok.

Then again another possibility is that the red message does not leave a character flag per-say, but that they were collecting logs at specific times randomly chosen ... ie they were trolling certain blocks of time looking for shared offenses as well as other warp/gate stuffs and that those banned were simply those unlucky enough to have used it in those times.

I still won't stop using MQ in my normal ways, aside from shared docrack. I will probably hold off on shared for a while until more definitive answers are given on the subject, but I expect I'll be using that again too someday.

If they ban me at this point, it's probably all for the best. I've been needing to quit for a while now but have been unable. If they ban my main account for enjoying my 13 bucks a month then honestly fuck em. I'll take my business elsewhere and will immediately cancel/delete all of my eq subscriptions. If they don't want our money then so be it.

Personally I'm looking forwards to Verant's new Vanguard game anyways.
Yep. It's shared slot. It creates a log of each time that red msg goes up, where the item goes, from who, to who. No other history is being recorded. Not an 'offical' reply, but an old friend who still is in the GM program just replied to my email when I told him. He has no idea about gate, warp, or fade, but said anything that zones you is probably not a good idea since DoDH changes. Warp is as always, your discression. GM's are always lurking invis in zones, w/ maps like ours, watching for shit. They see it. They log it. They suspend us. :p Also, he thinks it may be by a list, NOT a per-server basis. So, you're not safe if they've busted all your friends.. you're probably next. :(

Anyone who moved DODH shit is insta-banned. Anyone who did it extremely lightly and for non twinking purposes was suspended. Anyone who did this before DoDH release is safe, and they shouldn't be character-scanning due to the imposibilites I mentioned earlier...

As per your friend who got banned for warping in 1 day, if he was smart, he would be on the phone with SoE. If you're going to warp, do it over short distances, feign ignorance from packet loss due to a "bad DSL sync" and they'll have to unsuspend you.
So basically even though we *CAN* still do it ... << /docrack shared on >> is now a highly trackable offense and is therefore "nerfed"?
So basically even though we *CAN* still do it ... << /docrack shared on >> is now a highly trackable offense and is therefore "nerfed"?

I wouldnt use it...least for quite a while.
After loosing a really uber char with tons of RL hours played i really lost interest in EQ as things are...Fair?...not Fair...who can say...least people that still play dont make same mistakes,id call "shared" crack a "No,No" .

EDIT:Atm nobody knows for fact what caused all the banning,we are all just making assumptions...the linking ring tho to all accounts banned is shared docrack.
seek&destroy said:
Anyone who moved DODH shit is insta-banned.

Nuh-uh. :D

I moved like 3 lvl 70 reward items to my 55 war I think, which I would consider "light", but hey... "Yeah, my war used to be lvl 70 when he got the gear, then I sacced him down to 55."

I'm already plotting my revenge for when they so much as touch my account. This shit's gonna be on the news. Keep an eye out so you can say "I know who did it!" when you se SoE HQ burning to the ground. :p

slstafford00 said:
I wouldnt use it...least for quite a while.
After loosing a really uber char with tons of RL hours played i really lost interest in EQ as things are...Fair?...not Fair...who can say...least people that still play dont make same mistakes,id call "shared" crack a "No,No" .

EDIT:Atm nobody knows for fact what caused all the banning,we are all just making assumptions...the linking ring tho to all accounts banned is shared docrack.
I had 400days on 1 of my toons that got banned keke :P about 380 of them were at the keyboard :P My afk bards didn't even have 100 days wtfux :P
delusion said:

im positive i'm pushing my luck here...

while trying to use piggyzone i get a red message telling me my homezone is unavailable and im being thrown out to character selection screen. no more mq2 plugin shit for me until I know what we have is safe again =)

You get that when the zone you are trying to zone into is not available...i sometimes get it when trying to zone into guild lobby...so please, don't stop using plugins because of this lol, its nothign to worry about
druid - 68 - 563 aa, created dec 2004, 63 days total, lol, used to be a trader mule, thats why so long of time

edit: i'm not banned, just thought it was the thing to do since ripski saw fit tto post about his bard lol - no ban yet, haven't used shared on any accnt since a few weeks before dodh, and i warp and zone like hell everyday with the afk taskmaster macro, and use /gate and /fade when doing mm's or reg grouping....btw, don't know if anyone noticed, but you cna use /fade in mm's....a side note: /fade couldn't be used in instanced zones , so is this now fixed to be able to be used in instanced? or mm's just not instanced? lol, don't wnat to crash and wait the 3 mins to be able to log back on after testing it in an instanced zone and finding out the answer :p
the red message you guys keep referring to is back when they message came up saying you have a item in shared bank slot correct so if i got that message you guys saying basically i will for sure be banned in the near future cause so far up to this point i havent been banned and havent used it since like the first of that message coming up
no, I got my mains banned the bard is still chuggin away should have 1k aa in a week and a half or so. =)
I just wanna max out his AAs then Im going legit! lol

Yeah I delete what ever you moved that way you can say it was a fluke hehe.
Pretty sure the red message was also tied in with dozens of people not being able to log in a while ago, because some tradeskill items before dodh were in shared banks, and flagged as no drop when dodh came out. At first these people couldn't even log in, then a few days later characters could log on, and we saw the red message. I know many on FV might not have been able to log on because of this. You can look for yourself, at the " Inaccessable characters??" post on the FV server boards, at everquest.com. I've personally used shared about 20+ times on 3 characters after dodh and none of them have been banned. Also aren't there people who haven't used the shared bank and are being banned? Time will tell.
Like I said in another thread, the toon that I had banned has only used one plugin...EVER and that was piggyzone one time when it first came out.. from Undershore to Bazaar at 3 in the morning.

The accounts where I have low level toons decked out in DOD gear and have used shared AT LEAST 50 - 60 times are fine and plugging away. Like I told the other guys in VB Chat.. I had my dummy account do 26 shared transfers since the bannings and even left a time key and unmolded qvic armor in the shared bank over a span of two days. No bannings, warnings, etc.

The only account I had banned was the one I leveled legitimately and it makes me wonder if he had some kind of flag from always being in beta (thus copied over to beta server) or because he was high profile (one of the top 5 shaman serverwide).

Point is.. we dont know whats causing the bannings.. maybe it is shared, maybe its something more devious, maybe its random.. im personally not going to stop doing the only thing that gives me enjoyment in this game out of fear that one of my lame-ass accounts left will get banned lol. I think these banning threads need to die off now lol.
Possible Account Bannings PLEASE READ

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