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News - Patch Notes 18 SEP 19 (1 Viewer)


Redneck Coder
Mar 13, 2019
*** Items ***

- Removed the stacking on 5 Dose Potion of the Bone Field and 10 Dose Potion of the Bone Field items. Changed Toy Eye Ball to one charge.
- Fixed a typo in the lore of Overgrowth Shears.
- Restored mana preservation to The Burning Lands evolving shoulders that include classes with mana.
- Consolidated the various mount blessings. In nearly all cases, the new buff is equal to or an improvement over the previous buff, with the exception of Mount Blessing Izah which has had its AC value reduced to be in line with the other mount blessings.

*** Quests And Events ***

- Guntrik's quests - Sven and Philicia Drinn are no longer merchants and can be killed.
- Strange Magic - Pets and mercenaries will no longer flee right after the first golem is defeated.
- Destroy Marnek's Wand - If a character who has handed in the wand loses their Suncrest Isle instance, the fisherman will offer a new instance.
- Gnome Memorial Mountain - Adjusted the risk vs reward for Heroic Adventures in GMM.

*** Spells ***

- Buffs that absorb hits (up to a maximum damage value) will no longer fully negate resistible spells. These buffs will continue to properly block the intended amount of damage from spell and melee attacks.
- Corrected an issue that allowed certain types of pets (Cleric hammers, Wizard swords, Magician runes, etc) to be hit by detrimental spells. They are now immune to all spells as intended.
- Bard - Added a target limit of 5 to the Denon's Desperate Dirge line of AE damage songs.
- Cleric - Sacred Word and Stun Command now have their target limit explicitly defined on the spell.
- Druid - The Heliacal Flare and Lunar Chill lines of targeted AE spells now have their target limit explicitly defined on the spell.
- Magician - Fixed an error that caused pets that used Fire Elemental Bolt I-VII to deal less damage when focused. Increased the power all ranks of Fire Elemental Bolt VI and VII.
- Magician - Corrected an error that made fire pets on Progression servers deal more damage than expected in Kunark, Velious, and Luclin eras.
- Wizard - Thunderbolt now has its target limit explicitly defined on the spell.

*** AA ***

- All - Refunded Identify as this ability is redundant now that item descriptions are displayed when inspecting items at level 50+.
- All - Fixed a typo in the description of Veteran's Enhancement that errantly stated the ability increased your worn mana regeneration cap rather than your worn health regeneration cap.
- Multiple - Renamed the non-pet class ability 'Pet Discipline' to 'Companion's Discipline' to be in line with the naming used for pet classes.
- Bard - Refunded all ranks of Steady Hands and increased the base pick lock skill cap for bards for levels 80+ by 40 points. The skill bonus was reduced from 60 points to correct a few level span where bards had a higher skill cap than rogues. The skill cap increase is being granted at level 80 rather than level 70 due to the ability initially releasing with Secrets of Faydwer.
- Bard - Capped the maximum number of opponents that can be hit by Vainglorious Shout to 6 and increased the endurance cost for all ranks of this ability by 50%.
- Bard - Granted the ability to use Double Riposte as Bards were the only class with the skill that did not have access to this ability.
- Bard - Refunded all ranks of Tune of Pursuance and increased the base tracking skill cap for Bards for levels 65 and 96-100+.
- Berserker - Refunded all ranks of Student of War and increased the base frenzy skill cap for Berserkers for levels 101+.
- Berserker - Refunded all ranks of Weapon Proficiency and increased the base weapon skill caps for Berserkers for levels 85-105+.
- Berserker - Renamed Cry of Battle to Mass Group Buff.
- Cleric - Removed the undead-only restriction from Repel the Wicked.
- Cleric - Fixed a typo in the description for all ranks of Channeling the Divine that stated the ability granted a 50% twincast chance rather than a 100% chance.
- Cleric - Shield of Reverence has been changed to a passive ability.
- Druid - Refunded all ranks of Advanced Tracking and increased the base tracking skill cap for Druids for levels 65+.
- Enchanter - Renamed the enchant metal abilities to include the quantity as a suffix rather than prefix. Ex: 'Mass Enchant Feymetal' is now titled 'Enchant Feymetal (x10)'. Refunded 'Enchant Palladium (x3)' and 'Enchant Palladium (x20)' as they were inconsistent with the rest of the abilities.
- Magician - Call Hither has been renamed Summoner's Step and is now a teleport-forward ability similar to Netherstep or Whisperwind. Reduced the level and expansion required to obtain ranks 4 and 5 of this ability.
- Magician - Updated Turn Summoned to deal direct damage rather than damage over time and updated Infusion of Elemental Light to always deal instant critical damage that will no longer block other instances of Infusion of Elemental Light from landing.
- Magician - Updated the buff icon for Thaumaturge's Focus.
- Monk - Consolidated Hastened Crane Stance and Focus: Crane Stance into a single line, Improved Crane Stance, and added an additional rank that was intended to go live with The Burning Lands.
- Necromancer - Call to Corpse has been renamed Summon Corpse. This ability now has 9 ranks and will cast the highest rank of your equivalent level summon corpse spell with a 10 second reuse time.
- Necromancer - Refunded Self Sacrifice as its initial purpose of dealing damage to the caster in order to benefit from other abilities is no longer required.
- Necromancer - Summon Remains now consumes 4 Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffins when cast.
- Paladin - Hand of Tunare no longer triggers Tunare's Fatigue after fading but will now instead increase the mana cost of twincast healing spells by 100%.
- Paladin - Moved Holy Warhorse from the Class tab to the Special tab in the AA window.
- Paladin - Shield of Brilliance has been changed to a passive ability.
- Paladin - Refunded all ranks of Glorious Reflection as this ability provided no benefit given the existence of Healing Adept.
- Paladin - Consolidated Restoration of Life to be rank 2 of Gift of Resurrection. Rank 2+ will now restore 96% experience. Reduced the hastening offered by rank 5 by 1 second and increased the mana cost of ranks 2+ by 100 points.
- Ranger - Refunded all ranks of Tracking Mastery and increased the base tracking skill cap for Rangers for levels 66-70+.
- Rogue - Refunded all ranks of Weapon Proficiency and increased the base weapon skill caps for Rogues for levels 96 and 101-105+.
- Rogue - Fixed an error with ranks 5 and 6 of 'Focus: Hack' that prevented the ability from focusing the combat ability 'Slice'.
- Shadowknight - Moved Unholy Warhorse from the Class tab to the Special tab in the AA window.
- Shadowknight - Summon Remains now consumes 4 Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffins when cast.
- Shaman - Improved Pure Spirit has been changed from a passive focus ability to an activated ability that casts the best rank of Pure Spirit that you have scribed.
- Shaman - Turgur's Virulent Swarm will no longer land on PCs (including yourself).
- Shaman - Feral Bite, the damage triggered by Rabid Bear, has had its damage over time component consolidated into its direct damage component.
- Wizard - Ward of Destruction now summons a stationary aura rather than a ward. As an aura, Ward of Destruction will no longer be susceptible to damage and any opponents hit by Silent Fire will now credit the wizard as the attacker. Changed all ranks of Silent Fire from a 12 second damage over time spell to a direct damage spell that will not break root.
- Wizard - Updated Arcane Fusion to always deal critical damage and fixed an issue that allowed the ability to trigger on beneficial spells.
- Wizard - Corrected an issue that prevented Mirror Mirror from functioning as expected.
- Wizard - Refunded Translocational Anchor and updated all ranks of Cryomancy to include gate suppression as part of Cryomantic Stasis.

*** NPCs ***

- Moved a spiderling in the Broodlands that was spawning inside of a tree.
- In Stoneroot Falls, a witheran named Slubber with unique items now has a chance to spawn.
- In the Ruins of Illsalin, Overseer Xygern now drops unique items instead of the same items that Battlemage Ristyr drops.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Access to Gnome Memorial Mountain now requires that The Burning Lands is unlocked on your server.
- Corrected an error that made fire pets on Progression servers deal more damage than expected in Kunark, Velious, and Luclin eras.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- The /safelock command now requires typing the full command in order to function to prevent accidental locking of the game. This should help in real life when kerrans are frisking your keyboard and manage to lock the game with a secret safelock password.
- You can no longer block, parry, dodge, or riposte an attack that would have missed.
- Made multiple adjustments to Tribute and Guild Tribute:
- - Merged the various "II" lines into their parent line as additional ranks. This results in ranks above 10 for some tribute lines.
- - Reduced the cost of ranks 5 to 13 of the tribute lines: Power of Will, Visions of Suffering, Twinge of Pain, Expeditious Aid, Persistent Boon, Power of Sight, Power of Recovery, Power of Conservation, Power of Alacrity, Visions of Command, Commanding Presence, and Power of Suffering.
- - Increased the effectiveness of rank 12 of Bulwark of Honor, Strength of Body, Strength of Mind, and Strength of Will.
- - Increased the effectiveness of rank 13 of Arm of Power, Body of Divinity, Symphony of the Rabbit, Juggler's Grace, Sage's Requital, Sage's Comprehension, and Countenance of Ardor.
- - Reduced the cost of ranks 6 to 13 of the guild tribute lines: Aura of Preservation, Power of Will, Visions of Suffering, Twinge of Pain, Expeditious Aid, Persistent Boon, Power of Sight, Power of Recovery, Power of Conservation, Power of Alacrity, Visions of Command, Commanding Presence, and Power of Suffering.
- - Guild Tribute: Added String Resonance to rank 8 of Symphony of Replenishment.
- Removed the Hero's Forge - Tinker's Clockwork and Hero's Forge - Memorial Clockwork achievements. The items are not currently available.
- Housing Explorer (Achievement) - Visiting Evantil's Abode, Hermit's Hideaway, and Bixie Hive houses are now optional for completing this achievement.
- Guild Locals Explorer (Achievement) - Visiting Grand, Modest, and Palatial Guild Halls are now optional for completing this achievement.

*** UI ***

- Made improvements to taunt messages:
- - Taunt messages are sent to all players in the area, and include the name of the NPC being taunted.
- - Added a new chat filter for taunt messages.
- - Failing to capture your target's attention is more clearly indicated as a partial success.
- - Added a message when a player obtains aggro using an aggro lock ability (Ex: Undivided Attention).
- - Taunt spells are no longer blocked by spells locking an NPC's aggro.
- - Sends a single message to players in the area when someone uses an area effect taunt (Ex: Area Taunt).
- NPC tells are now formatted as 'Soandso told you' while player tells (including cross server tells) appear as 'Soandso tells you.'
- Removed an extra space from raid chat messages.
- Changed the format of tells from tell windows when writing to the log. They now use the same format as regular tells.

*** Previously Updated ***

- Shield of Spines reports the correct amount of healing on the item description.
- Staff of the Serpent (Enchanter epic 1.0) - The spectral librarian in Kaesora can again be charmed.
- Veeshan's Peak access - The NPCs that drop medallion pieces can no longer be charmed.
Damit may have to switch out my water pet with the earth. Was fun will it lasted.
- Gnome Memorial Mountain - Adjusted the risk vs reward for Heroic Adventures in GMM.
Damit may have to switch out my water pet with the earth. Was fun will it lasted.
- Gnome Memorial Mountain - Adjusted the risk vs reward for Heroic Adventures in GMM.

You must not spend much time on the EQ forums. There's a 20 page thread on GMM and this nerf.

BLUF: Some people are pissed, other people seem happy with it. No one is "over-the-moon-this-is-THE-BEST-SHIT-EVER."
You must not spend much time on the EQ forums. There's a 20 page thread on GMM and this nerf.

BLUF: Some people are pissed, other people seem happy with it. No one is "over-the-moon-this-is-THE-BEST-SHIT-EVER."
No i don't was just reading and i see a few posts but noting saws what the did to the mission. Does any one what risk vs reward means and you calling what the did to the mission a nerf?
No i don't was just reading and i see a few posts but noting saws what the did to the mission. Does any one what risk vs reward means and you calling what the did to the mission a nerf?

Mobs in the mission are now all white/yellow con and hit harder. I guess they moved some around, too. It's not the pull-it-all-and-kill-it-all-at-once zerg-fest it was before.
They were Mostly white/yellow con except the Ones Under the archway that were prespawned Alot of blues there if they Upped those thats Good by me and hitting harder no problem. I already got most of mine this might actually make me go BACK to gmm for some xp.
They were Mostly white/yellow con except the Ones Under the archway that were prespawned Alot of blues there if they Upped those thats Good by me and hitting harder no problem. I already got most of mine this might actually make me go BACK to gmm for some xp.

I *think* the pre-spawned mobs in Darkness Howls didn't give experience.... right?
If all the mobs are white/yellow now indirectly a small nerf to berserkers since they won't get decap in the mission anymore since it only works on dblue and lower. Although since headshot/assassinate already didn't work on them, so I feel pretty confident that only people who will notice the difference in decap no longer being able to proc are those who stacked zerkers.

Bit more diversity in classes is good imo, I personally prefer groups with as many bases as I can covered and while I love the dps my zerkers can do I wouldn't mind seeing a few other classes a bit more present than they currently are *cough* rogues, rangers *cough*
Eh I'll still stack zerkers and make up for decap with chain covenant. Also from what I saw on test the robots now assist the orcs regardless of your faction.

The prespawned orcs give xp just a bit less. The robots give none.
Eh I'll still stack zerkers and make up for decap with chain covenant. Also from what I saw on test the robots now assist the orcs regardless of your faction.

The prespawned orcs give xp just a bit less. The robots give none.

Ah, that's good to know.
" - Bard - Added a target limit of 5 to the Denon's Desperate Dirge line of AE damage songs."

I guess this is a hatchery nerf?

I fuckin missed this.... its not just a hatchery nerf.... its a PL nerf. What a load of shit.
Short period patch mess up in our favor! If you have an item with Knowledge of the Past XX say the GMM Ring Prime Healers Trinket or Earring of Bashing with Soothing Breath XIX, click that shit now!! Buddy and I just realized you're getting almost 30k HP/Mana/End off of it right now that stays in place. I'm not a math guy but all of a sudden all stats starting jumping up massively. Not sure if they forgot to carry the 1 or what in this math but enjoy!
Short period patch mess up in our favor! If you have an item with Knowledge of the Past XX say the GMM Ring Prime Healers Trinket or Earring of Bashing with Soothing Breath XIX, click that shit now!! Buddy and I just realized you're getting almost 30k HP/Mana/End off of it right now that stays in place. I'm not a math guy but all of a sudden all stats starting jumping up massively. Not sure if they forgot to carry the 1 or what in this math but enjoy!

I looks like they have increased the buff from XVII to XX. Worth clicking *all* GMM items, as other buffs are affected too (e.g. Myrmidons skill etc).
I just tried it, and for my chars the buffs don't do anything at all. Clicked off and activated have the same stats
I just tried it, and for my chars the buffs don't do anything at all. Clicked off and activated have the same stats

Weird, I tried it on 12 characters, all eok+ geared and all had at least one clicky upgraded, including eok t1 drops. Either that or I'm lazier than I thought about clicking new gear (entirely possible).
Weird, I tried it on 12 characters, all eok+ geared and all had at least one clicky upgraded, including eok t1 drops. Either that or I'm lazier than I thought about clicking new gear (entirely possible).
Yeah but I clicked them all off, noted hp/mp then clicked them back on. No change with or without the buffs. Wtf is with that
News - Patch Notes 18 SEP 19

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