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NODROP transfer alternate method (1 Viewer)

Sep 26, 2005
Just a random thought I had. Everyone knows about the mq trick where Player#1 hands in one part of the quest and then Player#2 trades with the same NPC and he hits give, and the person that hits give gets the item or quest completion.

Then I noticed if you give a NPC something it doesn’t need it usually gives it back. (There is a few that don’t).

Well, anyways what if you put the two together and say Player #1gives a NODROP item to NPC that doesn’t need it (will give it back) and player #2 gives the NPC something he don’t need (water flask or something cheap) and player #2 hits give. Will this give both items to player #2 or does it give the items back to the people that gave them.

I just don’t want to lose this NODROP armor I have, but a friend could use the clicky on it more than I would. So if anyone has tried this let me know it works?

Also what if you give a NODROP item to let say a skellie in FOB then kill it. Will the NODROP be on the corpse?

I know someone has tried these. Please let me know your findings :)
someoneorsomething said:
I just don’t want to lose this NODROP armor I have, but a friend could use the clicky on it more than I would. So if anyone has tried this let me know it works?

Try it with something not so valuable that is nodrop first?
NOTRADE is serverside, and even handing things like turn ins won't work. I tried several methods -- had notrade plugin on and an offset I updated that allows you to give items to even Bankers, but either you crash or the item is just handed back. Tried BankNPC and then put give item on and targeted another toon I had and crashed, tried turning on notrade plugin on both toons, crashed.

Maybe see if can make a plugin that changes things to attunable, but even that will not work. Unless you can find a bugged mob that will hold the item then you can kill it and loot it? Perhaps a charmed mob, that you give an item too then kill it, but not even sure you can give them notrade items any longer. Every other way has pretty much been tried.

incase you're interested -- allows you to give items to merchants/bankers, but kinda useless IMHO, cept maybe to find a mob that won't give an item back and kill it?

Rich (BB code):
Description="Give items to bankers"
normal0="0F 84 18 01 00 00"
crack0="90 90 90 90 90 90"

An other idea would be if you could leave an item behind in an Oven or something, and then your other toon could just grab it from there?
Okay there is a way because we all know GM's can trade no drop items to anyone. Mabey this can help out:
Rich (BB code):
 #include "../MQ2Plugin.h"


#define EQ_Item__CanDrop                                   0x49C3BE

class EQ_Item_Detour {
   bool CanDrop_Trampoline(float);
   bool CanDrop_Detour(float)
      return true;

DETOUR_TRAMPOLINE_EMPTY(bool EQ_Item_Detour::CanDrop_Trampoline(float));

PLUGIN_API VOID InitializePlugin(VOID)
   DebugSpewAlways("Initializing MQ2Nodrop");

   DebugSpewAlways("Shutting down MQ2Nodrop");

You need to update the offsets.
GM and Guide Command List
A selection of GM and Guide commands. Obviously I am unable to test/verify these, but they should give you an insight into their "powers".

/ability GM/Guide Command (unknown)
/becomenpc [model #] [gender] [skin #] [face #] [height # value] GM / Senior Guide Command. This allows the GM or his target to 'become' a specific NPC, as designated by number. The other numbers customize the model. Available to Senior Guides and above.
/broadcast GM / Senior Guide Command. Allows GM/Guide to send message to all zones and/or all servers. Available to Senior Guides and above.
/buff (level) GM Command. Allows GM to set a target player or NPC's level. No. GMs won't do this for you. Don't even ask.
/clearfaction GM Command. Apparently this is how a GM can clear a player's factions back to the base level. Can only be done by very very very senior GMs, so don't even ask for it.
/col GM Command. A toggle that controls whether or not the GM can pass through solid objects like doors and walls.
/coor (X) (Y) (Z) GM Command. Actually, the old form of GOTO.
/create (item number) GM Command. Allows the GM to create an item by it's specific number. Only really really high level GMs can do this, so don't even ask.
/debug GM command. Internal debugging command. (Makes NPCs report their debug status).
/expgive GM Command (assume this allows GMs to give Experience to players in reward for quests or as restorations.)
/expset GM Command (assume this allows GMs to set a players total experience to a specific number.)
/eyes (character name) Allows the GM to "see" through a specified character's eyes - just like the bind sight spell, but undetectable. /eyes with no argument resets the GM's vision to normal.
/find (name) GM/Guide Command. This allows GM/Guide to locate aplayer or corpse anywhere within the zone.
/fly GM Command. Allows GMs to move on all three axes. Up and down are controlled by the Insert and Delete keys respectively.
/freeze GM Command. Allows the GM to "freeze" a character - immobilizing them.
/gm (name) GM Command. Allows the GM to toggle a GM flag for targeted player on or off. If no name is specified, it affects the GM.
/gold (number) GM Command. Allows the GM to create the amount of gold specified. Since only really high level GMs can do this, it should be obvious that they won't do it for you.
/goto (name) GM/Guide Command. Allows instant transport to named player or location.
/granttitle (title) GM Command. Allows GM to grant a title to the targeted player.
/harmful GM Command. Restores targeted player's ability to harm things. Reverse's the /harmless command.
/harmless GM Command. Renders targeted player harmless. They cannot harm anything until they've been restored by the /harmful command.
/heading (0-512) GM Command. Sets the direct heading of the GM by degree. 0 = North, 128 = West, 256 = South and 384 = East.
/height [#] GM / Senior Guide Command. This allows GMs/Guides to adjust the height of themselves or Players, with a range of 0-96, although setting it too high can cause corruption in the playerfile. Available to Senior Guides and above.
/hideme GM/Guide Command. This makes GM/Guide invisible and not appear on /who lists.
/hout (1-24) GM Command. Sets the time of day on the GMs computer.
/kill GM/Guide Command. This allows a Guide to kill any NPC target instantly, leaving no corpse. Senior Guides and above can use this command to kill players, as well.
/lastname (name) GM / Senior Guide Command. Used to grant or change surnames to 20+ level players. Available to Senior Guides and above.
/leader GM Command. Makes targeted player the leader of the guild they are in.
/name (name) GM / Senior Guide Command. Used to change name of targeted player to something more acceptable. Using the flag also submits the old name into the "Bad Names" database. Available to Senior Guides and above.
/permakill GM Command. Permanently kills creatures, replacing them with first level 1 hp human models. Usually only done when the creature is buggy. Only super-senior GMs can do this.
/pkill GM Command. Sets targeted player's PVP flag to +PVP - they are now a Playerkiller. Only super-senior GMs can do this.
/private GM/Guide Command. This is the GM's private com Channel. Abbreviated /p.
/quest GM/Guide Command (unknown)
/repop GM Command. Insta-kills all monsters in the zone, then respawns the whole zone.
/run (1-6) GM Command. Allows a GM to set their own running speed. /run with no number resets to default.
/searchcorpse [playername] GM/Guide Command (abbreviated /sea or /search) - Checks all zones to see if the specified player has a corpse there, and if so, reports the zone and corpse name (such as playername's corpse0).
/servers GM/Guide Command - this returns a status of all zones that are currently up.
/silence GM Command. Targeted player can no longer communicate via ANY channel. Must be reversed with /unsilence.
/skill GM+ command - (unknown)
/snoop GM Command. Allows GM to eavesdrop on all of targeted player's communication channels. GM can stop snooping by using /snoop.
/spell (number) GM Command. Allows GM to cast any spell they desire - they just have to know the spell number.
/stat GM Command. Display's the GM's own skill numbers.
/summon (name) GM/Guide Command - This allows GM/Guide to summon a player directly to them.
/torch (1-200) GM Command. Allows GM to create an invisible light source with a radius equal to the specified number in feet.
/unfreeze GM Command. Allows the GM to release a character from being "frozen."
/unpkill GM Command. Sets targeted player's PVP flag to -PVP. They can no longer kill other players. Only Senior GMs can do this, so don't even bother asking. Now you *might* be able to quest for it...
/unsilence GM Command. Targeted player is restored to full communication status. Reverses the /silence command.
/unsnoop GM command. Ends a /snoop session.
/wipe (name) Allows the GM to delete all cash and equipment on targeted character, including their bank account. Only Senior GMs can do this - so be careful who you annoy...
/zone GM/Guide Command - This insta-teleports GM/Guide to specified zone, at the "safe point" of the zone.
Thats some good stuff right there. Wish I could cast anyspell I knew the number for. I could see a low level toon level real quick if he could self cast a 70's DS on himself and a 70 HOT :D
Wasn't the trade nodrop through shared bank nerfed to where its an instant ban when you use it? I wouldn't sugguest updating those offsets unless you have something else up your sleeve.
darkeros said:
Anyone know if GM's have to enter a code or do anything extra to trade nodrop items? Or can they just trade anything?

I believe they load a program just like Macroquest but different of course and are able to use commands like the ones listed above.
I remember long ago hearing something about someone hacking into SOE and getting info about the next expansion =P haha. Not sure who would waste there time doing that might of been when expansions actually mattered.
NODROP transfer alternate method

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