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Question - New six group question (1 Viewer)

Dec 28, 2019
Been away for a month or two and now coming back. Thinking about starting a new group of toons that I have not played before and need some suggestions for the group make up. Holy Trinity rules apply of course....

Toons that I would like to start from scratch (toons I have never played):
PAL, NEC and maybe a DRU or BST

Wondering what toons would be a nice fit with PAL and NEC

Thinking maybe:

Tell me what I'm not thinking about, utility (Travel and/or buffs) and DPS would be nice. All toons are on the table really, just want to start with a PAL and NEC mainly.

Thanks for reading,
I thought you were talking about playing 36 characters.

Enchanter doesn’t benefit a necro very much (mana pool is all) but a bard will benefit everyone.

Travel doesn’t matter anymore since you’ll have the guild hall, but Druid and Paladin do well together. Of course Shaman would be great too.

With that lineup, I would probably do:

Between PAL/BST/DRU you’re not going to have healing issues at all — BST or BRD can cover slows. BRD or MAG can handle crowd control. Pets get the benefit of the BRD and MAG gets the benefit of pets (as well as being able to buff pets).

Can also swap the DRU for SHM and get one more pet, but then you’re starting to build a pet group and you should swap PAL for SK and when you go down that road you end up with the same group everyone plays.
I thought you were talking about playing 36 characters.
Hahah I thought exactly the same thing.

I like the look of this: PAL, NEC, DRU, BST, ENC, WIZ - stick with the caster theme. Would even consider PAL, NEC, DRU, SHM, ENC, WIZ.

Caster groups are good fun - and if you already have a melee group then the caster group will be more of a challenge.
This has all been said before, but okay what you like. If the group isn't able to accomplish something you want to do, then evaluate where you can improve. Fyi that could be just playing style/strategy.

Imo though enchanters don't really seem to add as much as a bard. I would only switch out my bard for an ench if he isn't able to handle the cc needed. Ench does do much better for cc. Bard can still hold there own though, but then you lose most of what makes it worth having the bard.
I thought you were talking about playing 36 characters.

Enchanter doesn’t benefit a necro very much (mana pool is all) but a bard will benefit everyone.

Travel doesn’t matter anymore since you’ll have the guild hall, but Druid and Paladin do well together. Of course Shaman would be great too.

With that lineup, I would probably do:

Between PAL/BST/DRU you’re not going to have healing issues at all — BST or BRD can cover slows. BRD or MAG can handle crowd control. Pets get the benefit of the BRD and MAG gets the benefit of pets (as well as being able to buff pets).

Can also swap the DRU for SHM and get one more pet, but then you’re starting to build a pet group and you should swap PAL for SK and when you go down that road you end up with the same group everyone plays.
This comment has me wishing I could afford to run 36 lol. I guess I could do f2p and lvl from lvl 1 though...ewww
I have a deep love for BRD, SHM, MAG and SHD, I have combinations of these classes are in almost all my groups on Test and Live.


This is swapping the Druid for a Shaman. I need to look up the main differences between a BST and SHM

GPT-4 responds with:
In EverQuest, the Beastlord and Shaman classes have some similarities but also some distinct differences. Here are some of the main differences between the two classes:

  1. Playstyle: Beastlords are a hybrid class that combines melee combat with pet management and spellcasting. They are a versatile class that can fill multiple roles, such as tanking, damage dealing, and support. Shamans, on the other hand, are primarily a support class that focuses on healing, buffing, and debuffing. They can also deal damage, but their primary role is to keep the group alive and provide utility.
  2. Pets: Beastlords have the unique ability to charm animals and use them as pets. They can also summon a few different types of pets, such as wolves and bears. Shamans do not have the ability to charm animals, but they can summon a variety of spirit pets, such as wolves, bears, and spiders.
  3. Spells: Beastlords have a mix of melee and spellcasting abilities, but their spell selection is more limited than other spellcasting classes like shamans. They have a few healing spells and some utility spells like roots and snares. Shamans have a wide range of spells, including powerful healing spells, buffs, debuffs, and offensive spells.
  4. Race: Beastlords are only available to a few races in EverQuest, including Vah Shir, Barbarians, and Half-Elves. Shamans are available to a wider range of races, including Troll, Ogre, Iksar, and Dwarf.
Overall, the Beastlord class is more versatile and offers more options for solo play, while the Shaman class is more focused on support and group play. Both classes have their strengths and weaknesses and can be a valuable addition to any group or raid.
I'm sure you really can't go wrong with either these days.

With that lineup, I would probably do:

Between PAL/BST/DRU you’re not going to have healing issues at all — BST or BRD can cover slows. BRD or MAG can handle crowd control. Pets get the benefit of the BRD and MAG gets the benefit of pets (as well as being able to buff pets).

Can also swap the DRU for SHM and get one more pet, but then you’re starting to build a pet group and you should swap PAL for SK and when you go down that road you end up with the same group everyone plays.

This group make up might be the best for me right now: PAL, NEC, BRD, BST, DRU, MAG - that would be almost 4 toons I have little to no experience with (PAL, NEC, BST and DRU), sounds adventurous to me. The only think that does not sound good are doing the Epics.

Question - New six group question

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