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Question - new melee focused group (1 Viewer)

Apr 1, 2019
given some of the changes to melee recently, I will be starting another group with mostly just melee, would like to use a warrior. Anyone have any input? really always used casters in the past. Probably heroic all to 100 and then start from there to live.

I was thinking war, shm, bst, bard, zerker, rogue (or monk?)

is the warrior overkill for group content? is that group decent? is a sham on heal or hybrid mode enough to keep a war alive in group gear?
SHD would serve better in group content in my opinion. If you were going for raid later, then I'd recommend warrior without a doubt.
shm/brd/bst/ber are pretty much givens for a solid melee group. Could go ranger or rog on that last slot. I doubt you'll regret going warrior if you want to play a warrior. I spent many years playing only SK, but recently started a war and found I really enjoy it.
Sk/Shm/Brd/Bst/Rog/Rog is new group I am rolling. My main has been War since 99 and love playing him but tank in this new group is SK more for group content.

War is fun raiding with!
Been running war/shm/brd/bst/rog and stuff melts pretty fast. It's a lot of fun watching the warrior fight for 2nd place in dmg while dual weld tanking with battle stance
I been trying to figure out my team as well and I also like the idea of melee focus. I'm thinking of keeping my 121 BST and 116 Bard and starting and leveling up a War / Cleric / Rogue to join them. Altho, I might want a Zerker instead of a rogue. Haven't decided yet.
( WAR or SK ) / CLR / SHM / BRD / ROG / (ROG or BER)

SK has more survivability for group content in general, but War is the core defensive tank for harder stuff and raids while dishing out good damage too. AFAIK, Sic runs a WAR and CLR for group stuff and does just fine. I suggested both CLR and SHM because of the former's best defensive buffs and auras, and best healing rate, along having good lulling spells too. Then, the latter for the best melee buffs, slows and some magic burns for extra DPS. You could trade the shaman for a BST at the cost of being a lesser version of the monk's damage rate, and having a weaker spell line of the Shaman's. I find the bst to have a better spot in a caster or hybrid group maybe..? I believe the Shaman's can compensate for the lack of extra melee DPS with higher damage rate from the rest of the group with stronger buffs and some good DoT and debuff spells to throw on the target.
( WAR or SK ) / CLR / SHM / BRD / ROG / (ROG or BER)

SK has more survivability for group content in general, but War is the core defensive tank for harder stuff and raids while dishing out good damage too. AFAIK, Sic runs a WAR and CLR for group stuff and does just fine. I suggested both CLR and SHM because of the former's best defensive buffs and auras, and best healing rate, along having good lulling spells too. Then, the latter for the best melee buffs, slows and some magic burns for extra DPS. You could trade the shaman for a BST at the cost of being a lesser version of the monk's damage rate, and having a weaker spell line of the Shaman's. I find the bst to have a better spot in a caster or hybrid group maybe..? I believe the Shaman's can compensate for the lack of extra melee DPS with higher damage rate from the rest of the group with stronger buffs and some good DoT and debuff spells to throw on the target.

lol, I keep trying to find a way to hang on to my BST, but literally 99% would rather just have a Shaman and get dps from somewhere else. Maybe i just need to stop fighting it. I could do my SK / Bard and level up a Cleric + Sham + Zerker. I bet i could probably use Zerker as the driver for those three from 0 - 85 (when they can group with my mains) with both sham and cleric heals and buffs. Or just use a freaking tank merc I suppose. Trying to get my squad together without having to dump a bunch of cash on level boost.
lol, I keep trying to find a way to hang on to my BST, but literally 99% would rather just have a Shaman and get dps from somewhere else. Maybe i just need to stop fighting it. I could do my SK / Bard and level up a Cleric + Sham + Zerker. I bet i could probably use Zerker as the driver for those three from 0 - 85 (when they can group with my mains) with both sham and cleric heals and buffs. Or just use a freaking tank merc I suppose. Trying to get my squad together without having to dump a bunch of cash on level boost.

IMO the overlap between bst and shm isn't enough reason to feel like you have to choose one or the other. BST value isn't in weak sham buffs and slows (the only thing that overlaps with sham), it's in their other ADPS (fero, etc) and mana pump for your hybrids/priests. Sham value isn't weakened by a bst either - their ADPS stuff all has huge value in a melee group whether a bst is there or not.
given some of the changes to melee recently, I will be starting another group with mostly just melee, would like to use a warrior. Anyone have any input? really always used casters in the past. Probably heroic all to 100 and then start from there to live.

I was thinking war, shm, bst, bard, zerker, rogue (or monk?)

is the warrior overkill for group content? is that group decent? is a sham on heal or hybrid mode enough to keep a war alive in group gear?
Go War, rogue, rogue, ranger, bard, cleric ... stab stab...pew pew!

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Flying Here I Come GIF by Assassin's Creed
Stephen Amell Arrow GIF
do you have survivability issues/ is your war group geared? thats what im looking forward to
Not at all actually. He (the war) has a multitude of dmg reduction/dmg avoidance disc's that adds the bard isn't mezzing (kiss ini isnt perfectly tweaked yet as I'm still learning) don't seem to be too much for my shaman to heal through (reletavely speaking).

I play on FV so a lot of gear/augs are available to me through the bazaar. I got him pretty well geared enough that most trash his level I can dual weld tank with weapon stance on. I have been using a shield tho for the progression I'm working on.

My only weakness it seems with this team is a lack of undead affinity (IVU).
I like to have 6 different classes in any group. This way I get a variety of options. Currently I'm using Sk, brd, sham, rang, zerk and beast. All have their epics 2.0. Although BL doesn't really need it. Sometimes I'll drop the sk and add a rogue and ranger tank.
Rogue, Ranger and Berzerker go great in zones where decapitate, headshot and assassination work.
I followed the meta - and went with SK, Shm, bst, bard, rog, zerk - and have good success. These were toons i server transferred from misc. old servers and old TLPs that progressed close to live, with the exception of zerk and rogue which i PL'd up with the SK to 85 then just put everyone in Grind missions to level up. I had to spend time getting them leveled and AA cap'd, and i never bought the new expacs for their accounts but would Krono acct to get AA cap'd for whatever i was able to buy. I still have a ton of "things to do" to get them to full beefy mode - but was able to get type 5's farmed, fill missing aug slots, and knock out 2.0's for those that mattered without any real difficulty. I was thinking i wanted a war, but had an old SK collecting dust and wanted to try that first, and I haven't had any problems with group content so far i would say a war is overkill unless you want to small man old raid content and need that defensive skill.
lol, I keep trying to find a way to hang on to my BST, but literally 99% would rather just have a Shaman and get dps from somewhere else. Maybe i just need to stop fighting it. I could do my SK / Bard and level up a Cleric + Sham + Zerker. I bet i could probably use Zerker as the driver for those three from 0 - 85 (when they can group with my mains) with both sham and cleric heals and buffs. Or just use a freaking tank merc I suppose. Trying to get my squad together without having to dump a bunch of cash on level boost.
I'm moving away from beast since as my group DPS continues to climb, his mana gets worse due to dots being such a large part of his dps, and not running anywhere near their full course...This has been an annoyance now since at least ToV for me, and has only gotten worse now that my other toons are in their final stretch for AA. On the other hand, once you pass 2.3M on the average dps scale, which is super easy to do, you will be far enough ahead of the spawn in any given area to do a full med session regardless, but I prefer to never med and just roam. Maybe I should back off a third DPS toon and put in something benign, like an enchanter..haha
I saw a group recently that was 6 ogre sk all around level 118. Not really sure what to think about that :aaa:
only need 3 for 100% sk epic uptime, but 6 HTs will get almost anything deaded real quick lol

I'm moving away from beast since as my group DPS continues to climb, his mana gets worse due to dots being such a large part of his dps, and not running anywhere near their full course...This has been an annoyance now since at least ToV for me, and has only gotten worse now that my other toons are in their final stretch for AA. On the other hand, once you pass 2.3M on the average dps scale, which is super easy to do, you will be far enough ahead of the spawn in any given area to do a full med session regardless, but I prefer to never med and just roam. Maybe I should back off a third DPS toon and put in something benign, like an enchanter..haha
be aware that dumping your BST will drop your melee toons dps a decent amount. The BST synergy is a hundred hands effect so it makes your other guys swing more often.
I am aware, but am killing mobs so fast that I end up getting bored waiting on respawn so don't need it. I can't stand sitting still in game for extended periods. Don't even like doing it long enough for the OOC regens. I am finding that even with only 2 DPS, getting ahead of the spawn is super easy these days and has been for quite a while. Not even geared yet and it's easy to do.
You Heroic 100 them thw Shaman on DPS is pverkill for group content healing a warrior. My MT is a Pally Procs stun get a class that is immune to stun like a Dwarf or Froglok and have a second rezzer just in case can also heal himself part of the time let Shaman focus on DPS as Hybrid which is where the Shaman shines if you use the plugins and if you're going to play on Live you should no MUST play on FV and should use the plugins.
I personally (if I could go back and do it all over again ) would do this:

1 Shadow Knight ( best of the Tanks for group content easily)
1 Shaman ( For the Buffs , slow, pet and **Roar of the Lion** line spell
1 Bard ( a absolute must for any 6 man box team, He just makes everyone that much better )
1 Cleric He is the one who will keep group alive and pumping at all times
2 Beast Lords - 2 melee and 2 Pets that can tank

The above is the ultimate group content groupage, You can beat the shit out of anything and everything at a remarkable speed with no downtime


If you are not afraid of death and want to kill faster , drop the Cleric and add another Beastlord

with Roar of the Lion Shaman spell line You have a potential 5 melee toons hitting a mob and 5 Pets hitting as well , so just imagine the damage output , not to mention all those pets can tank as well with ease if needed
I personally (if I could go back and do it all over again ) would do this:

1 Shadow Knight ( best of the Tanks for group content easily)
1 Shaman ( For the Buffs , slow, pet and **Roar of the Lion** line spell
1 Bard ( a absolute must for any 6 man box team, He just makes everyone that much better )
1 Cleric He is the one who will keep group alive and pumping at all times
2 Beast Lords - 2 melee and 2 Pets that can tank

The above is the ultimate group content groupage, You can beat the shit out of anything and everything at a remarkable speed with no downtime


If you are not afraid of death and want to kill faster , drop the Cleric and add another Beastlord

with Roar of the Lion Shaman spell line You have a potential 5 melee toons hitting a mob and 5 Pets hitting as well , so just imagine the damage output , not to mention all those pets can tank as well with ease if needed
I was thinking about having multiple beastlords too in probably my 3rd group (if i could an all ogre or troll group). I think i knew a guy that had one similar to that a few years ago and he really liked it.

My end group ended up being war, bard, beast, zerk, monk, cleric. Would have preferred a sham but just seemed too unreliable if my group dies in grinds and i dont really have the patience to get a rez stick again. Once i got enough aa on the cleric and war, and got gallant on everyone it has been very smooth sailing, was rough for a while when i was figuring out which healer i wanted to use. Appreciate all suggestions by everyone.
My melee group consisted of: SK, SHM, BRD, ROG, BER, BST. Around 115 I did not really like how Bersekrers played even with class plugin so I swapped BER with a MNK. Around 120 the LS expansion hit, and the 2 HA was a little of a hassle with so many melees so I swapped my MNK to a MAG which is my current group config.

I am leveling a WAR/PAL on the SK account (No... not Persona. I debated whats worse, do the progression again or grind to death from 110-125, the answer was pretty obvious), RNG on my MAG's account and see how it goes.
I personally (if I could go back and do it all over again ) would do this:

1 Shadow Knight ( best of the Tanks for group content easily)
1 Shaman ( For the Buffs , slow, pet and **Roar of the Lion** line spell
1 Bard ( a absolute must for any 6 man box team, He just makes everyone that much better )
1 Cleric He is the one who will keep group alive and pumping at all times
2 Beast Lords - 2 melee and 2 Pets that can tank

The above is the ultimate group content groupage, You can beat the shit out of anything and everything at a remarkable speed with no downtime


If you are not afraid of death and want to kill faster , drop the Cleric and add another Beastlord

with Roar of the Lion Shaman spell line You have a potential 5 melee toons hitting a mob and 5 Pets hitting as well , so just imagine the damage output , not to mention all those pets can tank as well with ease if needed

Interesting. I like my BL but from a pure synergies perspective (And I have 10 diff groups in full raid recent expansio nraid gear) there is no group that in pure dps will beat the following:

sk, shaman bard, bl - the first 4 for all of the above reasons you listed. Rogue, Rogue.

The ber group used to be close, caster groups can’t come close. Now I will admit I’ve been toying with ranger idea to replace rogue but I haven’t seen anything in last few groups I made that still beat that setup.
I still run Pal, brd, shm, zrk, zrk, zrk. I know there are better combos out there, but this one melts things fairly quickly and I am too lazy to lvl up a couple rogues. That and my play time has drastically reduced in the past couple months. was at 40+ hours per week to maybe 8 hours per week, not counting raids. So basically just get me time on Saturdays :(
Question - new melee focused group

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