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My retirement (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2006
Yep. I'm quitting EQ. The game has gotten to the point where I didn't enjoy it very much, and there wasn't really much left for me to do. I'm selling my main account on MMOB, since that stuff isn't allowed here, but as I am very strapped for cash at the moment, I'm going to put the following bits of code up for sale:

Note: These hacks are un-updated. They aren't safe after the packetpatch of doom. That said, if a fix is ever posted, you will be able to make them work...but I am selling them AS IS.

These are source codes, btw.
1) My security system for plugins. Ask JJ if you don't believe me...it's a very solid system, and none of the people that I've given it to for testing have cracked it yet.
2) My version of monkbug.
3) MQ2Ghostkill, with some monking added in
4) MQ2Pax (If people are interested in this one, I already know how to recode most of it to make it safe to do once warp is made safe.)

All of these sources will come with copies of the RQlib.lib source, which includes the warp protection segments from before the patch, the packet detours, etc. I'm not putting prices up here, but if you are interested in any of this, send me a PM with an offer.
So I guess that invite to the "thez place" is out of the question.. HAHA im just kidding bud well... You will be missed.
You will be missed Z.

Dont need accounts and dont need plugin source since I dont know what Im doing there. But you will be missed. Thanks for all you did for me!!
nadia -- While I have sold some plugins on the side, I'm really just interested in pulling out of EQ. I'm a freshman in college (sorta, dropped for the quarter due to personal stuff), and I've been playing EQ since I was in 7th grade. That's a hell of a lot of my life, and I think that it's time that I put it behind me.

hotdog -- That's why I'm selling my account, lol.

I'm going to be playing LOTRO (am on the firefoot server, leading the MMOBugs kinship, Arch of Chaos). I had bought several months subscription before a family crisis occurred that is sucking up my money atm, so I'll be playing that for a while...by the time that sub runs out, everything should have cleared up. LotR is also a whole lot less time-intensive, so I'll be able to play in my spare time.
Thez, how is LOTRO? I saw a few screenshots of it...looks nice. But how is the game play? I was hoping you could shed some light on it since I don't know of anyone else playing. Thanks!
i cant take too much to LOTR, Too jerky gameplay for me, was fun til level 6 in starter zone but now im lost

Maybe it'll take time for me to get into it
hotdog -- I'm told that it's similar to wow, but I never played wow. It reminds me strongly of Guild Wars, except that there's little to no PvP until level 40, when you hit the PvP arena. I play a champion, and really, really enjoy it.
Right on dude. I am looking forward to Age of Conan later this year. Hopefully I can leave EQ once and for all when it comes out. :)
Thez, you will be missed, i liked your straight forwardness on this forum, and wish you had been able to make some more of the rules, I feel even though my contributions to RG arent anything close to yours i might be following you out the EQ retirement door soon, 8 years of this game from beta is friggin killer.

I think i still got a Zip file somewhere of your first compile i got to get me into the MQ community. Be safe
I"m actually enjoying LOTRO alot. It seems a bit similar to WoW, but much better imo.
It's actually the most stable game I have ever played from release. There are a few lag spikes now and then,but for the most part my systems handles it very well and the game runs just fine. It can be a bit confusing at first till you get out to more lands and get involved in more quests. Crafting is a bit tricky at first to figure out, but not hard to do. The worst part is farming for materials ALL the time LOL.
We will miss ya TheZ but I guess I'll just continue to see you on MMO /shrug so Hello to one and bye to the other
sucks to see ya go man, hope everything works out for ya with your real life stuff and we see ya back posting soon, well good luck bud
I hate to see you go, bud. Your posts are always ones I pay attention to. I remember when you started compiling for us, and you have been one of my favorites here for a long time. Would be nice to hear from you from time to time though.
So when we get a LotR Section we will see you there right? I recently quit EQ as well but I'll probably still be driven to go back from time to time to catch up on levels, flags, quests, AAs etc. LotR is definitely where it's at right now but I'm waiting to see how the high end raiding content works. IMHO that's where EQ still wins, their high end raiding content can't be matched as of yet.
Hope IRL treats you well mate and your family stuff sorts itself out, your contributions have definitly been appreciated.
My retirement

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