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Patch - My luck is terrible! (1 Viewer)

Nov 17, 2023
This is more me just complaining about my own choices and life circumstances than anything anybody here or elsewhere has control over.
/start complaining

Last week: Really get into test server finally, starting to make traction toon is getting gear and levels really happy about my progress "SERVER WILL GO DOWN IN 30 MINUTES!" aww man, I'm having fun! Server goes down, updates ensue and breaks MQ2Test until the patch comes out.
A few days later: MQ2Test updates, I get about 10 minutes of play time before having to travel for work.
Like the next day: Test updates again! Dangit!
The next day: To heck with it I'll start a two box group on FV, I've never boxed before so lets give it a shot.
The day after that: Really figuring out this boxing thing and kissassist my mage and warrior are doing damage, running a healer and tank merc (not sure that's the best) and we are taking down yellows and reds all day long.
Today: Live updates! ARGHHH!!!

This is what I get for having a life outside of EQ. Wasting my precious hours and minutes in the meat sphere when I should be giving the gnolls whatfor!

/end complaining
You gave me a wonderful smile! Your luck is bad, but your attitude is great ! All the best for the future days as yu know our devs are on the ball, the luck from the Test Server and the odd Live patch are really bad timing. I think we all feel that now and then. Big takeaway though, do not mindlessly patch. I have learned over time (and failures!!) FV is nice enough, I have a few characters there recently, its different, but many flavors of rulesets now. You can happily try others too. I hope you like the boxing and expand out to a group of 6 full characters, I think you'll really enjoy that feeling.
You gave me a wonderful smile! Your luck is bad, but your attitude is great ! All the best for the future days as yu know our devs are on the ball, the luck from the Test Server and the odd Live patch are really bad timing. I think we all feel that now and then. Big takeaway though, do not mindlessly patch. I have learned over time (and failures!!) FV is nice enough, I have a few characters there recently, its different, but many flavors of rulesets now. You can happily try others too. I hope you like the boxing and expand out to a group of 6 full characters, I think you'll really enjoy that feeling.
So I played really heavily back in like 2000-2004. Then I got busy with life and kids and all that. But a friend of mine had already started boxing 6+ toons and I couldn't comprehend how he was able to do it.

I can kind of see how he did it with MQ using it now, but wow it's still impressive to me.
To be honest I'm not very good at EQ, I never really was, I had trouble playing my wood elf druid to capacity way back in the early days. That is one of the reasons I decided to try and take on boxing. I don't like grouping with good players and letting them down when I make a mistake. I've always wanted to participate in raids and things like that but because of my life schedule always changing and my low skill level I didn't think it would be fair for me to bring down a whole group.
So I played really heavily back in like 2000-2004. Then I got busy with life and kids and all that. But a friend of mine had already started boxing 6+ toons and I couldn't comprehend how he was able to do it.

I can kind of see how he did it with MQ using it now, but wow it's still impressive to me.
To be honest I'm not very good at EQ, I never really was, I had trouble playing my wood elf druid to capacity way back in the early days. That is one of the reasons I decided to try and take on boxing. I don't like grouping with good players and letting them down when I make a mistake. I've always wanted to participate in raids and things like that but because of my life schedule always changing and my low skill level I didn't think it would be fair for me to bring down a whole group.
I bet so many of us know this feeling and share it. This game is beloved and hated for being so difficult, its method for reward was so harsh it instilled in us so much desire to get even a tiny fraction of character gain, be it xp, gear/weapon upgrade/trade/plat, etc. Other games have come and gone and EQ is still here, and we knuckleheads still love it. Your return to the game, your memories of the past, its passion and a good fun enjoyment it gave and still gives. I love that !! Busy life and such as we age is exactly what this game never took in, but this community of crazy fools, has not only helped change the way you can play, but made it with tools that help as we age.
Have fun, we all have different skill levels with this game and we all learn and get better . I'm not great, probably never was even in the 99-2000 era, though I have great memories and think I was good at my main class back then. I don;t care anymore, I play groups now, having a good ini or plugin setup to accomplish my mission or stay alive so I can experience something is all I need now. I have entered zones I never dreamt I would see...quitting the game previous many years ago because I felt, what's the point.. I will never see xyz loot or enter a raid zone to see something cool. With RedGuides, I can take a low level guys and work my way up and fight Naggy or Quarm ! I can do it, just me, or with a few friends. I can play at MY speed and stop when I need or want, as my girls are young and need me. Box to your hearts content man ! Glad you're one of us here.
This is more me just complaining about my own choices and life circumstances than anything anybody here or elsewhere has control over.
/start complaining

Last week: Really get into test server finally, starting to make traction toon is getting gear and levels really happy about my progress "SERVER WILL GO DOWN IN 30 MINUTES!" aww man, I'm having fun! Server goes down, updates ensue and breaks MQ2Test until the patch comes out.
A few days later: MQ2Test updates, I get about 10 minutes of play time before having to travel for work.
Like the next day: Test updates again! Dangit!
The next day: To heck with it I'll start a two box group on FV, I've never boxed before so lets give it a shot.
The day after that: Really figuring out this boxing thing and kissassist my mage and warrior are doing damage, running a healer and tank merc (not sure that's the best) and we are taking down yellows and reds all day long.
Today: Live updates! ARGHHH!!!

This is what I get for having a life outside of EQ. Wasting my precious hours and minutes in the meat sphere when I should be giving the gnolls whatfor!

/end complaining
@arcreactorkc said "
"This is what I get for having a life outside of EQ. Wasting my precious hours and minutes in the meat sphere when I should be giving the gnolls whatfor!"
THAT, fine person, was EPIC! Thanks for the laugh

Patch - My luck is terrible!

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