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IRL - My Car Hobby - Car Color Choices? (1 Viewer)

Oct 24, 2020
Hey everyone. I have a car hobby that has me in a bind right now. I need to paint a car with custom paint colors, but it's been tough choosing the color scheme. Short of using Photoshop to do this, is there any other way to easily achieve seeing what colors look like on the car before I have it done? I was thinking initially AI could do it for me, but not sure if it would do what I want exactly.
car shows of the era/style of car you have, find the color close to (and style) and ask the owner where they got it done (either the paint mixing or the whole job).

OpenAIā€™s DALL-E may be what you are looking for.

It's funny, I just tried this. And it can't even just change the colors of a car. Which judging from the things people say about AI, should be a walk in the part. But what it does is just creates whatever rendition of the car sample I upload and spits out some strange semi-cartoon like car image that looks nothing like the car I uploaded. I guess AI just doesn't work in this fashion. Quite frankly, I have been trying different things with it. And it just doesn't live up to the hype. AI has a LONG way to go here.
car shows of the era/style of car you have, find the color close to (and style) and ask the owner where they got it done (either the paint mixing or the whole job).
Its not that I don't know who or where to have the car painted. Got that covered. I want to visualize what different colors would look like on my car before I commit to anything specific.
Its not that I don't know who or where to have the car painted. Got that covered. I want to visualize what different colors would look like on my car before I commit to anything specific.
thats why you go see it in natural (of whatever flavor) light... had a friend who had a color shift paint on his car, until i saw it in person, i didnt appreciate it..
Iā€™d do a dark purple and black everything out, but thatā€™s my taste, I donā€™t think thereā€™s a color you can go wrong with.
Iā€™d do a dark purple and black everything out, but thatā€™s my taste, I donā€™t think thereā€™s a color you can go wrong with.
I was actually leaning towards a white pearl with the inlay portion to be cement gray. With the spoiler and headlights black. Most colors look good on this kit. But, I really have to look back at the car when I walk away from it because I find it THAT alluring. :xd: :dance:
Have you tried going to an autobody supply shop? They should have color samples for you to look at. Otherwise maybe goto House of Kolors or PPG website. If you go that route just be mindful that your monitor may not be able to render the colors properly. Seeing the colors in person in sunlight is the best way to evaluate hiw the colors look.
Have you tried going to an autobody supply shop? They should have color samples for you to look at. Otherwise maybe goto House of Kolors or PPG website. If you go that route just be mindful that your monitor may not be able to render the colors properly. Seeing the colors in person in sunlight is the best way to evaluate hiw the colors look.
Yes but seeing colors and being able to see them represented on the car are two entirely different things. This is why I would rather see a render of colors I like on the car before I actually paint it those colors.
Try StyleMyRide.ai or another AI specific for cars

Edit: Eh, looks like stylemyride.ai is going to require buying credits as I just tried it and didn't get any free credits after signing up.

Based on this article (LINK), maybe controlnet.ai would be a good choice. That one you can try out for free. I just did a quick test and got the image below with my first attempt. I'm sure with prompt refinement it can get much better.

I was actually leaning towards a white pearl with the inlay portion to be cement gray. With the spoiler and headlights black. Most colors look good on this kit. But, I really have to look back at the car when I walk away from it because I find it THAT alluring. :xd: :dance:
Ok this is far fetched but I recently went shopping for a new truck and while looking around on the lot you have a nice variety of colors already on vehicles. There were a few with the White pearl (according to the stats on the windshield) but it looked to me like almost spoiled milk - you know right before it gets the swirls that make it bad?

So what I am saying is a huge car lot would be a good place to find real life colors to help a bit.
IRL - My Car Hobby - Car Color Choices?

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