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Discussion - Most nostalgic, non raid zones? (1 Viewer)

Dec 28, 2019
I've been thinking about the most "nostalgic" zones. I've been playing Everquest off and on, since the release of Kunark in 2000. I have played every class thus far minus a Beastlord. Not sure why... Beastlord's just never really appealed to me. Maybe now that I write this, I will try one... but then again, maybe not...

Most nostalgic to me, would be:
  1. Crushbone - Train incoming to zone!!!!
  2. Greater Faydark - being a new born and fighting under that tree fort city. Staying close to the lift and the guards incase you picked up a skeleton add. It all seemed so dangerous and adventurous.
  3. Lake of Ill Omen
  4. Plane of Fire or Time (really, the whole Planes of Power expansion)
  5. Ssraeshza Temple
  6. Other than MPG or Wall of Slaughter, it all gets sorta gets blurry for me..

What about you? What are your most nostalgic zones?

I've grown to dislike PoFire, only because emu servers love to make it some horrible exp grind slog of a zone. Want exp for max level? All your time belongs to PoFire. Maybe tie best source of money to it too for good measure. With all the zones available to choose, it's always PoFire.

Mini rant aside:

Crushbone: The first place I ever really relied on a group. Chain die with the whole group but we stick it out and made way more exp than we lost.
Karnor's Castle: I don't know why but it is always satisfying to fight in this zone. It's large, the monsters are large, they just felt satisfying to fight.
Velkator's Labyrinth: Loved the kobald village up top.
Firiona Vie: particularly the docks where you arrive by boat.
Cobalt Scar: Fighting Othmirs for Crustacean She'll armor and listening to that village music was my jam for a long time.

I could honestly go on forever I feel like, but that's a solid list for now.
East Commonlands Tunnel.
That was the old market place, a long time before bazaar.
The place to be when you had to buy or sell items , spells and such.
I spent so many hours there. And i even remember when you had too much pp (coins had a weight) , you weren't able to move without a sow.
Befallen, spent countless hours their.. Often falling down the well and needing a corpse summon.
Ocean Of Tears, never forget the feeling of first going there, felt so alone...and scared!
Butcherblock, started here. The feeling of the sheer size of the game, and this wasnt even the tip of the iceberg. Was quite overwhelming back when it was first released.
Old Freeport. First time there, I just stood near the entrance, gazing in amazement at all the people running around.
Thurgadin aka Disneyland. First city no-one was kos. As a pally, seeing dark elfs and trolls etc running around banking next to me was awesome.
The music in North Qeynos gets me every time I go thru there. I spent months in and out of that city and when you get close and it starts playing its just like old times.
1. Greater Faydark - my first toon was a highelf enchanter
2. Crushbone - my first "dungeon" zone - walked in super excited - TRAIN TO ZONE ..what's that mean? Loading...Please wait
3. Velk's lab - I always loved this zone - the shrilling of the spiders - the terror of hitting ice and falling off - kobolds up top / kobold maze at the bottom - such an awesome zone overall.
1. Qeynos (First Main starting city)
2. Highkeep (Gobbos, Guards, Noble)
3. Lowe Guk (I could draw this place from memory)
4. Nagafen's Lair (SolB)

I know technically SolB is a raid(ish) zone but I just had to include it for the Kobolds. It was not the best exp back in the day but I remember helping someone level back in around late '99 and I was up for just shy of 72 hours. I remember finally calling it quits and I could still hear the kobolds howling even as I laid in bed. I was killing those damn things and awake for so long I started having auditory hallucinations. I regret nothing.
Castle Mistmoore...Zoning in and seeing corpses then trying to zone back out becasue the mobs are still there whooping ass. When you zoned back out their was a fat ogre just standing there and if you tried to move you actually zoned back in. Good times!
Castle Mistmoore...Zoning in and seeing corpses then trying to zone back out becasue the mobs are still there whooping ass. When you zoned back out their was a fat ogre just standing there and if you tried to move you actually zoned back in. Good times!
Lol, I had a very similar experience the first time I visited this zone. Good times indeed.

My most is East Common Lands (there was an east and west before it just became common lands). Rolling my first toon as a human, I came right from freeport to east common lands. So this was my first exposure to Ever Quest, and obviously, since here I am well over 20 years later talking about it, it sunk its claws in quick. Started with spiders, wolves, then moving to get to know people by grouping at the orc camps or soloing the skeleton camp past the tunnel. The tunnel was just the hub of EQ on my original server. Who didn't run from Rinna (if you were an evil class) or Shit their pants because of a Griffin?

I also loved the first time I braved out to the oasis, scarabs, mummies, madmen, dervish camps, omg what a blast it was at the time.

Honorables: High Pass Hold, Karana's, from the aviaks, to split paw, then my first like "end level" grouping, was Karnor's, damn if I didn't have a love hate relationship with it.
Runnyeye Citadel: spent countless hours there killing gobbies with friends
Blackburrow: had to run through from Everfrost to get anywhere as a barbarian
Permafrost: first dungeon that I died in several times.
Karnor's Castle:: the trains....so many trains.
Almost to many to name.

Kithicor forest at night… trying to run a commonlands mule, encumbered, dodging undead, without a map. Only to die to some random mob in commonlands. Had to go Halfling, who wants to be a human?
Highkeep for sure. I spent countless hours there.
Ocean of Tears - Farming cyclops for jboots.
BoT, PoV, and Plane of Fire will always be favorites of mine.
So many choices since I started in May of 1999. My first toon was a HE pally, so crushbone has a soft spot. heck when I was lvl 5 or 6 i can't remember, there was a lvl 18 warrior who somehow trained Dvinn to the zone and a large force of us decided to join this war to reclaim the zonein. Needless to say we all died a horrible death including this war and we were demoralized for a long time.

Mistmoore was such an awesome place. I think it is the home of the original EQ train, but the zone was challenging but exciting. Groups all over the place and nobody dared go into the castle because that was instant death.
Lguk and Raster for monk epic! Finally getting the camp, working with my dad to hold it down for over 24hr straight, and finally waking up at 8am for my next shift at the pc to see noone on the computer! So, he either got the drop or gave up in the wee hours of the morning lol. Was a joyous morning, just like Christmas.

Another good 1, would be crushbone. While looking over my dads shoulder as he zones into CB for the first time as a lvl 12(?) Druid, he got asked if he wanted to join a guild, and had intentions of raiding. Wtf is raiding we said to each other? So, after giving some answer about laying waste to orcs and other minions of darkness, very roleplay-ish as we had no idea what he was asking, the guy responds with an "um.....okay" and sends a guild tag lol.
^^^ What Knightly said...."D'vinn to zone..." usually meant you were about to die if you were near the zone line. Made Crushbone very special. Good times.
Original PoM 100% for me.

first time i quit for a long time is when they changed it, really bummed me out - the xserver channels/communities trying to "figure out" stuff was pretty great fun
I've been thinking about the most "nostalgic" zones. I've been playing Everquest off and on, since the release of Kunark in 2000. I have played every class thus far minus a Beastlord. Not sure why... Beastlord's just never really appealed to me. Maybe now that I write this, I will try one... but then again, maybe not...

Most nostalgic to me, would be:
  1. Crushbone - Train incoming to zone!!!!
  2. Greater Faydark - being a new born and fighting under that tree fort city. Staying close to the lift and the guards incase you picked up a skeleton add. It all seemed so dangerous and adventurous.
  3. Lake of Ill Omen
  4. Plane of Fire or Time (really, the whole Planes of Power expansion)
  5. Ssraeshza Temple
  6. Other than MPG or Wall of Slaughter, it all gets sorta gets blurry for me..

What about you? What are your most nostalgic zones?

Howling Stones
Old Sebilis
Original PoM 100% for me.

first time i quit for a long time is when they changed it, really bummed me out - the xserver channels/communities trying to "figure out" stuff was pretty great fun
first time i got in there, was raiding NToV - and we see this mini castle, and someone yells in teamspeak or ventrillo or w/e was cool at the time "zomg a tiny tiny castle" and then one of our raid leaders "NO DONT CLICK THAT" boom - half the raid clicked it --- was too late.

I bound all my toons there <3 i loved it
I liked the hole...camped in there for days. Wall of Slaughter has memories for me since it was the first place I ever grouped. Soloed my sk to 63 or so. Proceeded to get tossed like a rag doll because somebody trained us with Shadowhunter.
I liked the hole...camped in there for days. Wall of Slaughter has memories for me since it was the first place I ever grouped. Soloed my sk to 63 or so. Proceeded to get tossed like a rag doll because somebody trained us with Shadowhunter.
I still travel down there occasionally and take him down. Just cause I can. He was the cause of sooo mannny deaths for my poor ranger.
I love the hole - so much so i just developed a new method to Power level 9 grps at once there. Well not really power levelling but assisted levelling.
Its one of the best places to power level since there are so many mobs, nothing runs, low hp mobs. Everything you want from a lvling perspective.
most of my favorites as a kid have now been played over and over on tlp, but the ones I think I'll never really experience fully again are

1) hunting willowisps with a crowd of other people on erud's xing like it was a hot leveling zone, and getting mad when people didn't loot burned out lightstones because unlooted dead wisps look the same as living wisps from far away.
2) for some reason on combine/sleeper server, we fought over a tiny floating wreck of wood with pirates on it in timorous deep. i think it was because the server was that severely overpacked, so we went out there and even that middle-of-the-ocean camp ended up being contested
3) my first successful character was a druid back in the day, so I have fond memories of all of the static spawn kiting locations I used to spend days at, which included the bard at the village in Karanas north of Qeynos Hills entrance, twins in front of Surefall Glades, a gnome guard on an intersection outside of Ak'anon
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My most memorable non-raid zones are:

1. Greater Faydark - Starting zone and first place I died by falling out of Kelethin. Not to mention the countless times running for dear life from Orc hill to the lift, lol.
2. Unrest - Was a scary place as a newbie. Learning the fear of the festering hags and trains.
3. Mistmoore - Train city. Need I say more, lol.
Original content:

LGuk Frenzy camp for me specifically. I spent a great deal of time in that zone trying to win the coveted Flowing Black Silk Sash. I once spent about 36 hours straight in that camp with my warrior going from Lvl. 39 - 46. Lost 11 rolls for it. Never won it. I eventually just ended up saving enough plat to buy it from someone down the road. Good times!

Close second would be Nro zone. Not sure why exactly. But I always liked that zone. Liked the water next to the sand. Etc...
Discussion - Most nostalgic, non raid zones?

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