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Contest March Contest: Use Your Illusion II Win Krono (1 Viewer)

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Oct 15, 2004
Congrats to last month's winners!

"Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money"

This March RedGuides would like to help everyone look their best, so please tell us:

What's your favorite illusion in the game, and how did you get that thing!?

To enter, just answer the above question, or have an on-topic discussion about illusions. Example:

My favorite illusion is Gunthak Swabby's Eyepatch, it gives a couple nice buffs (89 ac and 900 hp) that remain when you click the illusion off. It's a reward for doing CoTF T1a Mercenary / Partisan / Missions
(links to allakhazam or magelo create a cool hover effect (try it above), and are much appreciated by everyone!)

Prize List:
  • TWO KRONO for one lucky winner.
  • One Krono for one lucky winner.
  • Avatar change (from redcent shop)
  • Color username (from redcent shop)
  • 1 Month of Redguides Level 2 access for you or a friend. Enjoy MQ2 compiles, the internet's largest collection of macros, private strategies, and a great community.

No purchase necessary. No more entries after March 31st, 11:59 PM PST.
Drawing will be held in-game on the Vox server, by use of /random. Time & location of the /random will be posted after contest ends, you are welcome to attend.
One reply only, please. Multiple replies (and therefore multiple entries) are allowed so long as you are carrying on a normal on-topic conversation.
Shipping of physical items is to USA only, an alternate prize will be selected if we can't get it to you.
Posting with multiple accounts, or screwing with the contest will lead to certain doom.

By the way, check out our FB page:
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I did that on my original three characters... I went out of my way to get a shield for them as well that was a skeleton ribcage and a femur club as a weapon at the time. :) The pain of doing that quest multiple times LOL
I just want to congratulate you on being the first person to find this thread :) After several days I was starting to lose hope

LOL np, for some reason it did not show up on my "New Posts" thread. I actually just stumbled across it while browsing through the forums.
One of these days I want to get a group and give them each a Polymorph Wand: Shissar and set them farming in Katta Castrum: Deluge and see if someone starts screaming about a GM event because the Shissar are killing each other.

but my favorite "illusion" was the first time I cast Arch Lich and turned into the haunting old version of the spectre...
Form of the bear, the 1st Shaman Illusion. It gave combat Wis bonus and HP regen which of course help a Shaman utilize his canni abilitiy much better...Back in the day before mounts, and many f the other new fangled mana regening stuff we have now...was always fun hiding in among the other bears and watch peoples come up to try and kill the "NAMED" bear.
1st thing I do when I make a toon that is heroic or when my own toons hit level is get them the easiest illusion to aquire in game, even solo (at level) Mask of the Mighty Minotaur

Basically to get it you get the quest in Dragonscale Hills , Kicking Tail, go to the minotaur cave and kill a few bullheaded freaks, then you kill 1 named named •Higoren, loot his tail and turn it in. Takes me like 10 minutes to do and most of that is running to the mobs and quest giver...
right now I am partial to the Visage of Tyrannosaurus Hatchling, which is a reward for Seafarer, which is basically doing all merc/partisan tasks in TBS.

I am liking it can be put on pets and you, so you can have a batch of wild T-Rex running around, and the jumping graphics are.... amusing.

Did this while on a raid that was picking it's collective nose too long, so I clicked 6 toons and 3 pets worth of T-rex up and ran up and down the raid for a few. We suddenly didn't have an AFK issue....
Actually, my favorite illusion is bestial alignment on an Ogre Beastlord. Being able to turn into that huge bear makes me remembers the old days before they started shrinking BST pets and the raid events where the GL would be yelling at all the BST's to shrink the pets. They were so big then you couldn't see the raid target. I remember a PoTime raid and no one could see Rallos Zek between the bears. Those were such good times. :)
my favorite illusion, is the aon ( Amulet of Necropotence) , i fidn the illusion very easy to get pasted locked doors with.
Hey! Not sure if getting lucky enough to win last time precludes me from entering again, but my entry then and this entry are basically the same!

My favorite illusion, by far, is my Mask of Tinkering (http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=4811)

I sold my house, my clothes, and my first born to scrounge up 1.2 million plat back when that was an incredible amount. If I recall, I even had to buy 500K of it from somewhere to make up the difference. This was after most old-school bards/rogues had quit, so it was (at the time) one of the last on the server. I'd be really curious to know how many exist there.

Sony/DBG ended up putting gnome illusions into the game via other means, but the Mask of Tinkering will always be my fav.

A close second, though, is the dwarf illusion mask :) I'll use that one when I'm feeling squirrelly. The worst is the wood elf illusion... the factioning that bullshit required was INSANELY shitty. I think I clicked it like 5 times and now it just sits in a bag that I carry around on my toon lol.
My AoN: The first item I ever ninja'd, saw it drop on my main while raiding quickly logged on another account and looted it amidst of 50 or so people around the corpse, hid and /q. Logged back on my main, and started yelling in chat about who took the AoN. Never got caught :) Sported that bad boy on main a few days later. That was the beginning of my evil ways. I love EQ.
My AoN: The first item I ever ninja'd, saw it drop on my main while raiding quickly logged on another account and looted it amidst of 50 or so people around the corpse, hid and /q. Logged back on my main, and started yelling in chat about who took the AoN. Never got caught :) Sported that bad boy on main a few days later. That was the beginning of my evil ways. I love EQ.

We missed you Evil Abyss, WB
first post for me here in like 10 years... but have to say as a warrior i used to love tanking in a dress... so using AoN and dark elf illusion to wear a dress was always a good look i thought!

For the record... i tried it once in real life, but apparantly not shaving your legs doesnt go well with a dress in a night club!
My favorite would have to be the Mask of Nurga from the LoN tournament... This is by far my favorite illusion to feign death with, as your Kunark goblin tongue hangs way out, and just looks ridiculous. Plus, I don't see many people running around with it.
Just found this, but gotta say my favorite is Night's Dark Terror. I played an Enchanter main a bit during this era, and it was just such a fun spell that was actually USEFUL. One of the few actually useful illusions of old. And it made for a fun evening as used. Hard to complain.

I also did love the sound and bouncing, though not everyone did.
Just found this, but gotta say my favorite is Night's Dark Terror. I played an Enchanter main a bit during this era, and it was just such a fun spell that was actually USEFUL. One of the few actually useful illusions of old. And it made for a fun evening as used. Hard to complain.

I also did love the sound and bouncing, though not everyone did.

I think it was over by then yesterday was the April already
I believe it was still within, though barely. Either way, I'm not attached to needing to enter. My assumption is that the goal was to spark discussion, so I'm happy to attempt to add to that.
he made it :)
03-31-2016, 10:13 PM

Drawing will be held tomorrow, 4/3/2016, 11AM PST. Vox server, crescent reach spawnpoint.

[Sun Apr 03 12:59:57 2016] Raindog says, 'hey red'
[Sun Apr 03 13:00:07 2016] You say, 'I haven't seen you in a month!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:00:31 2016] Raindog says, 'lol i just realized i didnt enter marches contest. so i guess i am literally just cheering today'
[Sun Apr 03 13:00:42 2016] You say, 'haha that's awful nice of you'
[Sun Apr 03 13:00:43 2016] Logging to 'eqlog.txt' is now *ON*.
[Sun Apr 03 13:01:44 2016] Raindog says, 'be fun to see 20 people online for this'
[Sun Apr 03 13:02:19 2016] Zaekripa begins to cast a spell.
[Sun Apr 03 13:09:04 2016] Rigormortiz tells General:2, 'woot ...Prize: Dragorn Contract'
[Sun Apr 03 13:09:55 2016] You say, 'ok back'
[Sun Apr 03 13:09:56 2016] Bowz tells General:2, 'gratrz'
[Sun Apr 03 13:09:57 2016] You say, 'I agree'
[Sun Apr 03 13:10:16 2016] You say, 'I think if I get some wacky gear and fireworks more people will show up :p'
[Sun Apr 03 13:10:29 2016] Raindog says, 'lol good plan'
[Sun Apr 03 13:10:31 2016] Mdaydar tells General:2, 'nice they look like the a dragorn battlemaster from wos'
[Sun Apr 03 13:10:39 2016] Ssigmon has completed achievement: Crescent Reach Traveler
[Sun Apr 03 13:11:01 2016] Ssigmon's skin burns.
[Sun Apr 03 13:11:06 2016] You say, 'ALRIGHT!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:11:19 2016] You say, 'For 1 month of level 2....'
[Sun Apr 03 13:11:26 2016] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest.
[Sun Apr 03 13:11:26 2016] **It could have been any number from 2 to 32, but this time it turned up a 26.
[Sun Apr 03 13:11:30 2016] Raindog says, 'good luck everyone!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:11:40 2016] You say, 'Congrats to hellfyre!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:11:49 2016] Raindog says, 'congrats!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:12:10 2016] You say, 'For the color username option....'
[Sun Apr 03 13:12:15 2016] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest.
[Sun Apr 03 13:12:15 2016] **It could have been any number from 2 to 32, but this time it turned up a 12.
[Sun Apr 03 13:12:27 2016] You say, 'mishra728!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:12:42 2016] Raindog says, 'Yay mishra'
[Sun Apr 03 13:12:56 2016] Ssigmon says, 'Hail, Emissary Tinnvin'
[Sun Apr 03 13:13:33 2016] Sadrea tells General:2, 'mazuel on in any form PST'
[Sun Apr 03 13:13:39 2016] Streamz says, 'wow we are kinda lonely...'
[Sun Apr 03 13:13:46 2016] You say, 'For the avatar change...'
[Sun Apr 03 13:13:48 2016] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest.
[Sun Apr 03 13:13:48 2016] **It could have been any number from 2 to 32, but this time it turned up a 10.
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:02 2016] You say, 'eqstreamz!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:06 2016] Raindog says, 'grats stramz!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:07 2016] Kouzelnik begins to cast a spell.
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:09 2016] Kouzelnik's mind sharpens.
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:15 2016] Raindog says, 'streamz'
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:20 2016] Streamz says, 'lol thanks'
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:22 2016] Kouzelnik begins to cast a spell.
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:24 2016] Your mind sharpens.
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:30 2016] Streamz's skin burns.
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:41 2016] You say, 'Krono time'
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:47 2016] Kouzelnik begins to cast a spell.
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:49 2016] Raindog's mind sharpens.
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:56 2016] Kouzelnik begins to cast a spell.
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:56 2016] You say, 'here it goes'
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:57 2016] Raindog says, 'good luck!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:14:58 2016] Razrak's mind sharpens.
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:01 2016] You say, 'FOR ONE SHINY KRONO'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:02 2016] Streamz says, 'u too'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:05 2016] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest.
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:05 2016] **It could have been any number from 2 to 32, but this time it turned up a 13.
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:08 2016] Kouzelnik begins to cast a spell.
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:10 2016] Streamz's mind sharpens.
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:13 2016] You say, 'Meistro!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:20 2016] Streamz says, 'woot'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:20 2016] Raindog says, 'gratz Meistro! nice!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:30 2016] You say, 'and now for the big one'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:32 2016] You say, 'two krono'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:40 2016] You say, 'The winner is....'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:41 2016] You say, 'Hail, Raindog'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:41 2016] Streamz says, 'I expected more folks to be here...'
[Sun Apr 03 13:15:57 2016] You say, 'The person whose number is selected...'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:04 2016] You say, 'After I click random...'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:06 2016] Streamz says, 'LOL'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:07 2016] You say, 'which I will do....'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:09 2016] You say, 'Right...'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:16 2016] You say, 'in a few seconds...'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:26 2016] Raindog says, 'drama!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:26 2016] You say, 'is....'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:27 2016] Streamz says, 'killing me smalls'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:29 2016] You say, 'going to be .....'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:33 2016] Streamz says, 'get it ... dwarf'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:37 2016] You say, 'haha'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:43 2016] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest.
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:43 2016] **It could have been any number from 2 to 32, but this time it turned up a 7.
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:52 2016] You say, 'eqtreamz!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:57 2016] Targeted (Player): Streamz
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:57 2016] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Sun Apr 03 13:16:58 2016] Streamz says, 'WHAT'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:00 2016] You cheer at Streamz.
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:03 2016] Streamz says, 'WOOT'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:05 2016] Raindog says, 'nice! see you come out and you win!'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:11 2016] Raindog says, 'awesome'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:15 2016] You say, 'viewer's luck'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:16 2016] Streamz says, 'for sure'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:22 2016] Targeted (Player): Streamz
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:22 2016] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:27 2016] Your krono trade with Streamz has been successfully processed.
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:30 2016] Targeted (Player): Raindog
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:30 2016] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:31 2016] Streamz says, 'tyvm =)'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:38 2016] Raindog says, 'everyone come out to the next one and increase your chance to win lol'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:40 2016] Your krono trade with Raindog has been successfully processed.
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:45 2016] Streamz says, 'I sure will'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:50 2016] You say, 'thanks for showing up guys :)'
[Sun Apr 03 13:17:59 2016] Streamz says, 'ty Red and Rain'
[Sun Apr 03 13:18:02 2016] Raindog says, 'thanks for awesome contests red!'
Contest March Contest: Use Your Illusion II Win Krono
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