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Discussion - LS Raid Trash (1 Viewer)

Jun 13, 2016
First Raid (Elddar Forest):
Who: Dextris Kanghammer
Where: Door 12 in Laurion Inn

Second Raid (Plane of Mischief):
Who: Bidils the Quickhand
Where: Door 14 in Laurion Inn

165983^6466^Foruitous Jewel

Haven't read EQ Forums for this so going into this completely blind (extra fun).
Was told by one raider that Raid trash did not drop Type 19 but did drop a new luck aug. Haven't gotten verification.

Jumped into the first raid: "The Return of Kanghammer". And WOW these mobs aren't push-overs.

Group is 125, max AA, and 90% T3 geared. But still quite a few wipes figuring this out.

As of this posting, (while waiting for rezzes) 60% of trash cleared and no special drops.

Haven't studied logs or results much - but more than a few 1-2 round kills and multiple mobs really compound the pain.
Not seeing AE or other odd spells so maybe just strong, high HP mobs. Experimented with NDP a bit thinking that would help but seemed not much.
  • A Clan Vorzek warlord crushes YOU for 105480 points of damage. (Riposte Strikethrough)
  • A Clan Vorzek warlord crushes YOU for 111360 points of damage. (Riposte Strikethrough)

Almost all mobs marked with "...is immune to Fade spells." which makes breaking the groups up extra fun.

Overall, single pulls are okay. And things got a bit easier when I slowed down and focused on splitting smarter.
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Type 19's = no (players fighting on forums if this is intended or not)
Luck = yes
Mob = yeah, they can be tough, but also being discussed on the official forums is are they overtuned? (raids nerfed to easy from beta, zone trash left the same?)
At the suggestions above, left 20 mobs up and switched to PoM raid.
Jeeeeeez what a difference. Just turned on Hunter Tank and let things play out.

Gotta guess that the chance of drop is the same per-mob, but the experience is night and day. (Or wipes and successes)
Finished clearing Plane of Mischief raid trash. Completely easy.

Got zero drops - but that's on part with previous expansion experiences for me. I averaged approx 1 luck aug per 2 clears.

Thanks again to all the feedback
Finished clearing Plane of Mischief raid trash. Completely easy.

Got zero drops - but that's on part with previous expansion experiences for me. I averaged approx 1 luck aug per 2 clears.

Thanks again to all the feedback
If I remember correctly the augs weren't in NoS raids when they first released. I can't remember but would make sense as I cleared the other raid and got 0 drops.
Plane of Mischief trash mobs drop luck augs AND type 19 aug. I got both in the same run. i got 3 type 19 augs from the guards around the castle.
Discussion - LS Raid Trash

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