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Request - looking for hud that shows hp/mp (1 Viewer)


Mar 5, 2024
I'm still pretty new here. I've got a few plugins for classes already and they work great. What I'd like to find is a hud that shows hp/mp and unspent aa, so I dont accidently cap without realizing it. I know nothing about coding so makin one or tweaking one is out of the question for me.
hi @Tasi , welcome !
You can look at Boxhud: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/boxhud.2088/

Also, QuickHud: https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/quick-hud.2450/
Oh what I meant wasn't for the main toon, it would be for all the other boxes. Just so I didnt have to keep looking at the grp window. Something where I could look, see hp/mp, see if they invis or not, ect. Could it be done where if a toon on autofollow stops for whatever reason the hud, would change colors for that toon so you could see instantly and know they stopped?
Oh what I meant wasn't for the main toon, it would be for all the other boxes. Just so I didnt have to keep looking at the grp window. Something where I could look, see hp/mp, see if they invis or not, ect. Could it be done where if a toon on autofollow stops for whatever reason the hud, would change colors for that toon so you could see instantly and know they stopped?
In that case BoxHud is the answer.. not too hard to configure it for that. Go to that thread and read up... there may already be the exact example there you are asking for, but that is the right tool
Oh what I meant wasn't for the main toon, it would be for all the other boxes. Just so I didnt have to keep looking at the grp window. Something where I could look, see hp/mp, see if they invis or not, ect. Could it be done where if a toon on autofollow stops for whatever reason the hud, would change colors for that toon so you could see instantly and know they stopped?
boxhud is what you're looking for.

please consider making your post's title what it is the post is actually about "not sure if this is right..." is a terrible title
Request - looking for hud that shows hp/mp

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