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King of Kong (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 4, 2005
Anyone else here see it? I just got the DVD, and I'm reviewing it for a Writing for the Web class I'm in. I was just wondering what others thought of it, or if anyone else has even seen it. Sure, it's not MMO gaming or even PC Gaming, but I like to think any gaming is still up for discussion at a site called Not Addicted.
I've always thought the uber game guy from that thing was a fag, ever since I saw some MTV True Life "I'm a Gamer" special that featured him because of his perfect Pacman game, and he was decidedly NOT what is generally considered a gamer, and gave all gamers a bad name.

That aside though, I guess the documentary was really mis-leading. If you go to the site with whatever forum they talk about in the movie, they have a few sticky/announcement posts about it that claim it's completely the other way around. I don't know that I take those to be 100% correct either... and that one guy is still a complete douchefag.

It's kind of funny though how they have their "elite" acrade cabinet gamer crew and think they are the best of the best of gamers. They're not. It's just that no one gives two shits enough to play those games over and over for 3-5 years memorizing all the levels inside and out, when there are much, much better games on the market today that require real reactions and skills, instead of just level memorization. That's why people play multiplayer games today. Why PvP has appeals over PvE in MMOs. People are sick of just memorizing a level or how to deal with a predictable AI reaction when there's more out there to be had. These dumbass middle aged motherfuckers can't cope with that though.

But those guys all think they're some kind of gods. When they're really quite pathetic, mullet wearing, basement dwelling, socially awkward fucking... losers? Is that the right word there? I wanted to use nerds or geeks, but that's almost demeaning to the rest of us.

Either way, the movie and those people in it annoyed me to the point of wanting to just walk away from it a few times, but I stuck it out and it's interesting enough to be a worthwhile rental/Netflix pickup.
King Kong was decent. You dont see many movies if it was the best since you saw it (unless you watched it like last night on HBO).

Jack Black does a good job in it. But the "King Kong fights the T-rex" scenes are pretty lame and EXTREMELY drawn out. Predators dont kill like that and certainly wouldnt risk their lives to eat a little woman. Peter Jackson got caught up with a case of "Can I's?" and not "Should I's".

The best movies Ive seen lately are "There will be Blood" and "No Country for Old Men". Both were brilliant.
King Kong was decent. You dont see many movies if it was the best since you saw it (unless you watched it like last night on HBO).

Jack Black does a good job in it. But the "King Kong fights the T-rex" scenes are pretty lame and EXTREMELY drawn out. Predators dont kill like that and certainly wouldnt risk their lives to eat a little woman. Peter Jackson got caught up with a case of "Can I's?" and not "Should I's".

The best movies Ive seen lately are "There will be Blood" and "No Country for Old Men". Both were brilliant.

I've always thought the uber game guy from that thing was a fag, ever since I saw some MTV True Life "I'm a Gamer" special that featured him because of his perfect Pacman game, and he was decidedly NOT what is generally considered a gamer, and gave all gamers a bad name.

That aside though, I guess the documentary was really mis-leading. If you go to the site with whatever forum they talk about in the movie, they have a few sticky/announcement posts about it that claim it's completely the other way around. I don't know that I take those to be 100% correct either... and that one guy is still a complete douchefag.

It's kind of funny though how they have their "elite" acrade cabinet gamer crew and think they are the best of the best of gamers. They're not. It's just that no one gives two shits enough to play those games over and over for 3-5 years memorizing all the levels inside and out, when there are much, much better games on the market today that require real reactions and skills, instead of just level memorization. That's why people play multiplayer games today. Why PvP has appeals over PvE in MMOs. People are sick of just memorizing a level or how to deal with a predictable AI reaction when there's more out there to be had. These dumbass middle aged motherfuckers can't cope with that though.

But those guys all think they're some kind of gods. When they're really quite pathetic, mullet wearing, basement dwelling, socially awkward fucking... losers? Is that the right word there? I wanted to use nerds or geeks, but that's almost demeaning to the rest of us.

Either way, the movie and those people in it annoyed me to the point of wanting to just walk away from it a few times, but I stuck it out and it's interesting enough to be a worthwhile rental/Netflix pickup.

As you ar enow so once were they
as they are now so you shall be (or something like that)

or something like that you were looking into your own future watching that "complete douchefag" lolz
Considering I buy a new system when needed, the newer consoles when they come out, and new games... and they're still playing the same arcade cabinets they were playing over 20 years ago... No. I will never be that badly out of sync with the times.

I might end up like those old guys that walk into the bar and say, "Hmm... I think I'll try one of those Miller's Lites ya got back there." But that'll just be because I'm like 75 and decrepit. Not 45 with a mullet playing 30 year old games and acting like it matters.
"King of Kong" is the best movie I've seen in the past year.

Probably longer.

It's up there for me too. Excellent, excellent movie.

I started off laughing at these aging weirdos for taking games so seriously, but then an underdog story is built. An out-of-luck outsider comes in to challenge the world of geeks, and after 30 minutes I'm cheering for the guy. Which is probably the first (and last) time I ever feel emotionally connected to professional gaming.

It's great story telling, which means it's an irresponsible documentary. Read the onion AV interview and decide for yourself if Billy is an evil gaming jerk (spoiler: he is).

I hate professional gaming, but love love love this movie.
King of Kong

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