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Just got suspended for no reason. (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 12, 2004
Today at exactly 5:52 on November 5th i got disconnected and then a message popped up that said Your account has been suspended blah blah blah. No reason what so ever. Just recently got un suspended for shared bank shit and have not used it since. Only things i've been using were chainzone once (crashed me) and warping and noaccel on horse. Has anyone else been suspended today? Such bullshit there wasnt even a GM on at the time . Makes no sense to me but just letting you all know to see if you had any info about this .

BTW , do you think i could have gotten suspended for trying to name change ? Im not original owner but my bestfriend IRL is orig owner and i think my request was denied first time and i did it second time and that day i got suspended about 2 hrs after submitting 2nd request
If you just get unsuspended, you're probably going to be watched. Closely. Warping would probably alert the GMs, and you would get suspended again.
You cannot tell when a GM is on now. I had one standing directly in front of me, talking to me, and a /who all GM returned nothing. A /who (insert GM name here) returned nothing. I have heard that there is a new /su[erwho plugin that will identify Gm's, but havn't found it yet, although I havn't looked ery hard either.
GM's have ALWAYS had the ability to remain invisable to the client, it is nothing new and if your client doesn't know about them they MQ will not know about them. WTB EQ SOURCE CODE!
just got email explaining i got suspended for 3rd party programs and ill be reviewed for 7 to 10 days for banning heh really sucks but if you got suspended... it'd be smart to not warp or sue MQ2 for about a month
would it not be " no reason" if all of a sudden while in-game i went LD then received message box? it was meant to be , No apparent reason.
well, to me, no reason would be " hey guys I wasn't running mq2 or cheating what so ever and I got suspended" not, "yeah, I have been warping all over and got suspended"
What I can't understand is why you would even load MQ2 for at least a month after having a suspension lifted, let alone warp or chain zone?!?!

not to be a dick..... but what can I say it's my nature to point out the obvious to people who just can't see it themselves....
You were asking for it man. :rolleyes:
Jarullan said:
well, to me, no reason would be " hey guys I wasn't running mq2 or cheating what so ever and I got suspended" not, "yeah, I have been warping all over and got suspended"

did you feel you had to re-state what was already said?

btw, dirtynumbangel I got suspended for shared docrack , not warping. Plenty of people have been suspended/banned for shared docrack but I've not heard of any that have been for warping so I thought it would be fine. Also did not think that GM's would monitor you if you've been suspended recently considering there were hundreds suspended.
Listen up.

I was suspended for shared bank slot.

3 days later, i was banned for good for the same thing. They're just going to ban you, reverse the CC charges while you can. Shit, sell the account while you can log on it, they *will* ban you. Anyone using shared will be banned, and they're making sure a suspension isn't enough.

They stole 6month subscription and dodh fees from me that way.
I told ya guys to stop and why people were getting banned now some of you get unbanned and come back mqing lol what you think going to happen :eek: :eek: :eek: PS I get my info from INSIDE so listen next time
I just go suspened today. Dont really care that i did eq was boring anyways if i get unsispened i will go right back and mq2 somemore. Just how i am
did you feel you had to re-state what was already said?

btw, dirtynumbangel I got suspended for shared docrack , not warping. Plenty of people have been suspended/banned for shared docrack but I've not heard of any that have been for warping so I thought it would be fine. Also did not think that GM's would monitor you if you've been suspended recently considering there were hundreds suspended.

*after finishing smashing my head against the keyboard.....................................................................................................................................................*

I was talking about the second suspension.

*realizing the futility, throws his hands into the air and walks away.*
Just got suspended for no reason.

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