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Patch - June 17 Patch Notes (1 Viewer)


Redneck Coder
Mar 13, 2019
June 17, 2020

*** Highlights ***

- Three new pride hares, along with the three introduced last year, will be freely claimable from the Marketplace from June 24th to July 31st.

*** Items ***

- Fixed a problem with the teleport on Painting: Tassel's Tavern.
- Fixed the typo in the Fear-Infused Rachnid Heart. It is now a Fear-Infused Drachnid Heart, as Mayong intended.
- The Human Heritage ringmail, cloth, and leather suits will no longer indicate that they fit into chain and plate armor.
- Fixed some Froststone ornament icons that would look like necklaces after being applied to a weapon.
- Three new pride hares, along with the three introduced last year, will be freely claimable from the Marketplace from June 24th to July 31st.
- Mounts will no longer activate for Paladins or Shadowknights before Luclin.
- Adoptable Heritage Crate Familiars are no longer Heirloom, as the adoptable versions of the items are tradable and the adopted familiar versions of the items are not.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Derakor the Vindicator (Raid - Torment of Velious) - At the point where Derakor starts eating the undead around him, whenever a set of adds spawns he will always wait at least 30 seconds before he eats one. This should address issues with the Don't Eat the Dead achievement.
- Greater Spirit Shield (Achievement - The Broken Mirror) - Corrected a typo in the reward description of this achievement.
- Bugglegupp, Tergon's Spellbook, Toko's Head, Darkforge Helm - Fixed some broken dialogues and other bad behavior in these quests.
- Till Death Do Us Part - Increased the threshold before the raid will reset due to any NPCs being idle.
- Heart of Frozen Shadow - Made the following changes to this raid:
- - Increased the threshold before the raid will reset due to all NPCs being idle.
- - It's again equally likely that spawned specters will be restless or non-restless.
- The Tavern at the End of Norrath (Achievement) - Now correctly indicates that you need to have completed The Fall of Toskirakk in order to have access to Korafax, Home of the Riders.
- Hardcore Heritage, Sebilis Phase - Extended the duration of this event from 2 to 4 weeks.
- The Beast Below - Fixed several issues with the messaging of the mechanics in this raid event. The messages will no longer show # and ! symbols, they will no longer display if the target is invalid, the pop-up message sent directly to a target will now also appear in chat, and chat messages now use the event color / filter.
- Veil of Alaris - If you do not have the correct flags to request raids in the tier that your evolving Record book has advanced to, activating it again should correctly flag you to request access to any tier in which you have completed all raids.
- Convorteum Raids - The "Transforming Surprises" have been removed as they served absolutely no purpose other than to annoy completionists.

*** Spells ***

- Necromancer and Shadowknight - Changed Vampiric Curse and Bond of Death to use resource taps rather than a reflected recourse spell to return health to you.
- Necromancer - Changed the Dyn`Leth's Grasp line of Damage over Time spells to use resource taps rather than a reflected recourse spell to return health to you.
- Necromancer - The Dyn`Leth's Grasp line of Damage over Time spells no longer stacks with itself. Damage and mana costs have been increased.
- Necromancer - The Swift Lifedraw line of Damage over Time spells no longer stacks with itself or the Dyn`Leth's Grasp line. Its damage and mana cost now matches the Grasp line per tick. Reduced the recast time and removed the timer. It no longer deals different amounts of damage to raid targets. Converted all ranks to use a resource tap rather than a reflected recourse spell to return health to you. Moved the memorization category from Taps->Health to Taps->Duration Tap.
- Necromancer - The Dark Leech line of Damage Over Time spells no longer stacks with itself. Damage and mana costs have been increased.
- Necromancer - Lowered the recast time of Zevfeer's Theft of Vitae and Night Stalker to 1.5 seconds. Removed the linked spell timer from Night Stalker.

*** NPCs ***

- NPCs in Classic through Luclin will inflict 20% less damage while charmed.

*** Overseer ***

- Removed the membership requirements for collection, tradeskill, and ornament rewards.
- If you change filters while selecting an agent for an Overseer quest, it will now properly update the selected agent highlighting and count.
- If you are unable to start an Overseer quest, you will now receive a message in the chat window stating such.
- Addressed an issue that could cause the agent count when assigning agents to a quest.

*** Progression Servers ***

- It is no longer possible to unwrap the Sanctus Seru teleport or mount from the Human Heritage Crate until the Shadows of Luclin has unlocked on the server.
- Aradune unlock events will show on the in-game calendar.
- The Demiplane of Blood - It's now possible to launch this raid instance once Secrets of Faydwer has been unlocked for at least one month and the character requesting the raid is at least level 70.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Corrected an issue where guild names would sometimes display as 'Unknown Guild'.
- The Hero's Forge Suit Consolidator is now available on the loyalty merchant.
- Hero's Forge - Fixed a clipping problem in the backs of the arms that affected some races.
- Fixed an issue that caused a few legacy zones to unintentionally be set as hotzones on non-Progression servers.
- Disabled the use of the keyring window and keyring-item hotkeys during monster missions.

*** UI ***

- Corrected an issue where the LDoN leaderboards failed to display all players in the list.
- Experience reward types will now display more detailed descriptions when previewed in the reward selection window.
- Added the command /rewards to open the reward window.
- Added a chat message when you try to open the reward window without having any pending rewards instead of opening and immediately closing the window.
- Added a confirmation box when attempting to loot an item with a lore-equipped group that matches an item you currently possess.
- Updated the message when failing a tradeskill combine to include the name of the item you were intending to make.

*** Previously Updated ***

- Agnarr: Added three worg mounts to the marketplace.
- Fixed the jumbled up achievement objectives for Human Heritage Crate: Human Art Collector.
- Fixed an error in the Call of the Forsaken reward script that caused it to fail to give currency or keys.
- Beyond the Barrier - It should now be possible for a character to receive the subtask Exploring Crystallos, even if the character had already completed that task.

- The EverQuest Team
What everyone asked for: please fix server stability, logging in, and crashes
What no one asked for: nerf classic to luclin charm
What we got: nerf classic to luclin charm
Yea, wtf why are we nerfing charm pets? It's been in the game since day one, your telling me charm pet is going to now have dps decrease, what the fuck.
Disabled the use of the keyring window and keyring-item hotkeys during monster missions
RIP soloing OMM naggy/vox raids

I should have done those when I knew about this ... didn’t think DPG would nerf it.
And I was just going to try out a Necro

But on the good side of things:

Hardcore Heritage, Sebilis Phase - Extended the duration of this event from 2 to 4 weeks.
Removed the membership requirements for collection, tradeskill, and ornament rewards - so F2P can go back to doing that
The Hero's Forge Suit Consolidator is now available on the loyalty merchant.
Added the command /rewards to open the reward window.
There are like a thousand threads on the official forums saying charm needs to be nerfed. Resist rates have changed since classic and charm has been overpowered for a while. It's why you see so many enchanters on TLP and, in the last month so many requests for "does your macro support charm?"

It has been progressively tuned in every single TLP release, this is just the first time they addressed damage output.
- Disabled the use of the keyring window and keyring-item hotkeys during monster missions. what am i missing on this? What where you able to do with keyring?
- Disabled the use of the keyring window and keyring-item hotkeys during monster missions. what am i missing on this? What where you able to do with keyring?
Old Man McKenzie misisons, could use the jann illusion to make it a 10min solo event, could do the raid easier if you were basically unkillable.
i wish it was like old eq - where you could dispell the mob thats charmed - I had someone ks me on ghoul lord using a pet - I kept trying to dispell it so i could charm it but it failed. Sucks thats fixed.
Even though I have an enchanter, I'm glad to see them nerfed. Now I won't feel as if I'm missing out on as much damage when I don't charm (which I hate to do.) Selfish I know lol
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Old Man McKenzie misisons, could use the jann illusion to make it a 10min solo event, could do the raid easier if you were basically unkillable.

yup... wish I had done this for the rez stick
There are like a thousand threads on the official forums saying charm needs to be nerfed. Resist rates have changed since classic and charm has been overpowered for a while. It's why you see so many enchanters on TLP and, in the last month so many requests for "does your macro support charm?"

It has been progressively tuned in every single TLP release, this is just the first time they addressed damage output.
The corpse thing is so fuckin stupid ... before next patch I’m going to PL a toon to 110, kill it a bagillion times, rez those corpses, then continue exping. When the servers come up, there should be enough extra exp in the new corpses to expedient recovery my ass to 115... because DPG sucks at their job.
Auto loot is not looting items I already have one of because of the confirmation box they added for a lore-equipped group item. What a lame addition to the game, boooooo
Auto loot is not looting items I already have one of because of the confirmation box they added for a lore-equipped group item. What a lame addition to the game, boooooo
plure pushed some updates for that last night - i think we might have another VV build later today to fix it
For some further clarification, when we weigh a new server or not, we are going by experience with doing this before but, more importantly right now, that standing up another server would likely have tremendous impact on crashes on all live servers, including the new progression servers. The fixes in today's update may change that calculation some.
This here makes me very afraid for EQ's future, sounds like they built in single points of failures and do not know what to so the whole house of cards does not fall flat.

This here makes me very afraid for EQ's future, sounds like they built in single points of failures and do not know what to so the whole house of cards does not fall flat.
I think they are over feeding those hamsters that run their servers.
Patch - June 17 Patch Notes

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