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Macro - ItemSorter (1 Viewer) 2020-06-26

Apr 30, 2019
jande submitted a new resource:

ItemSorter - Parcel off items you want to keep

This is my version of clearing your inventory. It works by running through lists and parceling off items.
You may setup various characters to receive items when it is found and matches a filter.
(Filter is * for any bag or need to match the bag name.)

options=collection poison

container1=Deep Caverns Collector's Case
container2=Collector's Dimensional Case


Read more about this resource...
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I am loving this macro ty so much Jande for making this available. I was using the old ParcelBot to try and coordinate all TS items but I prefer your set up. I have a toon that received all Guild TS items so this is perfect to forward on specific items to specific toons as I got a toon for each skill. I don't know if you are taking suggestions or corrections but if you are within your ini file it should be privet not privit and what would be amazing if there was a command to add an item to the ini under a specific section in game similar to parcelbot i.e. /mailto EQTrader. I am very happy to donate and provide an avenue for testing.

Thanks again
I am loving this macro ty so much Jande for making this available. I was using the old ParcelBot to try and coordinate all TS items but I prefer your set up. I have a toon that received all Guild TS items so this is perfect to forward on specific items to specific toons as I got a toon for each skill. I don't know if you are taking suggestions or corrections but if you are within your ini file it should be privet not privit and what would be amazing if there was a command to add an item to the ini under a specific section in game similar to parcelbot i.e. /mailto EQTrader. I am very happy to donate and provide an avenue for testing.

Thanks again
Corrected the privet items, you need to edit your own ini file, as the one included is just a sample of how to set it up.

Not sure what you mean with the mailto command, I gave parcelbot one look and decided it was too confusing for me so no real idea what it does.
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The hot button would allocate the person to parcel the item held on your cursor too by updating the ini file. It would be good if lets say there was an item not defined within the ini you could hold the item on your curser then press a hot button which would allocate it to the ini file under the section you want. It would mean creating a hot button for each section that you create but it would be most beneficial to me as I coordinate all ts loot through one toon.
jande updated ItemSorter with a new update entry:

Commands to edit section entries

To activate the edit mode
/mac itemsort edit

/itemsort hover/cursor add/delete section

Hover mouse over an item
/itemsort hover add sectionXYZ
Will add the item you are hovering the mouse cursor over to sectionXYZ

/itemsort cursor add sectionXYZ
Will add the item you holding on the cursor to sectionXYZ

Same goes for the delete command only it will then remove the entry from the relevant section

To end this edit session
/itemsort end

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Jande any chance you can give me a copy of the previous version of the Macro.

Unfortunatly this one I don't have in version control, lets try and solve the problem with the new one, send me a snip of the error.
You do have containers in all slots ?

nvm I see it.
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The hot button would allocate the person to parcel the item held on your cursor too by updating the ini file. It would be good if lets say there was an item not defined within the ini you could hold the item on your curser then press a hot button which would allocate it to the ini file under the section you want. It would mean creating a hot button for each section that you create but it would be most beneficial to me as I coordinate all ts loot through one toon.
Do you have a copy of your hotbutton text? I am trying out various commands and cannot get it to add to the .ini. The macro works for items that are there, however.
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Put it in edit mode
/mac itemsort edit

/itemsort cursor/hover add/delete section
/itemsort hover add collection
Will add to collection section the item your cursor is hovering over

It is described in the command section, not clear ?
Ahh, okay. I was using it as one command, as per the overview. Something like: "/mac itemsort edit /itemsort cursor add poison" -- the carriage return was not carrying over for some reason, making it all appear as one line. The macro was starting and then ending right away.
I will try it out, thank you so much for the response!

Edit: Works great, even when hovering! There's no response when doing "/mac itemsort edit" so I was glad that confirmation was visible when adding each item.
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I'm having an issue where it will run through the first collection section but then pauses on the 2nd bag of the second collection. If I try and run just a single collection other than the first/primary collection it still pauses on the second bag.

No error messages .. just stalls and sits there.
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I'm having an issue where it will run through the first collection section but then pauses on the 2nd bag of the second collection. If I try and run just a single collection other than the first/primary collection it still pauses on the second bag.

No error messages .. just stalls and sits there.
The only thing i can think of is that in your ini file it specifies a specific bag for that section if so remove that tag and retry.
Wanted to post another macro I made that is intended to make ini files to be used with itemsorter. I based this file off of Gear.mac by Lemons (https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/gear-mac.75515/)

I am planning to box 18+ characters for progression style raiding from level 60. The intention of this file is to output a list of missing defiant pieces on a character to an ini file that can be used with itemsorter. The setup tag needs to be added to the file manually for now. Currently I run this with an 18box party and store the results into a single ini file that is tagged by character name to see who is missing Elaborate Defiant gear. I created a setup tag in itemsort_server.ini that has all my characters names. I then run the /mac itemsorter on my defiant mule (with slight modification to do wildcard search and remove the item once it is found. I will post the modification below.) The mule will then parcel the available defiant gear to the appropriate character. Currently does not handle weapons because there are too many different types. Also does not handle plate Bracer, only Wristguard / Wristband. I based the piece names off of elaborate defiant gear, so if there is variation some changes might need to be made.

Run from raid leader:
/dgra /mac MissingDefiant Raid Elaborate

Run from defiant gear mule:
/mac itemsorter

2021/05/24 Edit: Fixed bug - had ranged weapon slot still adding a line to ini file, removed that. Also added lines for the jewelry that is purchased from vendor. Populates based on whether the char is a caster or melee

2021/05/26 edit: Commented out the jewelry since it is no-trade :( Might re-visit to set up some auto-buy capability

Edit: Added another macro to generate the [setup] tag using Raidmembers. Give filename the same as used for the missingdefiant macro, usage: /mac raidmembers <filename>

The changes in ItemSort.mac to do partial name match, and also only send 1 item per match (ie if there is item3=defiant plate wristguard, item4=defiant plate wristguard, the mule would parcel 2 wristguards)

All inside of the SendBag function:
Sub SendBag(string SendTo, string tag, int Bag)
    /declare i int local 0
    /declare Slot int local 0
    /declare alive int 0
    /declare tmp

    /if (!${Window[Pack${Bag}].Open}) /itemnotify pack${Bag} rightmouseup
    /delay 1s ${Window[Pack${Bag}].Open}
    /delay 5

    /notify MerchantWnd MW_Send_To_Edit leftmouseup
    /call ClearChat
    /call TypeIn ${SendTo}
    /delay 5

    /for Slot 1 to ${InvSlot[pack${Bag}].Item.Container} {
        /if (${InvSlot[pack${Bag}].Item.Item[${Slot}].NoTrade}) {
        /varset tmp ${InvSlot[pack${Bag}].Item.Item[${Slot}].Name}
        /if (${tmp.Equal[NULL]}) {
        /echo ... ${tmp}
        /for i 1 to ${ItemMax} {
            /if (!${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) {
            |2021/05/23: @eqplayer16 Changed from .Equal -> .Find to allow wildcard searches from the ini file.
            /if (${Item[${i}].Find[*]} || ${InvSlot[pack${Bag}].Item.Item[${Slot}].Name.Find[${Item[${i}]}]}) {
                /call SendItem ${SendTo} ${Bag} ${Slot}
                |2021/0523: @eqplayer16 clear out the item entry so we only send one copy
                /varset Item[${i}] ""
        /next i
    /next Slot

    |** Close the bag I just checked **|
    /if (${Window[Pack${Bag}].Open}) /itemnotify pack${Bag} rightmouseup


  • raidmembers.mac
    612 bytes · Views: 3
  • MissingDefiant.mac
    5.9 KB · Views: 3
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The only thing i can think of is that in your ini file it specifies a specific bag for that section if so remove that tag and retry.
It actually only seems to happen to characters on the same account as the account sending the items .. it goes through the first bag & stops even if I have container1=*
If I send to characters on other accounts no problem - goes through all the bags and sends.
I noticed there is a cap on items for 1000. I modifed the .ini and there are some tags that are over 1000 items. Is there a way to increase that to say 3000?

Here is the file I've been working on if you need any reference.


  • ItemSort_test - Blank Names.ini
    342.2 KB · Views: 0
Macro - ItemSorter

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