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IRL - in the next Expansion I want. (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023
I know it's early but I want a corpse summoning priest in Guild Halls there is no reason to fight this. It doesn't harm anyone. Why? Like to play in the wild a lot outside Missions and Instances where it's still dangerous. It reminds me I'm playing Everquest. So let me bind in MY Guild Hall port back there and Rez up. It makes it easier to get back to my camp. And this they can do!
.What dio you most want?
guild hall trade skill storage, spell storage, collectible storage for starters.being able to expand guild bank.
not that they would do it but a new class or race with new expansion would be cool for 25th anniversary
An NPC You could buy buffs from in the throne room , Would cut down some lag id bet,,, then if not too much to ask , maybe add more players to your fellowship then 12?? OR get group exp with a group of 12? could make if over 12 people ya have to form a raid .. would help grind personas ...
mechanics that actually matter
the modern strategy of just burn it down before mechanics kick in is BS.

named that is not just a bag of hitpoints.
I wish, unfortunately then we would get to hear to a perpetual whine fest of XoA is too hard, etc etc etc until either the next expansion or it gets nerfed to trivial. The problem with the TOV-LS era is that things have been in a state of easy (and arguably getting easier by the year) ever since TBL.
We as a game have grown way beyond the 200 item guild bank. How about 2K for guild hall bank? NPC selling buffs I think that's interesting. We have NPCs doing nothing .
What I want but will never get is an app for the bazaar so I can buy and sell stuff with my phone.
There's an App for everything. Hell there are probably 20 people who read this who could make that app. But it's too costly an investment in the future for a 25 year old game.
I wish, unfortunately then we would get to hear to a perpetual whine fest of XoA is too hard, etc etc etc until either the next expansion or it gets nerfed to trivial. The problem with the TOV-LS era is that things have been in a state of easy (and arguably getting easier by the year) ever since TBL.
That's true Everquest used to be a hard game. You would have killed for that roll of bandages you delete of your starting toon to make room now. Death doest even take away your buffs!
A new class would be amazing. Or retrofit other classes. They like to steal from WoW anyway... why not self buffs that add significant changes to modifiers? A system that would add different 'flavors' to a class. Like maybe a cleric gets a healing debuff but his nukes get a crit chance and damage buff. Maybe a wiz takes a nuke damage debuff but his nukes now add debuffs to the mob. A warrior could trade some of his tankiness for more DPS. etc

Give people something that makes the class they already play have a new mode of play. Switch things up. This could be especially fun for classes that are unpopular.

Edit - OH. I would love the ability to group with people on different servers. I'm not sure how that would work exactly... maybe an expansion akin to LDON with instanced missions, but the pool to group could extend to all the players within a level range. Population is an issue for every server eventually. A system like that could mean there's always more people to connect with.
I'd be game for them to open up extra race/class combos from the existing set up. Kind of like when they added frog monks and woodie beastlords.

Expand that. Then don't break other stuff.
group finder HAs for 1-115 that reward chunk of exp and currency? Currency can be used for relevent stat food, perfect aug distillers, maybe powersources and gear ala CotF vendors?

Something that lets lower level people group with higher level people pre 75 and pre COTF for TLPs. One thing I've noticed on mischief is it takes people who are new and trying to raid almost an entire expansion to get caught up and raid ready, this is if they dont burn out or get frustrated with it on top of missing the content.

We have had guys join during SoD, take all of underfoot and most of HoT to get caught up with AAs and gear and expressed how they felt like they were being carried the whole time.

This is why people liked the Unity mission so much is it gave them a catch up mechanic that wasn't a huge time sink.
1. New epic
2. Alchemy Tradeskill that creates vials for current buffs
3. More quest lines for each xpac
4. Emotes for group named content
5. Mounts that can fly
6. New fabled content
7. Makes no sense they give you a map option w/o an outline of the map itself. INCLUSION OF MAPS! Give brewall a break!
1. A better UI
2. Higher plat cap in bazaar/Barter
3. Better Barter Search Engine
4. Old Lore HA. Maybe making it part of Heroes Journey quest line.
5. Revamp heroes Journey see option 4.
6. Maybe skip new content and do all above plus more. Id take quality of life over new content but that's me I do not own any xpac other than the ones you get for free atm as I have not even come close to max level on any toon
1. New epic
2. Alchemy Tradeskill that creates vials for current buffs
3. More quest lines for each xpac
4. Emotes for group named content
5. Mounts that can fly
6. New fabled content
7. Makes no sense they give you a map option w/o an outline of the map itself. INCLUSION OF MAPS! Give brewall a break!
New Epics is always.... Epic. Since so many seem to have been superseded.
Forget just epic weapon 3.0. How about we get evolving epic armor that can be updated with a special augmentation slot which has updates to that augment every expansion thereafter? Oh and, a new currency beyond platinum. Because plat is the new copper.....
Forget just epic weapon 3.0. How about we get evolving epic armor that can be updated with a special augmentation slot which has updates to that augment every expansion thereafter? Oh and, a new currency beyond platinum. Because plat is the new copper.....
Isn't this what they tried to do a few expansions ago with type 9 and 13 slots?
1. Dedicated stat food/drink slots that won't make you accidenally consume them.
2. Content that brings people back to more old world zones again.
I play on test and still find myself playing the old zones . Maybe its nostalgia or maybe its just habit. It would be cool to see more people roaming around.

I think with the level cap going up and up the older zones would need to be revamped to keep up, which would then kill the low level abilities would used to have there. But surely there's something that could be done.
IRL - in the next Expansion I want.

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