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Question - How Does Beastlord Paragon Work? (1 Viewer)

Oct 24, 2020
I don't have any beastlords higher in level. I have read that the Paragon AA is a good one to have in group. It supports the group with mana and HP correct? What I wonder is, does it work like the enchanter clarity line? Meaning, I suppose it wouldn't stack with another Beastlord Paragon?
It gives HP, Endurance and Mana to your group. It is mgable or TB.

It does not stack with other para's and it only lasts ~1min 20s. It is very good.
Here is the description from allahkazam

Paragon of Spirit XXXVIII​


9: Increase Hitpoints by 12000 per tick. Max: None. Calculates to current max level
10: Increase Mana by 4100 per tick
11: Increase Endurance by 1200 per tick

The duration is 6 tics expendet by focus-effects.
The main-version is applied on the whole group. There is also a single-target version.
It cannot be stacked from two chars contemorary, but as it is of short duration, timed well the two chars ma use it one after the other.

If you have similar questions about specific spells/aas you may check them here: https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/spelllist.html
Here is the description from allahkazam

Paragon of Spirit XXXVIII​


The duration is 6 tics lexpended by focus-effects.
The main-version is applied on the whole group. There is also a single-target version.
It cannot be stacked from two chars contemorary, but as it is of short duration, timed well the two chars ma use it one after the other.
Yeah I found the Allas entry for it. I failed to find if it was stackable with other BL buffs. That's what I was mainly after.
dont forget you also get a Focused paragon .. they dont stack so use one then the other .. the focused one is targetable .. its not a group one but you can single cast it on a particular toon if he/she is low on mana or for yourself .. and it lasts like 2min or close with a 3m CD iirc..
If you compare it to i.e,Spiritual Erudition

Spiritual Erudition​


5: Increase Mana by 192 per tick
8: Increase Hitpoints by 188 per tick. Max: 188 per tick
9: Increase Endurance by 10 per tick

You can notice, that the effects are the same, but in different slots (represented by the slot number)
This indicates that the effect stack.

In order to make it complicated, there are effects that cannot be stacked as normal.
Like haste, where 2 haste of the same type cannot stack, but only the highest value is applied.
To add some complexity, there are different type of haste like “worn haste” from armor parts, “spell haste” from Spells and “ocerhaste” from specific bard-songs or auras or item-clickies.

But the effects of kind “regeneration“ (increase xxxx per tic) usually stack if they are applied on different spell-slots
Para stacks with everything but para (group or focus). You can hit group every 10 min. you can single target every 1:42?, and it last 1:36 (so can always keep it up). This is huge for your druids/rangers/mage/enc/anyone who has died.
Question - How Does Beastlord Paragon Work?

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