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hey gang (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2005
Hey all i am back fromtraining and getting ready for another deployment.

not sure i will have much eq time.. but you all know me...

i squeeze in what i can

lots o reading to do ...

will post more later

Awesome man, I dont know you but from reading your posts and mac's. I was just wondering if you were stuck in the sand or what was up. I hadnt seen any recent posts and was hopeing you were doing great. Well welcome back
i have been doing training for the last 2 months in prep for our departure to iraq.

I will be leaving at the end of sept or early oct to the big sand box.

so now hopefully i can get some down time.. and play a little eq 8-)

thanks for all the support gang.


ps for those of you that remember..... I started at RG a few months before ileft Iraq last time... this time I will have you guys thewhole tour 8-)

gotta exploit from the sand box RAWR
Let me start by letting you all know I have not been gone to bigger and better things... just different things.

I am dropping you all a little line from the middle of Iraq.

Big time fun in the worlds biggest sandbox.

We are not done swapping out with the other unit yet.. barley started, but once its over i will be working on my own internet connection so i can start playing my EQ!!!!

this is a quick note, I will get back on asap and let ya all know how things are and hopefully some PICS of the area I am in .. OH WHAT FUN!!!

later gang

WB ARMY and don't forget to screw the corporations (mainly SOE, but then i'm biased) *sage*
sorry for the long delay ... things have been overly hectic.

taking over a base camp sucks... i like building them from scratch ..

everything the way you want it... down to where the outlets go in any given room.

so busy is kind of an understatement... but since i have a minute to myself i figured i would pop on and just say hi.

let you all know i am alive.. missing EQ, MQ2 and RG 8-)

guys i am so sorry it has been so long since i have posted here

Playing in the sandbox over here takes alot of a persons time

being a senior NCO over here makes it that much worse.

I just wanted you all to know things are ok here.. I am alive and well.

Hopefully in another 8 months I will be home exploiting EQ 8-)

I kinow I have alot of ground to make up .. the guild I am in keeps going through the progression and I feel farther and farther left behind...

Oh well .. When I get back its uber grind time ...

I had a few PMS about macros and such .. I am sorry but there is not much I can do from over here... I planned to have my own personal internet.. but that has not worked out.. so i am still stuck without

Keep exploiting and having fun in your own way.


Army if you get over to FoB Kalsu or find out you'll be heading there between now and march shoot me an email. I'll hunt down some contraband and hook you up with a phone and the net.
hey gang,

I am still alive and missing MQ and EQ.

Tomestonne, I am not sure where that is but we are in western ramadi.

Man it sucks seeing all the good stuff thats happening in EQ while I am gone. It really makes me miss the game and the adventure.

All the new mobs and cracks hacks and exploits... /drool

Oh well I will be doing some serious catch up once I return.

Hopefully al my accounts are intact.. ha ha

/hugs to you all

heya Army!! Good to hear that you're OK!!! Well, you might be the only one left with toons intact after the latest rounds of bannings! :)

Well, hope you get back soon and see you whe you do!!

You wouldn't happen to be from FT Sill would you?

I though a commo guy would have the hookup with some net and phines at least- especially in ramadi. If you need anything shoot me a pm and ill square you away.
It looks as if I am headed over about the time you get back. Headed to Bliss next Sunday for some training then directly from there for a six monther in the box. Trying to get my new laptop setup for EQ but its being a pain. Patcher won't connect.

(It's the little things that make life interesting.)
Hey Army, glad to see everything is still okay with you man. Goodluck over there, and can't wait to see your return.
Hey Army good to see you Picking around. I'm now stuck in the Sand box as of yesterday ITS hot!! I'M HERE MELTING IN Buehring Kuwait.

And yes Commo guys do have access to the internet but its not always the fastest.

I'm already going thru EQ withdrawal

Hey gang,

well we are extended, we just don't know what month we will be back now. instead of 6 months left.. its now 9 8-(

oh well.. more gym time.. ha ha

keep up the xploiting... I will be peeking in from time to time



I am in Iraq currently. I play on Prexus, I have several accounts..so hit me up if you want to play some.

Hey bro...I am in Al Taqaddum...so you are pretty damn close. Let me know if you need anything from the PX here and I will ship it to you.
hell ya your close KBR .. lol .. i assume you work for KBR?

thats kool

I will have to get in touch next time i am there

I will pm email addy and DSN


hey gang

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