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Discussion - Group composition again? (1 Viewer)

Jun 25, 2023
Good morning all. At work and planning. Im looking for suggestions. I have 2 groups I mess with.

Group 1 - (test) pal, enc, ROQ, monk, druid and clr. Lvl 60.
Group 1 -( live)lvl 30 same group

Group 2 - (live) SK, brd, bst, NEC, mag and shm. Lvl 63 to 65

Sk and roq same account

OK, things getting tough at this lvl. Noone is up to date with spells and armor. I did gold my sk(roq)account. AA on sk made huge difference. And it's only 500ish aa"s. (Haven't tried roq)

OK, here is my dilemma, I'm doing alotta medding because of shaman. Especially if multi pull. I do have 1 krono. Should I spend Krono on shm or brd , who will help the group the most with AA's?

And since I busted ass on Overtime I can also purchase a plug in.
So, 2nd question is, what character can help BOTH groups. I.E. can I rearrange a character from 1 group to get pluging working for both groups. like, remove roq and add NEC to group 2? So, I'll have 2 necros , 1 in each group.

And No Rob, I'm not on FV, you can't help me. Lol , another time I wish I found redguides first.
Thanks all for any ideas......
Tank AA if you have to choose regarding Krono. Pick a group and get the tank up to speed. Less incoming damage is better. Probably focus Combat Agility/Stability so you can completely avoid incoming attacks, and if you do get hit, reduce the amount you're hit for.
If you're not doing autogrant, you should.
Thanks Cwtn, I am on tank and he is gold. Was just wondering who's next, cc or healer. Eventually all, but........
Honestly I wouldn't say either of those, I'd say DPS to gold. My healers are literally the last one to get any love from me.

If you can take a hit you need to get healed less.
The faster the mobs die the less damage you take and thus the less healing you have to do.
So I'd certainly say the number 1 DPS should be getting lots of love.
Honestly I wouldn't say either of those, I'd say DPS to gold. My healers are literally the last one to get any love from me.

If you can take a hit you need to get healed less.
The faster the mobs die the less damage you take and thus the less healing you have to do.
So I'd certainly say the number 1 DPS should be getting lots of love.
100% agree

i usually go tank -> #1 dps -> #2 dps -> adps -> bard -> priest -> enchanter
Agree - tank always top of the love stack for gear/ AA / augs.

Then my top tier dps - the faster it dies the less I need the priest.

also helps that I like cleric heals - and they have no issues healing with minimal AA.
I personally prefer my shamans over my clerics. Pre 100ish the shamans are rough on healing imo. The medding is just the nature of the beast. Make sure whichever flavor of automation you are using that it incorporates your cannibalize line. If possible, keep your shaman mounted. I know this isn't going to happen all of the time as indoor and some outdoor zones don't permit mounts.
OK. Makes sense. Glad I asked. My line of thought is maybe why I'm only lvl 60 after couple months of playing. Was always spending what lil plat I had on healers.:bang:
Now I just need to figure out who's my best dps atm.
I'd definitely hold tight on making your choice since you've already made the SK gold > In about 10 levels your SK is going to pick up a lot of self survive that will carry your group pretty far on their back from autogrant AA's
I have a similar pet group but I have CLR/ Enc instead of Brd/Sham. I personally wouldn’t run a caster group without an Enc. the combined Bst/Enc mana regen buffs really help keep mana up.
Good morning all. At work and planning. Im looking for suggestions. I have 2 groups I mess with.

Group 1 - (test) pal, enc, ROQ, monk, druid and clr. Lvl 60.
Group 1 -( live)lvl 30 same group

Group 2 - (live) SK, brd, bst, NEC, mag and shm. Lvl 63 to 65

Sk and roq same account

OK, things getting tough at this lvl. Noone is up to date with spells and armor. I did gold my sk(roq)account. AA on sk made huge difference. And it's only 500ish aa"s. (Haven't tried roq)

OK, here is my dilemma, I'm doing alotta medding because of shaman. Especially if multi pull. I do have 1 krono. Should I spend Krono on shm or brd , who will help the group the most with AA's?

And since I busted ass on Overtime I can also purchase a plug in.
So, 2nd question is, what character can help BOTH groups. I.E. can I rearrange a character from 1 group to get pluging working for both groups. like, remove roq and add NEC to group 2? So, I'll have 2 necros , 1 in each group.

And No Rob, I'm not on FV, you can't help me. Lol , another time I wish I found redguides first.
Thanks all for any ideas......
First LOL that would have been the first thing I asked. If you're rolling with 2 Necros in each group the Necro Plugin is awesome. And that's $5 a toon on average. You couldn't go wrong. But the one toon that can help the most is a Shaman. And as you put levels on him he will just get better. He's the only healer where mana is never going to be an issue. Plus he buffs, slows and heals fine from DPS mode on the plugin.
Discussion - Group composition again?

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