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Discussion - Gear Priority chat? Took me several months, but finally have a full six (1 Viewer)

Jan 12, 2024
I finally took the plunge and moved on from 3, to eventually 4, to a full 6 man group. You all said it would happen eventually.... you were right. So with that, I want to talk gear and rank spell priority.

My team is as follows - Pal/bard/Bst/Shm/Mage/Wiz

Obviously, Pally gets first dibs on any upgrades, spells and augs.

Do you go CC next or healer next?

I also sort of see my BST as my main. Currently still on a gold account. I suppose it would come after CC/healer as my primary DPS. With Mage and Wiz rounding out the last 2 spots. Eventually I only want to gold 1 or 2 characters.

Would you gold the CC or the healer if you were doing to do so?
I go tank -> highest dps, 2nd dps, cc/healer (to make sure min hps are ok), last dps

assuming you have min hps you need, cc and healer can often be pretty neglected

for your group I would go

pal -> mag->bst, brd, shm, wiz

imo, you can go f2p/silver (assuming you krono'd to autogrant and max aas) on healer and CC without much detriment (assuming they survive aoes)
I go tank -> highest dps, 2nd dps, cc/healer (to make sure min hps are ok), last dps

assuming you have min hps you need, cc and healer can often be pretty neglected

for your group I would go

pal -> mag->bst, brd, shm, wiz

imo, you can go f2p/silver (assuming you krono'd to autogrant and max aas) on healer and CC without much detriment (assuming they survive aoes)

Thanks! That's pretty much the way I wanted to do it. I do have BST in front of Mage, but that might change once Mage gets maxed out.
I go tank -> highest dps, 2nd dps, cc/healer (to make sure min hps are ok), last dps

assuming you have min hps you need, cc and healer can often be pretty neglected

for your group I would go

pal -> mag->bst, brd, shm, wiz

imo, you can go f2p/silver (assuming you krono'd to autogrant and max aas) on healer and CC without much detriment (assuming they survive aoes)
I personally think going ftp on a cleric is great, but I wouldn't do so for a shaman. Just my preference, and I would put gear on the shaman with about the same priority as your magician. I run my bard FTP but I keep it in best non-prestige gear i can get for it. it takes priority on my FTP accounts for the non-prestige augments that i manage to dig up from baz or TBM runs.

Pally, Bst, Mag, Shm, Bard, Wiz. I put Bst in front of Mag because you indicated you really like your BST.

If you're not paying all 6 accounts, I'd prioritize them for krono in that same order as well. BST FTP is balls because melee rely so much on prestige gear and augs for their DPS. Plus pet earrings for BST. If you're doing only 1 paid account, do the tank and accept that your dps will suffer. If you're doing 2, do the Pal and Bst.
Discussion - Gear Priority chat? Took me several months, but finally have a full six

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