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Question - fresh new member with a couple questions before upgrading subscription (1 Viewer)


test server lobbyist
Apr 8, 2021
have been a solid user of isboxer on and off for years now and have recently thought about giving this platform a try. have several friends using it and they rave about it. just curious before i decide whether to subscribe and download it or not if someone might be able to answer a few questions.
- in comparison to configuring isboxer, is very vanilla easy to configure? it definitely seems a bit more in depth and i wonder if its much more complex to use?

- what does the interface look like in comparison to isboxer? i have been 6 boxing for a long time and am curious if there are window profiles that allow viewing smaller windos of each instance etc?

how is it on computer resources. ive been using hte same cmoputer for eq now for over ten years ... shes old but good but at the same time would like to know if very vanilla is gonna lag old betsy down =)

any info would be appreciated
have been a solid user of isboxer on and off for years now and have recently thought about giving this platform a try. have several friends using it and they rave about it. just curious before i decide whether to subscribe and download it or not if someone might be able to answer a few questions.
- in comparison to configuring isboxer, is very vanilla easy to configure? it definitely seems a bit more in depth and i wonder if its much more complex to use?

- what does the interface look like in comparison to isboxer? i have been 6 boxing for a long time and am curious if there are window profiles that allow viewing smaller windos of each instance etc?

how is it on computer resources. ive been using hte same cmoputer for eq now for over ten years ... shes old but good but at the same time would like to know if very vanilla is gonna lag old betsy down =)

any info would be appreciated
Howdy @519helvis

1. you can be up and running very quickly > HERE < is the link to the 5 official RG starter vids - prolly worth a quick watch and then if you do decide to try it out, they'll help you get setup with our VV launcher, MQ2 autologin, eqbc, mq2nav, and kissassist.
2. "Very Vanilla" and "MQ2" as a whole don't have an "interface" - but mq2mule does have mini windows - most other stuff does not
2b. - > MQ2Mule Video Here <
2c. you can still use isboxer for windows and such and just mq2 for automation (that's what i do)
3. mq2 isn't super intensive on resources - if you're already boxing without issue, i wouldn't expect you to have too much performance notice

I have a bunch of videos in my signature if you want to see what boxing with MQ2 looks like

and welcome to RedGuides, we're lucky to have you!
thanks for the links! was trying to find the download button for the launcher and it seems i need level 2 access compared to the video. will watch some more first see if it helps my decisions!
thanks for the links! was trying to find the download button for the launcher and it seems i need level 2 access compared to the video. will watch some more first see if it helps my decisions!
you're welcome.

yeah the launcher is for level 2
how is it on computer resources. ive been using hte same cmoputer for eq now for over ten years ... shes old but good but at the same time would like to know if very vanilla is gonna lag old betsy down =)

any info would be appreciated

like @Sic said, resource wise you won’t notice much difference.....buuuuut. https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/mq2eqwire.295/ is an amazing utility that can reduce strain on your pc. It’s an extra fee but in my case, it was well worth it. I went from lagging hard boxing 3 to running 6 and only lagging in guild lobby and other intense areas.
I highly recommend taking the plunge, it's life-changing for the mere QoL features. Beyond that, how far down the rabbit hole you go is a personal preference matter.
you can also create a team on the test server and use VV MQ2 for free there. Think of it like a test drive. That's the only time i ever used test and it hooked me within 20 min.

the CWTN and other paid plugins are available for free (with your lvl 2) on the Test Server - quote from @Sic a year ago
Thanks @Many_Whelps for the correction
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you can also create a team on the test server and use VV MQ2 for free there. Think of it like a test drive. That's the only time i ever used test and it hooked me within 20 min.
Just to clarify, but I think you mean to say that the CWTN plugins can be used for free on test. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you still need to pay for level 2 (VVMQ2) even when playing on Test server.
Just to clarify, but I think you mean to say that the CWTN plugins can be used for free on test. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you still need to pay for level 2 (VVMQ2) even when playing on Test server.
you need level 2 for test server yes. cwtn and some other plugins are free to try out on the test server.

a little about test server... i DO like the place, i play there and live.
-if you enjoy the economic part of eq, that is 100% dead on test except for buying raid copies with krono or buying things on live and testcopying them to test. people will give any loot away, ice encrusted or whatever. they copy it from live and just hand it out. you will not make platinum. but you can ask for a few million in general and someone will mail it to you.
-raiding is almost never a thing on test (current raiding, or semi current raiding). typically the highest raid content you will see is what you can box.
-if you do enjoy grouping with people for missions or whatever, its very hit or miss on test. you can group, but your more likely to group with someone that has a raid copy and the best gear in the game, and has 0 clue at all of how to play their class.
-test has an attitude that is bad for an mmo i think, its lazy. people will ask all day long for taskadds, or loot, or plat. and if you offer to help them do it, they dont want to do the work. with raid copies and double xp, we do somehow end up with lazy minded people.
-with attitude again, test is a rather generous server. if you need tradeskill items, plat, gear, people will gladly parcel it to you if they have it. tradeskillers will make things for you, people will give you ice encrusted gear that they purchased on live for a krono or whatever.
-all in all, test is a good solo player environment, if you just enjoy running around questing, killing, doing stuff, and having a chat window for general chat. if you aspire to do anything more then finish all your achievement window stuff and beat missions, test isnt the right place.
BTW you can buy level 2 with all those red cents :rc people are giving you. Click the RedCents up on the top bar and choose RedCent Shop. There you will see one month of level 2 for 50 redcents.There are other features you can buy.

Welcome to the jungle!
have been a solid user of isboxer on and off for years now and have recently thought about giving this platform a try. have several friends using it and they rave about it. just curious before i decide whether to subscribe and download it or not if someone might be able to answer a few questions.
- in comparison to configuring isboxer, is very vanilla easy to configure? it definitely seems a bit more in depth and i wonder if its much more complex to use?

- what does the interface look like in comparison to isboxer? i have been 6 boxing for a long time and am curious if there are window profiles that allow viewing smaller windos of each instance etc?

how is it on computer resources. ive been using hte same cmoputer for eq now for over ten years ... shes old but good but at the same time would like to know if very vanilla is gonna lag old betsy down =)

any info would be appreciated
gifted you a level 2 membership. enjoy and welcome to the best community around
Depending upon how much configuration you want to do for your macros the easiest would be RGmercs it basically will load the best stuff for whatever class that you use it on and will do stuff the way the macro is programmed now it may not play the way that you are used to it's only it only play the class the way it's programmed to then you have mule assist which has user input to build out what you do at what time so it's a bit more configuration but it allows you to do different things at different times so it can be more like your play style then there's kiss and it's like mule assist but it doesn't have the fancy configuration tool for it but all of them have their own perks or pros and cons now depending upon the classes you have you could do CWTN using his plugins and they will run your class how they are programmed it's kind of like RGmercs where it'll play a certain way which may not be your way but it's another one that doesn't require any setup but each class comes with a price there's also some other macros out there to do all sorts of different things but I listed the three biggest on this website there's also modbot and some various other macros out there but the number one thing ask questions they're bound to be somebody that can answer any question you have and you should join the discord channel as well where you can ask your questions and not have to worry about people responding via the website
While I have not played EQ1 in a while now, I can vouch for both the community and especially Sic, the software is simply amazing and is magic in and of itself, but the help Sic and the community gives is the best I have ever seen in any community. I used to run 17 accounts and they worked flawlessly and I started knowing zilch about anything.

Edit: Wanted to also mention that the CWTN plugins are worth every penny.
yes, i would recommend getting CWTN plugins when u can, but untill then rgmercs is great to start with, and learn to use INI's for kissassist.

This is a great community, just ask any question you have and someone will help ya get things figured out
aight well thanks everyone for the great welcome. i have just finished setting up my first kissassist kill =) so far this program is amazing. between the auto positioning and having the cleric and shm do there things amazes me. i am running two monks .... is there an edit in there INI files to have them click their epic 1.0's automatically? i notice there spam skills like flying kick etc all do it automatically
aight well thanks everyone for the great welcome. i have just finished setting up my first kissassist kill =) so far this program is amazing. between the auto positioning and having the cleric and shm do there things amazes me. i am running two monks .... is there an edit in there INI files to have them click their epic 1.0's automatically? i notice there spam skills like flying kick etc all do it automatically
Best community i've been on in some time. Strongly recommend CWTN Cleric/Enchanter for quality of life purposes. Zerk is great if you like a melee dps bot by your side. Haven't tried the tank ones yet, Very Vanilla/Kissassisting for Tanks and Casters is the most fun by far. You can build your tank/dps your way, definetely bookmark the guide for kissassist, i read it daily and learn something new every day. Haven't taken the plunge on conditions yet, that's the next fun ride for later this year but i'm 15+ boxing great without much in the way of conditions.
thanks for the replies. so far i am loving the QOL that MQ2 brings. i used to 6 box on a truebox tlp and thought it aint that bad. i dont think ill ever ever consider that again lol. i am curious about the cwtn shaman plugin. i play on a tlp (currently below level 85). i was told by someone that the CWTN plugin was based more around the 85+ game. is this true? Also, is it a one time purchase for a CWTN plugin or sub based?
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I started with IsBoxer and found it limited. I moved to MQ2 with Kissassist and have never looked back. The biggest learning curve are the character ini files. It's basically just a file with a long list of options you can enable and disable, with a few places where you put in your preferred spells, when they are used and so on. Luckily there are repositories of ini files you can download and use, but the higher level your character the more you need to go in and tweak the ini file.

Beyond that are the concepts of macros and plugins. As I understand it (and I am no expert) a macro is something you run and it executes a series or a loop of commands. Plugins seem more like something that stays resident and no matter if a macro is running or not will do what it is supposed to. You turn it on, and it stays on forever.

Hope that helps.
I use ISBoxer and EQWire in mq2 just for switching characters faster and seeing screens.

For the background render rate, you can edit in game to see what it looks like by doing:

/wire BGRenderRate #

Where # is FPS * 10.

I usually run from my main /bca //wire BGRenderRate 200 to set all boxes to 20 FPS. Editing in game lets you see how it looks. Any lower than 100 to me though looks janky and draws my eye too much.
thanks for the replies. so far i am loving the QOL that MQ2 brings. i used to 6 box on a truebox tlp and thought it aint that bad. i dont think ill ever ever consider that again lol. i am curious about the cwtn shaman plugin. i play on a tlp (currently below level 85). i was told by someone that the CWTN plugin was based more around the 85+ game. is this true? Also, is it a one time purchase for a CWTN plugin or sub based?
the cwtn plugins work from lvl 1 - 115 they are a 12 month license.
if you want to try them out, they are included with your lvl 2 VV on the test server
the cwtn plugins work from lvl 1 - 115 they are a 12 month license.
if you want to try them out, they are included with your lvl 2 VV on the test server
oh awesome! ill check it out ! will testcopy my toons over and give em a whirl there thanks!
oh awesome! ill check it out ! will testcopy my toons over and give em a whirl there thanks!
they work well enough i parked my cleric and only run shm in most groups.

ATM my 2 bigges /pause and wait for candy from cwtn and sic are bard and paly. I have all of those plugins and use them regularly. the ease of life from it makes my play time enjoyable again.
im running 3 monks a bard shaman and cleric(switching cleric to zerker shortly) and am very excited to see what the shaman plugin can do. i was not aware of a bard plugin! will have to look into it!
im running 3 monks a bard shaman and cleric(switching cleric to zerker shortly) and am very excited to see what the shaman plugin can do. i was not aware of a bard plugin! will have to look into it!

There is no bard or pally plugin atm. arander was saying they were waiting for them to get released.
I highly recommend this plug in. I bought in when trying to 3 box, a war, chanter and wiz (don't ask, was just coming back to the game.) This helped me add a bard. I used KissAssist and store parts and pieces from different individuals INI's. They have a good library that helps a ton. I now run 6 toons (WAR, SHM, WIZ, RNG, BRD, CLR), and have a blast. Group wise, this thing is awesome. I have more confidence running missions with my war and my shm as a healer then most other healers. The out of the box is simple, the fine tuning is a learning curve. There is a lot of "oh I didn't know it did this" bonus stuff that just takes time to figure out. Whatever you decide - have fun playing a game you love.
There is no bard or pally plugin atm. arander was saying they were waiting for them to get released.
Yep, love your stuff CWTN, and ever since Sic let slip that bard and paly were in works i been drooooollllliiinnnnngggggg lol. I know you guys will end up with 1 for each class, but those are the 2 that just have me absolutely droooling to get. Paly is my absolute fav tank, and i have a bard in almost every group make up i use
Hey there and welcome. If you havent started with KA already , and even then i suggest using Muleassist IF you ever plan on charming mobbs. Mule is amazing if u want to charm mobbs. Other than that , they are pretty similar to eachother.
Question - fresh new member with a couple questions before upgrading subscription

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