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Funny - Everquest Confessions! (1 Viewer)

Nov 2, 2018
With the game being down for the next umpteenth hours, I started (for whatever reason) thinking about dumb/embarrassing things related to Everquest. So, I figured with all of the spare time we have today, and since I'll be stuck in this Architecture class for the next few hours, it'd be fun to play a quick "mini-game"!

Rules are simple.. Post about a time, or a confession you have about Everquest that's either embarrassing, felt dumb about later, or any example there-of. This doesn't have to be directly in-game to "count". Can be about using MQ2, trying out "the real hacks" back when they first came out, lore, quests, that time you trained a group for whatever reason, accidentally /sayed a script command to a bunch of people, etc.. Can literally be anything because I think it'd be fun to share! Maybe it'd kill some time to have something to laugh about. (And if not, i'll go back into my hole xD)

For example:

-First one I can automatically think of, is I've played this game for just about 20 years (give or take/ off and on) and I still have no idea who the chick is on the loading screen of Everquest. xD I've realized I have not once paid any attention to the lore of this game at all.

-Second one I can think of, is when I was right around 13, I pretended to be completely sick for almost two weeks straight so I could skip school and level my first ever character, a Ranger on Tallon Zek. I had the acting chops down, cough just enough, but not too much. I'd wrap my head up in my blanket for a few minutes so my head would feel warm when my mom would check on me. xD This still gets brought up around my group of childhood friends to this day on how I pulled it off. xD

-And third, probably the worst to me (lol), is also when I was a kid I didn't believe it was actually a GM checking on me for warping. I figured it was just another hack or program to "appear like a GM". I proceeded to brag about him not being a GM by warping around his location and was met with an almost instant perma-ban.

So let's hear it! Maybe if this gains a bit of traction we can come up with some sort of voting system and maybe I'll hand out a Krono or two to the winner (loser xD).

Either way, hope everyones having a decent enough day, and Happy Birthday @ChatWithThisName !!!!
I was sent a certified letter from the

SVP and General Counsel (initials: ASZ)
Sony Online Entertainment Inc.

and banned for life from all Sony Online Entertainment owned properties (forums, games, brick and mortar, etc.) under threat of prosecution, for arguing on a non Sony forum with an EQ class representative.
Pretty sure it's Firiona Vie - I prefer Antonia Bayle though... mainly cos she was voiced by 80s uber-chick Heather Graham in EQ2!

Racing against my own guild (when racing was a thing) for RZ in Kael - I was a member of a late night raiding group that comprised of the server elites (I wasn't one)... pretty much saw all the content up to the end of PoP thanks to that group including getting keyed in one night, killing Quarm etc. NToV clearances with these Nightcrawlers pretty much earned me derision from my guild at the time as they were no where near the level for it!
Pretty sure it's Firiona Vie

I prefer Antonia Bayle though... mainly cos she was voiced by 80s uber-chick Heather Graham in EQ2!

And I have only ever played on AB in EQ!
That makes sense. Hahaha I've never really even knew who "Firiona Vie" was. Lol. And I didn't know that about EQ2! I've only messed around in that game for maybe a few hours before coming back to the original baby.
I camp an aug for days, and when it dropped already had it.

I box my team, and but will always allow real players to join the group, and drop my toons even if slows my group down.
At the time when that aug dropped someone just joined me, and he got the aug that I camp for days, because all my toons already had it, lol.
Trying to explain to the ER Dr who gave me 4 stitches in my eyebrow that it wasn't a fight related accident. He kept looking at my hands and refused to believe my explanation. I was camping Raster of Guk after a night of drinking. With my elbows on the desk and my chin resting on the heels of my palms, I dozed off and did a face plant on the keyboard. The look on my wife's face was awesome(you dumb ass look). It did get me out of work the following day and continued my camp of Raster which was another time sink as he was on vacation I think.
Trying to explain to the ER Dr who gave me 4 stitches in my eyebrow that it wasn't a fight related accident. He kept looking at my hands and refused to believe my explanation. I was camping Raster of Guk after a night of drinking. With my elbows on the desk and my chin resting on the heels of my palms, I dozed off and did a face plant on the keyboard. The look on my wife's face was awesome(you dumb ass look). It did get me out of work the following day and continued my camp of Raster which was another time sink as he was on vacation I think.
I've had some nights like those but luckily no stitches involved. Haha. I broke my arm as a kid and remember I couldn't play any video games for like 6 months because I was in a full arm cast. Was miserable back then.
Most of the time the servers go down or lag for no reason. I'm the one who did it. I got bored waiting for someone to stop camping a mob. Us Q's can be impatient at times. Or I'm spawning a lot of mobs on some players not expecting it for fun. I can't help it. Sometimes the fights are a one sided boring snooze feast and I want some entertaining to watch. 🤣
Most of the time the servers go down or lag for no reason. I'm the one who did it. I got bored waiting for someone to stop camping a mob. Us Q's can be impatient at times. Or I'm spawning a lot of mobs on some players not expecting it for fun. I can't help it. Sometimes the fights are a one sided boring snooze feast and I want some entertaining to watch. 🤣
Legitimate Chaotic vibes here. Hahahaha
@Q Continuum ??? How on earth do you do that?
Those of us from the Q Continuum can create, alter and destroy any form of matter and energy. We can also freeze time. Heck we Q have even created whole alternate universes. Maybe this planet you live on is in one of those alternate universes that we Q created. For their is nothing a Q can't do.

Method 1. What do servers use to run? What do those hamsters on the wheel make when running around on those wheels that are hooked up to those car alternators at DPG (I know they are plug into the local power grid.)? What is Electricity?

Method 2. If I can freeze a person in time. Can't I freeze a whole planet in time? What about freezing the whole Galaxy in time? Maybe the whole universe can be frozen in time. Ever wonder why someone at the work place can't find a pen that they left on a certain spot on the desk and find later in the desk drawer where it belongs at DPG?

Method 3. Use both Method 1 and Method 2 together, if those methods failed by themselves.
When I quit smoking cigarettes I drank instead, I sat down to play EQ. Every time I wanted to take a puff, I took a drink instead. To this day, that was the drunkest I’ve ever gotten while playing EQ. I was a 60 something rogue on Drinal during PoP and it was in PoN. I’m pretty sure I told my pickup group I could pull and then proceeded to train half the zone. I woke up the next day, still in my chair with EQ at its char select screen. When I got on later that day I got some nasty tells from some people about being an idiot and an asshole. Apparently when I realized what I did, I FDd and all the mobs killed a group that I wasn’t even part of. 🥸
It seems we all enjoy a bit of boozing with our grind. Heh. Are you really enjoying EQ if you don't pass out in your chair at least once while you're supposed to be tanking or pulling?!
-First one I can automatically think of, is I've played this game for just about 20 years (give or take/ off and on) and I still have no idea who the chick is on the loading screen of Everquest. xD I've realized I have not once paid any attention to the lore of this game at all.

Speaking of Firiona Vie lore:

These videos not only explain her, but almost every character we see on artwork of Everquest. Al'kabor, Lorisyn Oakwynd (like the famous GM bow), and others.
So I have two stories I would like to share. One of which I was going to save for the "How did I become addicted to Everquest" thread, but I can post it there too. It involves me being naive, but still funny.

I. The Transfer

So I was becoming familiar with Everquest. I knew my way around Steamfont well enough. I knew how to get to my guild trainers, spell vendors, and more importantly how to get out into Steamfont Mountains to kill monsters. I was on top of the world with my Elementalkin pet and *Dagger. As confident as I felt, I was also a shameless kid and would be *that* player sending cold tells to anyone who appeared to be high level and ask for a few platinum for spells, food, drink, or materials. as I left Ak'anon I saw someone standing outside on the path.

He approached me while my face was buried in my spell book (so bad. Whole screen taken up by a book while meditating). "Hail, Shim. Would you mind helping me with a transfer? I have some money I could give you for your time."


I responded with an enthusiastic "Sure!". This was great. I didn't even have to ask, this person came to me. This person loaded me up. Bag after bag of incredible looking gear. Actual plate armor?! Weird crooked curved swords?! Stats?! Wow this guy is an absolute legend, I thought to myself. Then he hit me with hundreds of platinum. Hundreds. I was floored. He told me the character he wanted to give this all to, and that they were a bit of a run away. I was welcome to 50 whole platinum from all this for myself. I couldn't believe this was real. No longer would I be struggling for spell money. I immediately went into town and started spending. Full set of cloth. Cracked Staff. All of my spells. My level 8 spells even. Several full (20) stacks of Malachite.

I was set and even have a nice chunk of money to spare. I had finally made it I thought. You know what would really be the cherry on top? A full inventory of bags now. To carry all my loot. The problem is that I am already carrying a bunch of bags around that aren't mine. This was a time before putting bags in bags too. I was growing impatient. I wanted to do this now, man what was taking this guy so long. Then it hit me. Yes I had a brilliant idea. I would just put these bags I am carrying around on the floor in a safe place, and buy my inventory full of empty bags. Perfect! Once he got here I would just lead him to where I showed away his items. I am so smart. You may ask "Why didn't you just use the bank?" To which I say, what? What's a bank?

Anyway, I went to center of town and found a place to set the bags down. I dropped all these bags. Calamity struck. Hey, so have you ever been to Ak'anon and notice the robots? Especially the rats? The rats named something like Cleaner XVIII? Ah, yes... Well you are an observant person. Moreso than I. The second I finished dropping bags a rat came by and ate them. Picked them up. Deleted them. I am not sure. Just walked over and the bags were gone. I ABSOLUTELY PANIC. The person is close. Just a zone or two away. The rat ran away. What was it's name? Oh no. I need to kill these rats. I need those bags back! I started attacking the nearest rat I found. I was jumped by everything around. Little Shim was being pummeled by robot Gnomes, Rats, Merchants, his own guilt, and soon the owner of all this missing gear. I respawn and run back into Ak,anon. I was just imagining things. If I go back, those bags will be right on the ground where I left them.... Nope.

The rat was long gone at this point. I don't know which one had all those bags, if it even had the bags, and don't know what to do. The person expecting his bags is now in Steamfont, waiting for me at the entrance of the zone. It was time to face the music. I messed up really bad and had to come clean to this guy. It was the right thing to do. I did what any 11-13 year old kid would do in this situation. I just logged off. I felt so bad I could have cried but also knew there was nothing I could do. I logged off and didn't say a word about it to anyone. I didn't want to play Everquest ever again! That was awful.

(Sorry random stranger from my past. I was an irresponsible kid and didn't know how to manage owning up to my own wrong doings back then.)

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II. Getting Hit On

This was later in my Everquest career. Velious was available, I was in a guild, I no longer played my Magician. I was a hot young Wood Elf Bard, playing songs and handsomely slicing up monsters in Velketor's Labyrinth. I had a nice social group of people I played with, and I was a teenager now. Back in this time (at least in all of my personal experience) nobody asked how old anyone was ever. Everyone just kinda assumed everyone was relatively the same age. I know I did. I flirted with just about anyone and everyone who chatted with me longer than a few minutes. I was very introverted IRL so having the freedom to do this online was nice, even if phony. I'd like to add that ANY kind of push back at all sent me spiraling into a self depreciating and apologetic state. Once someone said "Oh you're cute, but I have a boyfriend and I don't think he'd like someone saying that" or something along those lines and I felt sooooo silly. Sorry sorry sorry, wow I am so dumb. Please forgive me!

All that is awkward and weird enough, as is pretty common for anything relating teenagers, but this leads into an embarrassing experience that stuck with me forever (obviously, since this was nearly 20 years ago now). Longish time friends of mine in game invite me to a group. I am in tells with them all while I sing song my way to Velks. Particularly this Cleric girl and Shadowknight girl.

Cleric: Raid went super well last night. Shadowknight is bummed though.
Me: Why?
Cleric: Oh they didn't get hit on at all last night.
--- ---- ---- --- --- --- ----
Me: Oh? What? Really? I didn't know she would get bummed over that.
Cleric: Yeah, it's all good. I'm sure it'll happen with a little time.

Of course, you know what happens next.

Me: Hey what's up? Raid went badly last night?
Shadowknight: Nah, it was alright. Just a bit of a bummer, but it goes that way sometimes.
Me: Don't worry your pretty head about it. It'll get better.
Shadowknight: Yeah a little effort and it'll be all good
(I take this as, they will put in some effort to get attention or some dumb shit)
Me: A cutie like you shouldn't get so worked up, it'll be fine. I'll sing some songs for you if it helps!
Shadowknight: Huh?
Me: Sure I'll serenade your sadness away!
Shadowknight: Dude what?
Me: I'll hit on you all you like.
Shadowknight: Dude, I'm a guy. What the fuck are you talking about?

I freeze. Blood runs cold. Face flushes red in real life.

Me: What the hell, Cleric!
Cleric: What?
Me: I thought you said Shadowknight was upset *she* didn't get hit on last night?
Cleric: I never said that? Shadowknight is a dude.

I scroll up

Cleric: Oh they didn't GET A HIT ON at all last night.
Cleric: Shadowknight got a new weapon, and they have 0 skill in it lol. (Previously Missed Tell from Cleric)

I. Am. So. Stupid.
I apologize to both of them for being... Well me. I once again decide logging off would be best now. I matured a bit since the first story and at least explain me being a weird creep and am sorry for the misunderstanding. Friendship lasted, it was laugh later and everything was good until they eventually just moved on from EQ and I never talked to them again months/years later.

Back in maybe 2001-2002 on The Nameless I was a little mischievous 13 year old kid with maybe a lvl 45-50 warrior. These were the days people posted on Nameless Tavern or ran around EC promoting an upcoming vox/naggy raids and when/where to meet up at. I was becoming an impatient player from the standpoint of not getting enough plat to buy better weapons/armor and never winning rolls at the events. A high profile Legacy of Steel person was asking to buy all Vox rez staffs (staff of forbidden rites) at the time for somewhere around 150k pp each if I can remember correctly. They werent lore. That was a HUGE price for most people. So I came up with this brilliant plan.....I was going to ninja loot a vox raid and wait for a staff!!!! Once again, this was back in the day only one person could loot at a time and only way to know what dropped was to right click the corpse. If someone was looting the corpse then it was locked for anyone else to see. I did plenty of raids to know the tactics and routes to get to her lair. I had a low level gnome magician (with invis) that I camped in Permafrost at the goblin pit, where the exit tunnel from vox's room ended (one way exit). I would sit/stand quickly enough to see when she was up and to see the action of any raids and join the raid channel (this just became a feature).

So I waited for my chance.....and waited...

Finally weeks went by and a raid began at the perfect timing of when I was home.
The raid began....they moved their healers outside of the lair and pulled/rushed her.
I moved my magician up to the healers and patiently waited.
I then noticed they were struggling a little and was thinking they were going to wipe....waited and watched her health drop lower.....then 0%....dead

I ran in and moved my gnome mage inside her body so you couldn't see me. They were yelling for "someone to get on the corpse" so no one could loot her. Someone did have her loot locked and was waiting for the raid leader to be rezzed

I was right clicking like crazy at my chance to get access......then BAM.....I WAS IN. Holy shit it worked.....and she dropped 2 REZ STAFFS....1 runed bolster belt...1 white dragon scale. Could not have been a better drop.
I did my research and knew I was looking for a staff.
In the blink of an eye I looted just ONE of the staffs in hopes not to set off any alarms (this was my plan all along) then quickly got off my corpse and hit /q.

Logged onto a made up character and joined their raid channel with fingers crossed.
The character that was on the corpse stated he swore their were 2 staffs but the leader was only seeing one. Someone mentioned they possibly saw a gnome run around the corpse but wasnt sure. Someone even came up with the idea that no Vox corpse has ever dropped 2 staffs, that only 1 can drop. The best line was, "Well if we have a ninja looter then why did they only loot 1 item and not all of the loot?". MY PLAN EXACTLY
10 mins go by....no one really cares except 2 people.....they roll for items and leave.
I quickly log on before the lair pops and gated.

I didnt log on that character for a week to not set off any other alarms.....no board messages about the incident...nothing......IT WORKED

A week later I contacted the LoS character...paid me my 150k plat. Upgraded my armor and weaps then went on to join a guild that raided end content. BOOOOM

Nice to finally tell that story
Oh my god the deviants that are posting here... I'm shocked.

Don't feel too bad about your first story @Slade the Magician - I helped someone out in a similar way back in the day, I was a guild leader so figured they wanted someone reputable but I didn't really know the person, anyway, turns out they were scamming someone else and stripping an account, using me as a mule to hold the items. A GM showed up a while later, think we all got rolled back a few hours lol.

Something similar happened a couple of years later, might have even been with the same RL player who was still using me as a clueless pawn, I'm a bit hazy on the details. I think they gave me access to a high end account to play around with and I said screw it and decided to strip it and use the gear for my toons. Whoever actually owned it obviously petitioned and my toons got rolled back and suspended. I remember getting a tell from Scarar on the FV server while on the toon who was well known for the RMT side of things so maybe he had just bought it. Nobody ever came to me saying what did you do trying to strip my toon so I guess I played the role as expected. Funny thing was a couple of my toons had died at the time and their gear was on their corpses, after the roll back they were back fully geared and I had a copy of all their gear on their corpses so it worked out ok even with the one week vacation. Just goes to show, you can't trust anyone.

There's one main reason sharing account info is against the EULA or ToS, the amount of Customer Service tickets it creates no doubt.
I helped someone out in a similar way back in the day, I was a guild leader so figured they wanted someone reputable but I didn't really know the person, anyway, turns out they were scamming someone else and stripping an account, using me as a mule to hold the items. A GM showed up a while later, think we all got rolled back a few hours lol.

I knew I had a third story but I couldn't remember it after retelling the first two.

III. The Fungi Tunic

I was playing a the Wood Elf Bard I mentioned in my second story. I was approximately level 15 in Unrest. I was grouped up with someone who was ultra mega decked out with gear. Fungi Tunic, Cowl of Mortality, T-Staff, Flayed Barbarian Skin Leggings, etc etc. I was super jealous of their ability to essentially train themselves and solo it all. I was just kinda there, but exp was exp. The monk and I talked and talked for a while. He was showing me his gear, I was telling him how great he was. It was a good time all in all, but he announced he had to leave, and wouldn't be back for a few days. It was back to soloing for me it seemed. Until this absolute hero announced:

"Hey want to take my tunic while I am gone? It heals for a ton."

Incredible! Yes yes yes absolutely yes. What a bad ass. I thanked him profusely. What a game changing item. Sure I wasn't as fast or impressive as the Monk but I could still solo these monsters and get exp. So cool. I was hooked.
A few days later the Monk comes back. He sends me a tell while I'm in East Commonlands tunnel. He says he is coming to pick up his tunic and we should exp together. Perfect! Lets do it!

The monk arrives and I give him his tunic back. Right out of my inventory, off my own chest slot, to the trade window. "Uh is this a joke man?" The trade completes. "Why are you giving me a cloth tunic? Where is my Fungi?" I think this is a joke. Oh ha ha, very funny. Until I realize it's not a joke. The monk begins to get really angry. "Where is my tunic? I let you borrow it and I need it back now."

I don't have it anymore, I literally gave it to you just now; I tell him. We go back and forth a bit, and I swear to him I was wearing it and gave it to him when he arrived. So I go through all my bags. Nothing. He tells me he went through his. Nothing. I inspect him. No chest item. This doesn't look good. We stop everything.

Okay. let's petition. That will clear everything up. We wait in EC Tunnels together for a while. We aren't talking. I feel bad, but I know I didn't do anything wrong this time. This wasn't some sort of shady deal or anything. The monk tells me he needs to go eat dinner and he'll be back after. I say okay, apologize again, and tell him I will wait for the GM to come. More time passes and a GM finally arrives and sends me a tell.

We talk for a bit and I explain the problem. I screenshot everything we say to each other. I wanted proof that I wasn't a liar or a cheat. The GM asks me to show him my bags, any items in them that have a cloth tunic icon. I do. Nothing. He says he needs a bit to look at logs. Confirms I HAD a Fungi, but I no longer do. I tell him I gave it to my Monk friend. He says he needs another moment to check more logs. After a bit longer he concludes there was a problem with the trade, and it ate the Fungi. He tells me he will take care of this and puts me at ease. Poof, a new Fungus-Covered Scale Tunic appears on my cursor. I put it in a bag alone. He asks to make sure I received the item. I show him. He tells me to make sure I make things right with my friends, give him the Tunic and to have a good day (I petitioned, so I guess it was my item technically? Idk, 2000-2001 was pretty fast and loose in EQ). I was ecstatic about this. I not only had the item to give to my friend but also proof it wasn't some con job.

The Monk returns after about 45 min. "Hey man, everything is sorted out?" I tell him yes, but before I could explain or offer to AIM him pictures of the conversation he thanks me for taking care of it. I am confused. He is in front of me WEARING a Fungi Tunic. He tells me when he logged in the Tunic was on his cursor, and it must have just bugged out during the trade. He just clicked his inventory and it auto equipped. Easy. I look in my bags. I still have the Fungi tunic the GM gave me.

"Hey man, no problem. I am glad we got this all fixed. I didn't want to lose my Monk friend over some weird EQ bug after all"
Okay here's my confession that earned me a suspension back when warping was a thing I don't even remember what I was farming but the script was using warps. I died and for some reason, my bind point was set to the bazaar so here my toon is warping around the bazaar. yeah, I got reported lol.

Then there was the time way back during the dare I say it the ghost kill days I got busted due to killing a mob that emoted to the whole zone and was a raid boss and I killed it. Someone reported me to the guild I was in at the time but fortunately the guild officer was cool about it and just told me to never do something stupid like that again LOL.

I also played a Druid back in the early days and I often went and charmed Grimfeather buffed him then zoned.

Oh and then there was the time I was on a Vox raid and I bound in her chamber to instant respawn on death and give my wizard dps. Well, I forgot to change my bind point after the raid and respawned while she was up I got stuck in a bind death loop. Died so many times I lost about 5 levels. I was able to /q and log in a different toon petition and a GM came on and was able to summon me out gave me 100% rezes.
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Back when Nagafen was first killed, there was a disbute among the leader of the top guild and the GMs. This ultimately lead to permaban of the Guild leader. I remember being quite upset about this, and wanted to make my statement.

I had me and my friend create a new toon each, with similar names as the GM and Guildleader (changing an e to an a etc) and had those toons /duel.

Back then, when there was a duel, the result was broadcasted to all zones.

So in red bold text " Something something DUEL AMONG (GM name) AND (Banned GL name) THE (GM_NAME) HAS FLED LIKE A COVARDLY DOG.

I got a /tell spam on my screen from most of the population of the server and a minute later the (GM_NAME) spawned in front of me..

I shit my pants, got a warning, apologized and logged for the day. =P

This was on Innoruuk server if anyone remember the incident. (Legions of darkness)
I had to force myself to stop playing on Riz because I kept adding groups to my setup that consisted of 1 war 1 bard 1 clr 3 monk because the CWTN plugins were too good. I went down the rabbit hole too far and got a good 2 months out of my 1 year license, but it was worth it. Now I am back here fighting the urge to come back and go through the "it won't be like last time" experience.
I had to force myself to stop playing on Riz because I kept adding groups to my setup that consisted of 1 war 1 bard 1 clr 3 monk because the CWTN plugins were too good. I went down the rabbit hole too far and got a good 2 months out of my 1 year license, but it was worth it. Now I am back here fighting the urge to come back and go through the "it won't be like last time" experience.

Luckily for you there are even MORE CWTN plugins for even more variety now. It definitely won't be like last time. Honest:

Back when Nagafen was first killed, there was a disbute among the leader of the top guild and the GMs. This ultimately lead to permaban of the Guild leader. I remember being quite upset about this, and wanted to make my statement.

I had me and my friend create a new toon each, with similar names as the GM and Guildleader (changing an e to an a etc) and had those toons /duel.

Back then, when there was a duel, the result was broadcasted to all zones.

So in red bold text " Something something DUEL AMONG (GM name) AND (Banned GL name) THE (GM_NAME) HAS FLED LIKE A COVARDLY DOG.

I got a /tell spam on my screen from most of the population of the server and a minute later the (GM_NAME) spawned in front of me..

I shit my pants, got a warning, apologized and logged for the day. =P

This was on Innoruuk server if anyone remember the incident. (Legions of darkness)
haha forgot about the duel zonewide emote
All these are awesome! Haha, somehow this reminded me of a pretty simple (yet stupid) one.

When I first started playing this game, I didn't realize melee classes / even some hybrids had tomes and various abilities to use. This means I literally played my classes (that didn't have spells) with nothing but auto-attack for probably over a year or so.
Update: I used RedCents to reactivate level 2 and purchase 4 CWTN licenses two days after saying I am trying to regulate my urge to come back.
Funny - Everquest Confessions!

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