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Question - Enhanced Minion (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2016
In a thread I was reading the other day, someone mentioned an earring drop for Mage's, and im pretty sure it was in Eastern Wastes? Does anybody happen to know off the top of their heads what mob drops it? I guess it could have been Great Divide but I don't remember. Anyway I would like to get one for my 113 mage.
In a thread I was reading the other day, someone mentioned an earring drop for Mage's, and im pretty sure it was in Eastern Wastes? Does anybody happen to know off the top of their heads what mob drops it? I guess it could have been Great Divide but I don't remember. Anyway I would like to get one for my 113 mage.
There are 3 enhanced minion earrings in group gear tiers for every recent expansion. So there are 3 in ToV, one of which is tradeskill made, and only requires that you loot a Crystallized Velium Ore from any named or group mission chest. In the case of ToV, do a Griklore mission and let your mage loot the ore. You can even task add the mage at the end if it doesn't fit in your regular group. If you want to go to CoV and do a quick Zlandicar mission, you can do the same thing. Loot ore on mage, make earring with tradeskills. ToL and NoS have a better earring than either of those, but I don't think that they're usable at level 113.
Question - Enhanced Minion

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