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Question - Endless Cauldron upgrade? (1 Viewer)

Dec 21, 2020
I am curious, I have been using the lv 83 endless cauldron on my mage and summoning endless garbage. Is there an upgrade to this I have somehow missed?
sweet. thank you so much. Figures the one mage i have thats 120 doesnt have nos yet lol. guess i gotta grab it on a baby mage . lv that up quickly
lookign forward to this. its actually the em item i wanted it for specifically heh
10% Chance to summon 2 Summoned: Nightblade (pet weapons)
8% Chance to summon Summoned: Shir Berenj (food)
8% Chance to summon Summoned: Nepeta Mint Tea (drink)
8% Chance to summon Summoned: Darkshine Staff (WIZ MAG clicky)
8% Chance to summon Summoned: Sahdi's Emblem of the Enhanced Minion (Enhanced Minion XXV buff)
8% Chance to summon Solus' Polished Gemstone (level 100+ HEAD SHOULDERS augmentation)
8% Chance to summon Solus' Burnished Gemstone (level 100+ LEGS FEET augmentation)
8% Chance to summon Solus' Marquise-Cut Gemstone (level 100+ SECONDARY augmentation)
8% Chance to summon Summoned: Kotahl's Tonic of Healing (heals for 4 ticks)
8% Chance to summon Summoned: Kotahl's Tonic of Clarity (restores mana for 4 ticks)
8% Chance to summon Summoned: Kotahl's Tonic of Refreshment (restores endurance for 4 ticks)
10% Chance to fail and summon Crystallized Sulfur
Question - Endless Cauldron upgrade?

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