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Do you want a Redguides/Notaddicted EMU server? (1 Viewer)

Would you like us to start a EMU server?

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old and salty
Sep 28, 2005
We have been debating over the last year about opening our own EMU server.
We are seriously on the fence about this and we want you our members to decide.

Please Vote

Our EMU server outline.

  1. The wild west with 1 major rule. No Harassing other players
  2. Allows Macroquest2
  3. PVE Player vs Enviroment
  4. A Specific NotAddicted compile for it with active hacks.
  5. A tailored KissAssist macro version for it
  6. People are free to experiment with their own modules, hacks and macros (No crashing the server lol)
  7. See rule #1

To be determined

Accounts per member. 1 obviously but discussing up to 6 so people can box an entire group.

To see if we have a true interest in the project to we are asking for donations to cover the base server hosting cost a year which is $300.00.

  1. If we raise this amount through donations we will proceed with the setup and 1 year commitment to our EQ EMU Server.
  2. If we fail to raise that amount we will assume there is not enough real interest in the project and we will refund all the donations or apply it your notaddicted subscription your choice.
Read about it here http://forums.notaddicted.com/showthread.php?t=24186
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What sort of content is on those servers? Could you explain a bit how they work for those of us that have limited knowledge of it.
I think the latest version is up to Seeds of Destruction. We would provide the necessary files and instructions to set up the client side Everquest game.
This sounds like an awesome idea... if I understand EMU servers correctly.
Is my understanding correct...

1. It will be like playing EQ live without SOE.
2. We would be limited to content upto Seeds of Destruction.
3. The population would be limited to not-addicted members.

One question would it be possible to create charactors above level 1?

I think it would be nice to be able to create a charactor very simular to my main. Or perhaps even be able to creat a fantasy charactor that is most powerful. Since I dont raid there are lots of areas in game that I've never seen. The ability to create a toon powerful enough to solo or small group raid content would be very interesting to me.
This sounds like an awesome idea... if I understand EMU servers correctly.
Is my understanding correct...

1. It will be like playing EQ live without SOE.
2. We would be limited to content upto Seeds of Destruction.
3. The population would be limited to not-addicted members.

One question would it be possible to create charactors above level 1?

I think it would be nice to be able to create a charactor very simular to my main. Or perhaps even be able to creat a fantasy charactor that is most powerful. Since I dont raid there are lots of areas in game that I've never seen. The ability to create a toon powerful enough to solo or small group raid content would be very interesting to me.

Right now we are just looking if people are interested. Setting up an maintaining an EMU is a whole new Can of Worms which is why we have been on the fence about it.

I think at the beginning characters would start at level 1 since its an MQ2 server leveling up wouldn't be too hard. Starting out at higher levels would make it pretty boring pretty quick.
I use to play an EMU version of wow the guy recently switched from wow to EQ and i was playing with them for a while while SOE had its black out the downside to it was the fact that there was no one there... and i think he has his server only set up to PoP .... level 60 being the highest you could level. He had a cool feature however that let you summon up to 3 groups of bots that essentially worked like mercs but you had to gear them yourself. Only reason i didnt stick with it is because i didnt have MQ2 rofl
I think the latest version is up to Seeds of Destruction. We would provide the necessary files and instructions to set up the client side Everquest game.

Actually if you copied over the .s3d or whatever files you could theoretically use all the newer zones it would just be hard to emulate the newer content more than likely.
Right now we are just looking if people are interested. Setting up an maintaining an EMU is a whole new Can of Worms which is why we have been on the fence about it.

I am wondering how much support is nessecary to get this going?

I admit I have no idea how difficult or time consuming this might be. However, as SOE makes live EQ becomes less and less entertaining to play this is a very interesting option.

One question I have concerns no trade items. Will it be possible to remove the no trade flags?
The server would be as close to a normal EQ server with the underfoot expansion as possible because one of its main purposes is for macro testing
We are looking at what's involved with the setup now . The first hurdle we are seeing is having to register everyone at www.eqemulator.net to login into our server. This means anyone would be able to use the server that is registered there and that is something we are trying to avoid. We have to find or code our own login server since theirs is closed source from what we have read so far.
I play there exclusively if we are allowed multiple logins for boxing.
Also Spawn times for Major named should be lowered.
no major named (think Emp Ssra, Seru, Dragons, ect) should have a spawn time higher than 24hrs.
i will email the guy responsible for foamysworld.servegame.com he was running a wow emu then switched to a EQ version runs off his own server that he keeps up in his house u go to his website he creates your account info then u switch the server your logging into in your eqclient and load it and your good
1. If you do it, please have faster spawns for major mobs, maybe even remove PH from minor boss mobs. Would be nice for the small population.

2. Please don't use progression or classic exp rates. Again with small pop, will just be boring to grind. Something like Zek PVP rate would be solid. There are alot of AA's to get you know.

3. Also, 6 box is a must. Maybe let Mercs on all raids so peeps can do content on their own if they want?
I don't know but I hit helllllll yesssss!!!!!

The only questions I have are...

1. Could I use this with windows xp 64?
2. Could I level quickly?
3. will there be special item/zone names or just regular eq items?
4. Will the eq gods smite us for bastardizing their creation? (JK)

This sounds fun, I've tried to set up eq emu on my computer since I got win xp 64 and it's not compatible. I had to download vmware to emulate win xp 32.. then install it on that phantom drive.. and after a while I just gave up trying because I figured I don't want to load up a fake hard drive just to go play emulator.. not to mention the extra strain on my CPU.

By the time I got things all set up, and could possibly load EQ the servers were already back up from the invasion so I dropped it. lol. I think though, if it's not safe to play live EQ anymore while auto-boxing with kiss even, why pay them.. stop playing there and go do the Emu thing if I can. I'm not in a raid guild anymore, got lots of free time anyway.
1. I hope so since I am win 7 64 as well.
2. XP will be normal but I expect there will be hot zones.
3. For testing purposes we aren't planning on custom zones/items in the beginning.
4. Lets hope not.
Here's the ultimate question, do you as RG run a progression server, or just a straight up server. I think with a progression server you would attract many more people to the idea. I just think it would be fun to start out at Velious level and progress from there skipping the shit expansions like Luclin, LoY, LDoN, and GoD. Making them part of the game, but as progression with another expansion. For example; Velious has LoY, PoP has LDoN and Luclin, and OoW has GoD. It's just an idea, but seriously, half of the expansions suck and can be skipped, or released with others to keep on par.
I do NOT agree with progression server. The game has improved over the years and I would not want to go back and suffer through all the changes again.

It might be nice to be able to choose your content, enable the expansions you want to play when you are ready play them. This would I think closely simulate progression while allowing those that want move on to more recent content to do so.
To see if we have a true interest in the project to we are asking for donations to cover the base server hosting cost a year which is $300.00.

  1. If we raise this amount through donations we will proceed with the setup and 1 year commitment to our EQ EMU Server.
  2. If we fail to raise that amount we will assume there is not enough real interest in the project and we will refund all the donations or apply it your notaddicted subscription your choice.
Read about it here http://forums.notaddicted.com/showthread.php?t=24186
To see if we have a true interest in the project to we are asking for donations to cover the base server hosting cost a year which is $300.00.

Read about it here http://forums.notaddicted.com/showthread.php?t=24186

It costs at least $120 per year to play a single EQ account. I currently pay for 3 accounts plus subscribe to couple support sites, including redguides.

I would probable pay $300 per year to play this server myself. Actually when I showed it to my wife (she also plays) she thought we would need to pay 3x and was mostly agreeable.

However before I lay out my support I have couple question:

1. Special Compile - will it include everything the BAN'EI compile had? ei: warp and piggyzone
2. Will it be possible to trade "no drop" items (at least simular to the role playing server if nothing else)?
3. What provision will there be for aquiring raid items / or completing raid level content?
4. Will such exploits as no delay / instant kill / ghost killing be possible? Becuase I have never used these type of exploits I am unsure if they are good / bad. However, they might be fun to try once in a while and / or useful to take out certain over-powered mobs.
5. I am extremely interested in this project - My last question is how many players can we expect on the server? I saw somewhere that there are 100k subscriptions to this site and simply can NOT believe that number. I am thinking maybe 250 individule people playing on this server.
It costs at least $120 per year to play a single EQ account. I currently pay for 3 accounts plus subscribe to couple support sites, including redguides.

I would probable pay $300 per year to play this server myself. Actually when I showed it to my wife (she also plays) she thought we would need to pay 3x and was mostly agreeable.

However before I lay out my support I have couple question:

1. Special Compile - will it include everything the BAN'EI compile had? ei: warp and piggyzone
2. Will it be possible to trade "no drop" items (at least simular to the role playing server if nothing else)?
3. What provision will there be for aquiring raid items / or completing raid level content?
4. Will such exploits as no delay / instant kill / ghost killing be possible? Becuase I have never used these type of exploits I am unsure if they are good / bad. However, they might be fun to try once in a while and / or useful to take out certain over-powered mobs.
5. I am extremely interested in this project - My last question is how many players can we expect on the server? I saw somewhere that there are 100k subscriptions to this site and simply can NOT believe that number. I am thinking maybe 250 individule people playing on this server.

1. Until the server is actually setup I can't 100% guarantee the compile until I test it but the goal is to have everything the Warlander/Ban'ei had.
2. Tradeable no drop items I would probably put up for a vote. We are planning to use this server to test macros/MQ2 so I don't want to get too far away from normal EQ play style.
3. Truly I don't know. I have never played on or setup an EMU that si why we are paying someone to help with it.
4. No Delay I really don't see a point to other than making the game really boring fast I would have to say no to this. Instant kill definably not. Normal ghost killing I really don't have a problem with as long as you aren't screwing with other peoples kills etc. If the last ghost kill plugin I had that worked around this time last year works on the server I would include it in the compile.
5. No clue on population. It is going to be a private server to begin with only open to notaddicted members. The reason we are willing to commit a year to the project is so we can build the project and try to get a decent population. One of the reasons we are allowing 6 accounts per member so you can do your own thing with up to 6 toons if you want until we see how many people play on it. The 100k subscriptions are since the beginning of Redguides circa 2003. At its peak Redguides/Notaddicted.com had thousands of subscribers a month specially when the wow side was more active.
Do you want a Redguides/Notaddicted EMU server?

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