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Games - D4 Open Beta Weekend, are you playing? What do you think? (1 Viewer)

Apr 30, 2020
I haven't pre-purchased it. Downloaded tonight and started dabbling around. Saw some complaints about the UI feeling a bit unpolished, which I'd agree with, though the visual aesthetics of the game definitely appeal to me better already than D3 ever did. I haven't really followed too closely though so wouldn't say my expectations are necessarily either high or low. In the long run D3 was kind of a disappointment for me, so glad for the opportunity to mess around for a weekend and see what the gameplay feels like before I pull the trigger.

I haven't pre-purchased it. Downloaded tonight and started dabbling around. Saw some complaints about the UI feeling a bit unpolished, which I'd agree with, though the visual aesthetics of the game definitely appeal to me better already than D3 ever did. I haven't really followed too closely though so wouldn't say my expectations are necessarily either high or low. In the long run D3 was kind of a disappointment for me, so glad for the opportunity to mess around for a weekend and see what the gameplay feels like before I pull the trigger.

I never made it all the way through D3. Wondering if this would be worth a shot. Haven't had much faith in blizzard in years.... :shrug:
I never made it all the way through D3. Wondering if this would be worth a shot. Haven't had much faith in blizzard in years.... :shrug:
^^^ This. I felt D3 was the same as D2, and was the same as D1 with D2 being overall a better experience for me. There are obvious differences of course, but I feel Blizzard is now just "phoning it in".
I posted in the other d4 thread, so I'm not going to try to hide the fact that I absolutely abhore what Blizzard has become; I know in my heart that D4 will be a microtransaction pay to win (or at least pay to advance faster) fiesta -- With the game base being a staggering 70 euro for the basic edition.
But I still figured I would give the game a fair shot during this open beta weekend, and honestly I am not impressed at all. It's not all negative though; I feel like the graphics are good, the gameplay (outside of insane lag/rubberband issues, which was to be expected during an open beta) seems smooth and in line with the series, the sound overall feels pretty good too.
However, I think my biggest issue with the actual game is that they clearly made D4 a mmorpg rather than a hack-and-slack ARPG. Most of the experience I got was from doing quests..too many quests and too much running around. It literally felt like I was playing WoW at certain points. Granted, the beta is only Act 1 (Which I completed at level 13, maybe an hour or 90 minutes played), so maybe it won't be as bad, and maybe there will be an adventure mode of sorts ala D3 later on.

To be completely honest, I will definitely not purchase D4, Blizzard has treated their playerbase and communites with absolutely nothing but disdain, while trying to feed all of us microtransactions disguised as nostalgia. The experience I had playing D4 was nothing like the fond memories I had of D1 and D2 growing up.
I posted in the other d4 thread, so I'm not going to try to hide the fact that I absolutely abhore what Blizzard has become; I know in my heart that D4 will be a microtransaction pay to win (or at least pay to advance faster) fiesta -- With the game base being a staggering 70 euro for the basic edition.
But I still figured I would give the game a fair shot during this open beta weekend, and honestly I am not impressed at all. It's not all negative though; I feel like the graphics are good, the gameplay (outside of insane lag/rubberband issues, which was to be expected during an open beta) seems smooth and in line with the series, the sound overall feels pretty good too.
However, I think my biggest issue with the actual game is that they clearly made D4 a mmorpg rather than a hack-and-slack ARPG. Most of the experience I got was from doing quests..too many quests and too much running around. It literally felt like I was playing WoW at certain points. Granted, the beta is only Act 1 (Which I completed at level 13, maybe an hour or 90 minutes played), so maybe it won't be as bad, and maybe there will be an adventure mode of sorts ala D3 later on.

To be completely honest, I will definitely not purchase D4, Blizzard has treated their playerbase and communites with absolutely nothing but disdain, while trying to feed all of us microtransactions disguised as nostalgia. The experience I had playing D4 was nothing like the fond memories I had of D1 and D2 growing up.
I so hate that game companies are all starting to jump on the whole "pay to win" model. It's like, hey let's totally rape our player base all because we have a strong foot hold in the gaming community. Games becoming nothing but cash grabs.
My thoughts are the blue colored type used for this post was very hard to read and I came here by mistake. :confused:

I dont know about you, but I recently changed my Redguides experience to "dark mode" and I love it! Its soo much easier to read, and it looks real good!

I can't handle the white / bright background type screen situation anymore.. my eyes just cant do it anymore..

Its under your profile name up top, then under preferences, then top option in there - style.. And I'm using Red- Dark.. highly recommend! Especially for that gross light blue text!
I dont know about you, but I recently changed my Redguides experience to "dark mode" and I love it! Its soo much easier to read, and it looks real good!

I can't handle the white / bright background type screen situation anymore.. my eyes just cant do it anymore..

Its under your profile name up top, then under preferences, then top option in there - style.. And I'm using Red- Dark.. highly recommend! Especially for that gross light blue text!
Thanks for the suggestion. I might try that but the base black and white is fine and no problem reading that.

I have tried dark mode on other things and not really fond of it.

Its only when posters use a color to post with it becomes harder to see. Which is no big deal when its their name. And if I really want to read it I can just highlight it and it shows up
Thanks for the suggestion. I might try that but the base black and white is fine and no problem reading that.

I have tried dark mode on other things and not really fond of it.

Its only when posters use a color to post with it becomes harder to see. Which is no big deal when its their name. And if I really want to read it I can just highlight it and it shows up

ahh right on.. wasn't sure your reasons.. it helped me alot, as the high contrast of the white/bright back on , basically any color text now, was too much for me to read without straining my eyes..

its this AGE thing.. and it appears to be catching up to me haha
I played during early access and open beta. I went back for open beta because of druid and necro.

Classes to max level of 25 during the beta. Sorcerer, Necromancer, Rogue, and Druid.
All gameplay was on "Veteran" though it felt like easy.

Class that are broken easy. Necromancer.
Starting out with 4 skeletons to follow you around you're already taking the easy route, couple that with all the abilities you can unlock for them and they are a cake walk of a class.

Class that can be made broken easy. Rogue and Sorcerer.
Sorc can basically be unkillable at 25 fighting bosses solo without ever taking any damage, cooldown are an afterthought as with a passive you can get past all cooldowns quickly. Feel free to see what that looks like. https://clips.twitch.tv/SlipperyKindShrewResidentSleeper-Fry-TEw3rJRi8mSU

Class that is a dumpster fire. Druid - At least by 25 there was no method to make them even come close to competing with any other class in the game. They struggle to keep their secondary resource, only able to use it 3 times from full to empty. You can get some of it back using howl and charge, but it's still fairly lack luster. Their standard attacks time to kill a single enemy is about 15 seconds. Which sounds fine until you remember there's 40 mobs and this is diablo. At 15 you unlock a quest to get your special things, but the location to do the quest is like the other side of the map. The world map, not the area map. So you don't access to it in beta to try anything about it. Seems silly to put a level 15 quest on the other side of the map.

I didn't care for most of the voice acting.

The price of $70+Tax is quite high for a game. Lets see if the strat pays off.
With that said pre-orders came with crap for other games. Games I don't play nor have a desire to play. Even gave you stuff for Diablo 3...why not just give us stuff for Diablo 4? I mean we are afterall ordering Diablo 4, not world of warcraft, diablo III, or Diablo Immortal. Fail. For the low low price of $100 you can get 2 things that will benefit you for a battle pass and a stupid emote.
They make sure to notate that the 3 junk things they gave you belong to other games that are sold and downloaded separately. Thanks for giving me things I will never use?

Some positives.
I like the open world aspect to an extent. I don't like that if you walk out of town your portal disappears. I'd like to be able to use my portal if I step out of town for a minute to grab a few more gold for a purchase and come back.
I like that you can open your map and just click on a waypoint to teleport directly to it.
If you use your emote wheel in a dungeon you can exit the dungeon directly from there. But you can also just open the map and click the steps you entered from.
I like the idea of doing dungeons to unlock the aspects to upgrade the rares. Imprinting is a handy feature.
Looks like there is 100 levels and paragon is already implemented to some extent (even though we didn't have access to it).
You can upgrade gear 4 times (legendary) 3 times (rare), 2 times (uncommon), and one time (junk?)
Looks like there is higher tiered items in harder difficulties. Which should make for some interesting builds.
Graphics look nice. I enjoyed the "viewpoints" where you could see the areas in some places almost like it was first person. Just goes to show you that a lot of these levels are designed in a 3d world and the camera is just fixed to over the shoulder. Fun thing I played with in unreal looking at how creating top down games works.
World bosses! Killed one during the beta. Was hard, but fun.
Statues of Lillith - Unlocks bonuses for all characters on the account, not just the one you got it on. Also, your other characters can still use them for some quick EXP.
Renown - The completionist in you will rejoice to know that you get bonuses for being one. These too apply to all characters on the account.
Cosmetics - You can break down gear to get the parts for them, as well as unlock that cosmetic permanently. This also applies to all characters on the account.
They have mounts. Not 100% how useful this is going to be, but if nothing else it's got me curious. Perhaps quickly make it to world bosses/events.

Overall. I got the game already, so I'm going to give it a proper go at release.
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Went ahead and took all the classes to level 25. Barb wasn't "as" bad as they made it sound. But I did play it after I played the druid so perhaps my expectations were tempered. But the barb probably comes more into it's own with more levels.
Games - D4 Open Beta Weekend, are you playing? What do you think?

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