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Contest Contest time for March 2013 (1 Viewer)


RedGuides OG
Jun 15, 2011
Welcome to the well some thing cool contest!
where you give me ideas and win stuff!!

As always, Contest Sponsored by ViperGamer.com


Please make Redguides a better place and help me out!!

We've got custom titles for the top 3(if they want them), and the top 3 have earned something great such as:​

1st prize One Game Card

2nd prize 1 month free subscription

3rd prize 100k plat


Thank you for all your ideas!
posting closes April 6th

1) Game card
2) One month of free RedGuides Level 2
3) 100k Plat*

*No plat on vulak fippy or vox

So here it is...We do a poll every month...but I am only one person! I know I know...you where thinking I was 3 gnomes working on one account but I am not... I am running out of fun ideas! So I want YOUR ideas! The person who gives me the best and/or the most ideas wins 1st place....and we will go down from there.
You will get full credit when the poll goes up for that month!

The rules:
This is for polls that means the ideas you give me has to have options! No less then 3 options!
They must have some thing to do with EverQuest or EQ kinda stuff.
It must be CLEAN! Well clean-ish!
It has to be your idea! so that means you can not go to some other site jack there stuff come here and post it as your own idea...I will find out...then I will hurt you! or ban you! or take the prize for my self!!!!
It has to be fun. I mean this is redguides not some lame site that never has any fun!
Last edited:
Can make a caption contest. Where you must submit a caption of yourself in a friendly pose, or a picture of you just hanging out right next to the mob that:
-The highest level KOS mob you can live long enough to get a screen shot of you and it just chumming around, hanging out, standing next to
-No other people in the screenshot with you
-you and the mob must still be alive
-The highest level monster/raid mob you can get
-It has to be next to something/someone that wants to kill you no matter what illusion or trick you use
-You cannot be hiding, invis, or any other legal/non-legal conceilment means
-Get Creative
-You have to be close enough that it sees, attacks, or is chasing you
-Must be a new screenshot, nothing you have ever used before
-Please feel free to add to this or update it in any way. Im open for suggestions.
-Maybe Take in consideration the level of the mob or difficulty getting to when judging
best photo of eq as in graphics wise favorite location whatever
fastest leveling from 1 thru 100 with 1k aa can use ss to prove played as well as results
highest amount of plat made in a day can be verified by logs maybe , im not sure about that one.
most original eq story of times in eq extra credit if its not long winded but still interesting enough to get folks to read it?
Clearly the best homemade redbot costume!

It's not a poll, but it'd be a funny contest.
Also the rules written in yellow is hard as heck to see !
this is a month late cuz I was busy as fuck...but here we go... winners

3rd place is mroutlaw

2nd is nostress

1St place iridini
Contest Contest time for March 2013

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