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Question - Cleric Type 7 Aug Stat (1 Viewer)

May 13, 2007
Im curious for any Cleric players out there, how they approach their Type 7 augs.

Which order would you preference similar augs.

Highest raw mana but doesn't have any HWIS?
Lower raw mana but also has some HWIS along with it?

Or some other preference? Thank you in advance for any input!
Edited I read it as Type 5s lol.

Main cleric in top 5 raid guild for years n years. For raid purposes Wisdom stack it as much as SKs stack Dex.

Group content, do 50/50 Stam and Wis

^^ Info above is for Type 5s, As for 7/8s always go for the H-intel / H - Wisdom base augs, and once you fill in those always throw in 3-5 high HP Tank augs. Check out magelo for top 20 clerics and base it off of them they all do similar.
hp/mana/hsta/hwis... AC is more useless then hwis on a caster. AC softcaps are based on archtype, not armor type, as a priest, and its posted on EQ forums, its like 30% face value mitigation once over softcap. If your doing AC, go with HSTR instead. its 1/10 to AC, not mitigated by softcap.
So this is coming from someone that is raiding with his toons. Biggest thing for me is paying attention to my heroic splits first, if I’m close to another pt of spell/dot shielding I’ll take it. My healers typically aren’t dying to mob hits unless my raid or group are wiping out anyways. After that I evaluate any difference of hsta or hwis vs mana/hp pool.
Ultimately it doesn't matter much, but for type 7s I usually sort by the ones with the highest Heal Amount for my Priests. Yes it's a terrible stat (like Spell Damage) but its something. After that I prioritize Stam, Wis and HP/Mana in that order.
hp/mana/hsta/hwis... AC is more useless then hwis on a caster. AC softcaps are based on archtype, not armor type, as a priest, and its posted on EQ forums, its like 30% face value mitigation once over softcap. If your doing AC, go with HSTR instead. its 1/10 to AC, not mitigated by softcap.
Just to correct something, AC softcaps are based on class and not the arch. A shaman at 65, for example, has an AC Softcap of 374 with a .28 mod after that. A cleric, at 65, has 386 Softcap and a .3 mod after that. It's listed in the ACMitigation file in the resources folder for the game. So while armor type might not matter, the class does. Although all int casters have identical numbers.
Im curious for any Cleric players out there, how they approach their Type 7 augs.

Which order would you preference similar augs.

Highest raw mana but doesn't have any HWIS?
Lower raw mana but also has some HWIS along with it?

Or some other preference? Thank you in advance for any input!
I do security and brilliance. Both have stamina, HPs, and AC.
Just to correct something, AC softcaps are based on class and not the arch. A shaman at 65, for example, has an AC Softcap of 374 with a .28 mod after that. A cleric, at 65, has 386 Softcap and a .3 mod after that. It's listed in the ACMitigation file in the resources folder for the game. So while armor type might not matter, the class does. Although all int casters have identical numbers.
I didnt check that deep, I looked at knights and.. int casters lol :ohdear: .. with that being said.. lol, even at 125 what is it for clerics?
This is alot of great information. I am glad I asked! I was basically just thinking HWIS and not going beyond that. I see people have alot of other takes on it. Now Im really questioning my Type 5s as well as my Type 7s. lol
I pay a raid cleric and I focus'd on AC and Hwis. I am fine with this, but I am going to be changing to Hsta when I stop being lazy and run missions. That is for the type 5's tho. I think I will continue going for AC on my type 7's and anything that adds hp. I never run oom unless I die or there is a mana drain effect.
Question - Cleric Type 7 Aug Stat

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