News - Character INI files are potentially changing due to the Persona changes. (1 Viewer)

Oct 7, 2015
Just FYI, I noticed this on Beta server this morning and it might break some code going forward.

Old character files were in the format CharacterName_ServerName.ini and UI_CharacterName_ServerName.ini.

These files have changed with the addition of a new suffix.

CharacterName_ServerName_ClassAbbreviation.ini and UI_CharacterName_ServerName_ClassAbbreviation.ini

For example, Joeblow_Vox.ini becomes Joeblow_Vox_WAR.ini

The original base files are gone on my machine which tells me that the EQ Dev plans on this being the new naming convention going forward. Nice of them to warn us?
News - Character INI files are potentially changing due to the Persona changes.

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