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Question - caster or melee (1 Viewer)

May 25, 2020
What are people running and enjoying this expansion for your main crew?
I been running a melee crew for awhile. Shd, Brd, Bst, Rog, Shm, Clr.
But have had a blast messing around with a newer caster crew recently.Shd, Shm, Dru, Enc, Mag, Nec.
My melee pumps way more damage, but its a nice change of pace to mess around with different options.
I am curious what people are running for this expansion.
With the recent resurgence of Ber, I was wanting to trying a Shd, Brd, Shm, Ber, Ber, Ber
3 is almost never worth it (before, now or likely in the future) ber ber bst is probably better + gives you more utility, you can go forever - plus flex for raiding
rog, ber, bst is pretty amazing utility and flex in case im fighting humanoids
I am with Sic, 3x of any classes is normally a drop in DPS, since classes are expected to build on each other for the most part.

That being said, we say play whats fun, because thats why we are here.. give it a shot with 3 zerkers, if it doesnt work, persona (ew) or make a new char (bst)..
Casters seem easy to box in and control, as they stay in place. Melee combat is trickier, as you have to follow them relentlessly, but it's rewarding due to gear and other loot. (AT LEAST ON TLP)
Are you referring to the weapon ratio changes or did I miss something?
Last few expansions, Zerkers fell behind dps wise on raids. Some fights better than others. But consistent top ten, this expansion they have gotten some boosts and that has helped to be consistently be in top 5 on parse. Even having the top spot in some fights with allot of aoe. Some of our raid zerkers are breaking 9 mill dps on a burn
Last few expansions, Zerkers fell behind dps wise on raids. Some fights better than others. But consistent top ten, this expansion they have gotten some boosts and that has helped to be consistently be in top 5 on parse. Even having the top spot in some fights with allot of aoe. Some of our raid zerkers are breaking 9 mill dps on a burn
Gotcha. Are these disc boosts or mostly just the weapon ratio changes? I'm happy to hear this, I'm just curious if all it took to bring zerkers back to the forefront was the weapon ratio bumps or if there was something specific to the class that I missed.
Who is your tank??? my Ber just pulls agro then dies, no tanking ability
Sk/shm/brd for other 3 or war/shm/brd either tank cranks it with that group

Gotcha. Are these disc boosts or mostly just the weapon ratio changes? I'm happy to hear this, I'm just curious if all it took to bring zerkers back to the forefront was the weapon ratio bumps or if there was something specific to the class that I missed.
They made battle leap passive (boost for war/ber), weapon ratios got boosted (all melee), mangling disc timer reduction (ber), another passive boost for ber/mnk, and devastating assault for ber/mnk increasing their ae dmg output
I'm biased because I love my caster group, but I do still think there's a lot of benefits to playing a melee group. For example, I feel like with my caster group I'm having to micromanage their positioning way more than a melee with stick. Especially when there's mobs that have relentless AOE, whether it be ramp or AOE spells they make it imperative to properly position all your casters before fully engaging. On the other hand, they can just sit there from 250+ range away and not have to move unless there's conflicting geometry.

At the end of the day, you can find viability in nearly anything so it's just a matter of finding out what works for you and what you enjoy. I do understand some people just try to make the most efficient group possible for the specific era and then just let automation do it's job, but I personally think that half the fun is in theorycrafting and finding your group.
I'm biased because I love my caster group, but I do still think there's a lot of benefits to playing a melee group. For example, I feel like with my caster group I'm having to micromanage their positioning way more than a melee with stick. Especially when there's mobs that have relentless AOE, whether it be ramp or AOE spells they make it imperative to properly position all your casters before fully engaging. On the other hand, they can just sit there from 250+ range away and not have to move unless there's conflicting geometry.

At the end of the day, you can find viability in nearly anything so it's just a matter of finding out what works for you and what you enjoy. I do understand some people just try to make the most efficient group possible for the specific era and then just let automation do it's job, but I personally think that half the fun is in theorycrafting and finding your group.
Well said. Points well thought-out. Points well taken.

I have a less-than-ideal group, (SK, BRD, SHM, DRU, ENC, MAG) but it's the theory behind it and seeing how well it can do that's the expectation and fun.

I may change my perspective as time passes, but even then, it will just be a differing theory of group/class based on experience.
I would ask what is your end goal? To max lvl / aa, kill everything end game? I myself enjoy doing older content... so realistically as long as I have a high enough level I could clear it with a group of just about anything.

My next group I want to make is probably going to just be a bunch of Gnomes. Because why not. Most likely SK / Clr / Nec / Mag/ ? / ? I don't know yet.

My "main" group i'm rolling now is SK / Clr / Brd / Rog / Ber / Bst (I haven't gotten a shaman high enough to where i really see the potential.. plus the slow from the one heal does bug me a bit... so maybe i'll level one as "DPS" then convert it)
War Clr Enc Mag Dru Wiz here. Mainly since I started with ISB and it was less hassle than having to steer more than one melee character. Worked well in MQ... now working again since I am back to ISB for the time being ~
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I'm running a sk, shm, brd, mag, ber and rog all max aa and free to play minus the tank and have 0 issues in any group content or missions. I was doing 2 ber's but I swapped in the rogue and its better dps in some LS zones.
I'm doing SK, SHM and 3x BST - Cant wait to toss a BRD in there but my computer struggles with 5 as it is. 4 works just fine, more than that computer starts to hickup.
Btw, is it possible and or allowed to run my MQ and CWTN licenses on 2 separate computer so I could for example run SK/SHM on my normal laptop and the 3 BST's on another?
Would that even make sense technically?

Also I remember reading something about a plugin or whatnot that reduces background fps? I should look into that.
I'm doing SK, SHM and 3x BST - Cant wait to toss a BRD in there but my computer struggles with 5 as it is. 4 works just fine, more than that computer starts to hickup.
Btw, is it possible and or allowed to run my MQ and CWTN licenses on 2 separate computer so I could for example run SK/SHM on my normal laptop and the 3 BST's on another?
Would that even make sense technically?

Also I remember reading something about a plugin or whatnot that reduces background fps? I should look into that.
CWTN only "talks" to char on same PC. Other tools can vary, depending on what they use for communication between clients.

You should check out Framelimiter . Even the 199, black friday special laptop from 6 years ago can still run 3-4 accounts.. no reason a modern PC, with frame limiter cant do 6.

This goes into multiple PC's. There is a thread from last week discussing this, the answer is its YOUR license, not the PC. So as long as its YOU, no issue, I run multi PC's fine, and it it does flag, this site has human moderators/staff, can reach out to Redbot, Sic and a couple others if you catch a warning/ban for something accidental.
CWTN only "talks" to char on same PC. Other tools can vary, depending on what they use for communication between clients.

You should check out Framelimiter . Even the 199, black friday special laptop from 6 years ago can still run 3-4 accounts.. no reason a modern PC, with frame limiter cant do 6.

This goes into multiple PC's. There is a thread from last week discussing this, the answer is its YOUR license, not the PC. So as long as its YOU, no issue, I run multi PC's fine, and it it does flag, this site has human moderators/staff, can reach out to Redbot, Sic and a couple others if you catch a warning/ban for something accidental.
Thank you for posting that! That Framelimiter really helped me out alot!
Still meandering through old content at level 110 (up to TBM), started with SK/SHM/BRD/BST.

Intended to add BER/ROG but somehow I ended up adding MAG/NEC instead. The base comp is so strong I honestly think I could add anything, however, maybe I'll explore the melee side later. Edit: Oh, one of the reasons was I figured the last two would do better on those classes as silver... But now that I have them all gold I'm not sure I'll go back tbh.
I've settled into bard/war/bst/dru/mag/pal, with war being the tank. Been working up a sham to replace the druid though, but I took another few month break again due to work...I should just retire :P

While I won't have anywhere near the DPS a lot of you put out, that team does not touch raid content and does way more than enough DPS to stay ahead of spawn in all areas when doing hunters so good enough for me.
Question - caster or melee

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