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Discussion - Bug with Shaman 1.5 epic? (1 Viewer)


Apr 9, 2016
I'm running into an issue with the shaman epic 1.5 pre-quest. I have now done the Mellian Leaf (Step 4) and other ingredients turn-in twice to the Spirit Sentinel in Lake of Ill Omen, but he just keeps coming back with the dialogue:

Spirit Sentinel says, 'Ah so the Elder Spirit of Enlightenment has sent you to me. I do have a task for you if you wish to help the cause of the spirits across the lands. I have been charged with making an elixir that will aid the spirits for a time. Are you [interested] in aiding us?'

The first time this happened, I opened a bug report via forum thread on the official forums, as requested. After waiting almost a full day with no response, I said screw it and went back and got the Dire Fur and re-initiated that part of the quest. The worst part is that I got the first Mellian Leaf drop upon zoning in, killing the crysallis and was in and out of there in maybe 5 minutes. The 2nd time I had to collect the ingredients, it took me 4 hours of camping the PH to get the Leaf and now I'm right back to where I was 😡 As bit more detail, here is an excerpt of what I wrote in my ticket to EQ support:

if I say "interested" in reply to the Spirit Sentinel, I receive nothing back in response. If I had not given my Black Fur Boots earlier, the NPC should reply:

"Spirit Sentinel says, 'Very well then. First you must do what you can to prove yourself to our kind. There are some tests you must perform in order to gain our trust. At the end of this path, we may consider you one of the Heyokah -- the most trusted of those align themselves with shaman everywhere. You will be required to take on the tests of Patience, Wisdom, and Might. Bring me the Black Fur Boots you receive to me.'"

and let me move forward. However, since I already gave the NPC the boots, as well as the 4 ingredients required to complete the 1.5 Shaman pre-epic quest, I am now stuck with no way to move forward.

I wasn't sure how long it would take to get a response, so i just went back and got the Dire Fur and turned it into the Spirit Sentinel in Lake of Ill Omen and received the dialogue to proceed:

Spirit Sentinel says 'You can now be called a Heyokah, but there is much you may still do. I do require several [ingredients] for the potion I am required to make and should you assist me, there is a spirit with even greater tasks that will give you audience.'

I then said "what ingredients" and received the prompt:

Spirit Sentinel says 'I will need some unique blood from a crystal-like spider from a valorous plane, a special leaf that an insect of the diseased hordes eats whole and antennae from a skittering bug in Taelosia. I will also need you to make your way into the deserts of Ro and find a lonely merchant who sells a unique vial I require. Return all of these to me and you will find yourself able to walk a greater path.'

I then went farmed the 4 items over again and turned them in (again), only to have the Spirit Sentinel start all over with

Spirit Sentinel says, 'Ah so the Elder Spirit of Enlightenment has sent you to me. I do have a task for you if you wish to help the cause of the spirits across the lands. I have been charged with making an elixir that will aid the spirits for a time. Are you [interested] in aiding us?'

Has anyone else had an issue with this quest before? At this point, I would have been better off completely the entire Shaman 1.0 Epic, which is what I might do anyway, since I can't get a response back on my ticket in a timely manner. Thanks in advance..
I wondered about faction, but not sure why the NPC would respond to me each step of the way and advance the dialogue. I also didn't see anything about requiring a certain faction in the 1.5 pre-quest article here:


I may just go ahead and do the 1.0 all the way through, but it has it's own "gate" with the stupid spectral courier spawn in COM, so either way I'm going to be camping mobs (again) to move forward. The worst part is knowing how easy it was to get that stupid Mellian Leff drop right off the bat and then having to camp it again for half a day, only to be stuck at the same spot. Thanks for the response. I will update this thread if/when I hear back from support.
Discussion - Bug with Shaman 1.5 epic?

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