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Problem - Boy did I ever screw this up (1 Viewer)

Sep 23, 2015
So I was researching Viewport right? Ok I got this. So first I try changing display res in game, just to see what I like. And I found a couple that I liked. But one of the posts I read said that you had to match the res of your monitors if you want to use Viewport to allow Lua elements to be moved off of one monitor to another. So I matched the res for the monitors to 1920 X 1080 and then clicked on the box that Turns on Viewports. And then all hell broke lose. I use a Logitech G11 KB and I use the extra keys to swap out characters from one monitor to another (using ISBoxer). It usually works real nice. so I try swapping another toon over to my main monitor and all of a sudden that account or toon just ups and logs out. Toon is standing there in game (can see it from other toons) but I can't switch to it from alt tab or anything. I check Task Manager and I am missing 1 EQ instance. That's how I know it logged out. And then all the rest of the toons started logging out one after another. Nothing in the chat windows or anything, just gone. So I say to myself, Hmmm, that was weird. So I try my normal startup routine. So like I said before I have ISB and with ISB you get Innerspace. Well innerspace doesn't get talked about a whole lot but it is a key component for firing up your 6 man character sets along with autologin. Anyways all the toons start logging in as usual and as soon as the last one logs in, the first one disappears and then one by one they all disappear.

Man I am telling you, I can't win for losing sometimes. Something is seriously messed up and I have no idea where to start to try to fix it. I am writing this out of sheer frustration. Yeah, let's mess around with Viewport, no problem right? Wrong dumbass. Now I can't even play this stupid game right now and I am freaking out. Well not really but I have no idea where to start. I did manage to turn Viewports back off but then that toon auto logged out so I don't really know whether it took or not. That's as far as I got. Anyone run into this behavior before? Can anyone help a brother out? I will gladly take all the verbal abuse you can toss my way for being such a dumbass. (Bows head and waits for the ricochet) anyone remember that song?

Have you tried logging in without ISB or MQ? Then maybe try logging in with MQ only. Simply trying to narrow down the possibilities of what is causing the error/crash/camp behavoir.
Ok so I rebooted my PC and then started my Banker toon up. No ISB, and no MQ. Started up just fine and hasn't auto logged out yet. So some progress. So let's talk possibilities here. Would Viewports be causing this? If so would I find that setting in the Overlay.ini? Could it be ISB? I haven't changed the setup for this group, but that doesn't necessarily mean something couldn't have changed.

Since you use autologin, did you try logging in without ISB to rule that out?

I'm not sure if the viewport setting is in the overlay or just the macroquest.ini file as I have never used it. Maybe someone smarter than I will know the answer to that as it seems the best way to resolve your issue.

If you do regular backups, you would try moving both of those into your config directory to see if that resolves the issue as well.
Well I tried another group with ISB and MQ active and they displayed the same behavior as the original group. So that eliminates individual toons/accounts causing it. It has to be something either in the game itself or ISB or MQ that affects groups. I am going to look in the MQ ini files and see what's up.

Thanks Psy for taking the time to help, appreciate it.


Did you try just MQ (no ISB) out of curoisty? Would like to know if you find a solution.

I've never used the viewports but I am home now and logging in to turn it on and see if we can further diagnose the issue. I'm determined to find the setting outside of being in game to turn it off.
If you enabled viewport and this all started happening then why not just disable viewport. Anyone using ISB can tell you ISB causes fun (miserable) times with imgui windows. Like windows moving all over your screen as you swap between toons and such.
If it was on the mq2lua settings page of the mq settings window, then it is probably in the mq2lua configuration file.

edit: probably not mq2lua config since viewports applies to non-Lua imgui windows like the console and settings, maybe just macroquest.ini?

yea, MacroQuest.ini
I'm trying to be helpful with my post by saying this but get rid of ISBxr and just use MQ. It's much better and ISBxr is pretty lame . You get what you pay for with redguides and then some at $10/month . Seriously ISBOXR sucks so much ass. Good luck to you though my friend .
aquietone you are a genius...that did the trick. I did, indeed, have EnableViewports set to 1. Although when I went to fire up MQ from the Launcher I noticed that it had an update for it. I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but I am going with the stupid Viewport thing. I call it stupid because it saves me from calling myself stupid sheesh. Talk about learning a lesson here. Don't fuck around and find out.

Thanks Aqietone and Psy, much appreciated.


Understand your sentiments completely. I had a hell of a time getting ISB and Innerspace to work for me, but once I did they worked great. There no better way to have all 6 boxes on 2 monitors than with ISB. And the swapping is almost instantaneous. And I have been using it off and on for years now so I have just gotten used to it. And in this particular case it was MQ (well it was me being stupid) that was the culprit. But I don't think ISB plays very well with others either. (sigh)

aquietone you are a genius...that did the trick. I did, indeed, have EnableViewports set to 1. Although when I went to fire up MQ from the Launcher I noticed that it had an update for it. I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but I am going with the stupid Viewport thing. I call it stupid because it saves me from calling myself stupid sheesh. Talk about learning a lesson here. Don't fuck around and find out.

Thanks Aqietone and Psy, much appreciated.

I knew it was here somewhere! Glad aquietone chimed in for the save.
Problem - Boy did I ever screw this up

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